
What should a laptop owner buy. What do you need to know when buying a laptop? For maximum mobility

Are you going to buy a laptop and do not know which option to choose from on the market? Due to the huge selection of laptops from different manufacturers and models on the market, it is not so easy to choose the most suitable one.

It should be noted that if your knowledge base in the field of electronics is not very good, to put it mildly, then the question of how to choose a laptop and what to look for will be very difficult for you. To solve this problem, we suggest you use our recommendations. In this article, you will find out which laptop is right for work, and which one for playing games or watching movies.

First of all, you should not choose a laptop only by the brand name, focusing on its advertising and popularity, since a lot depends on its technical characteristics.

Choosing the right format

The very first step in choosing a laptop should be the choice of the screen diagonal. If you have not yet decided which diagonal will suit you, stop your eyes on the 15.6-inch model range. All of them have the greatest versatility, so they are perfect for both office work and for entertainment in the form of games, watching movies or photographs. This format belongs to the medium, in addition there are small-format models with a diagonal of 10-13 ″ and large-format (17-19 ″).

Previously, all these models were equipped with a CD reader, however, recently, in order to reduce the cost of their devices, many manufacturers have refused to install disc players in budget models.

As for the standard set of connectors, as a rule, laptops have 2-3 USB ports, D-Sub (VGA) and / or HDMI video outputs and an RJ45 network port.

In the case when you are thinking about how to choose a laptop for using it not only at home, but on business trips, at school, etc., it is better to look at models with a 13-inch screen. The dimensions of the device will allow you to carry it even in a regular bag. However, when such a format seems large to you, you can choose a smaller format model: 10.1 ″, 11.6 ″, 12.5 ″. These options are optimal for daily commuting and travel.

It should also be said that for the small size of the device, you may have to pay with low performance, weak "hardware" and inconvenience when using stationary.

The next format will be devices with a screen diagonal of the order of 17.3 ″, 18.4 ″ and more. This type of gadgets can rightfully be attributed to the most massive and heavy. Devices are mainly bought by companies for stationary office use. Due to their heavy weight and low autonomy, they are not suitable for moving over long distances, but the large screen diagonal is perfect for office work.

Based on the above, we can say that if the choice of a laptop is not based on your specific preferences, devices with a diagonal of 15 inches will be the most acceptable for you.

Families of laptops

Before choosing a laptop, you must also determine what tasks you need it for. To facilitate the selection of a device, their manufacturers divide laptops into families: multimedia, universal, gaming, business, ultrabooks. Typically, each family has laptops of various formats. Therefore, after your choice of screen diagonal, you can determine which laptop and from which family will suit you best for your tasks.

Laptops for movies and music

For multimedia notebooks, the characteristic striking design, including glossy surfaces, with a large number of colors and patterns). In addition, they have high functionality, which is enough to perform a wide range of tasks (watching videos, photos, listening to music, etc.).

As a rule, such models have a large number of configurations, and their cost can be completely different. As for the hardware part of the device, you will need an entry-level processor and a discrete graphics card to perform the simplest tasks.

Laptops for games

As for fans of computer games, their choice of a laptop should stop on a device with an advanced processor and a powerful video card, thanks to which they will be able to play their favorite games at the highest settings. These notebooks are characterized by a powerful cooling system, an optimized keyboard with durability, backlighting and additional options. In addition, they are equipped with high-quality gaming acoustics.

Laptops for work

Business notebooks, as a rule, do not have an expressive and calm design (matte surface, color of the case is gray or black, as well as strict outlines of the case). The vast majority of such devices lack additional multimedia elements (volume control and playback control). The emphasis in such devices is placed on the strength of the structure, which can withstand loads during constant operation. In addition, the devices are equipped with an ergonomic keyboard and a set of connectors for use in the corporate area.


As for ultrabooks, their main difference from other varieties is in high performance and excellent autonomy. They are thin with little weight. Today on the market there are models with diagonals from 11.6 to 15.6 inches. Laptops have an exquisite design, where inserts from carbon, glass and other materials are used. Practice shows that the main buyers of such laptops are wealthy people, people who want to show others their high position in society and respectability. However, it should be noted that thin device cases do not allow placing a discrete video card in them, therefore a built-in video accelerator is installed in the processor.

Universal laptops

In addition to these varieties, the market also has a wide range of universal laptops that can be equally used for both work and study, and you will decide for yourself which laptop to choose.

Laptop configurations

So, you have decided which laptop is good for you in terms of format and type of device, then you will need to decide on a specific hardware configuration. This is the most important step in choosing a laptop, since its power and speed will depend on the components inside the laptop.

Here you can go one of two ways: meticulously study the characteristics of modern laptops, or, if you have enough money, opt for the most expensive configuration. The second option will bring you a very powerful processor and a powerful graphics card. In addition, you will have the best large hard drive and a wide range of communication interfaces at your disposal.

True, everyone who does not have enough funds or is looking for a way to save money on buying a device should pay attention to a number of factors:


What type of processor is used in a laptop. At the moment, the most relevant processors on the market are Intel Core i5 or AMD A8. If your budget is tight, an Intel Core i3, Pentium, or Celeron, or AMD A2 / A4 is the way to go.

Video card

If a good processor accelerator from Intel or AMD is built into the video card, it will significantly reduce your money costs, and thanks to discrete adapters from ATI and NVIDIA, you can play games that require large resources.

WI-FI and Bluetooth

Are there wireless modules such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. As practice shows, almost every laptop is equipped with a Wi-fi module. As for Bluetooth, not every device can boast of its presence, but not all users need it either.

Connectors on a laptop

The presence of a large number of nests. You need to choose a device with the number of USB ports you need, as well as a card reader and HDMI for connecting to LCD TVs.

Operating system

Is the operating system installed on the laptop, and which one. It often happens that if a laptop belongs to the budget class, then often manufacturers install Linux or MS-DOS OS on it. This makes the cost of the device slightly lower. It's no secret that a licensed Windows OS costs a lot of money. And the installation of a pirated version of the software threatens with criminal liability, so few of the sellers of office equipment will go for this. The best option would be to buy a laptop without the Windows operating system installed and install it yourself after purchase.

The amount of RAM is very important, it should be said that there is never a lot of RAM, and the more RAM a device has, the faster it will work with various software. With insufficient RAM, neither a fast processor nor discrete graphics can help you out. Today, taking into account the large amount of different information, the minimum amount of RAM should be 4 GB. If, however, a laptop is bought for games, video processing or working with graphics, then it should at least be at least 8 GB.


The same applies to disk memory, because the larger your laptop's hard drive, the more information it can store. Therefore, the minimum amount of hard disk space should start at 250 GB. Typically, laptops with SSDs are much faster than their HDD counterparts, but they have a higher price tag and limited space.

Battery and battery life

Battery is another very important parameter to look out for when choosing the optimal laptop. This means that the more capacity it has, the longer the device will work, being away from the power source. True, the capacity of the battery greatly affects the weight of the equipment, and the larger it is, the heavier it is.

The type of matrix will also be important. True, the overwhelming majority of budget and mid-range models use TN + Film matrices with viewing angles of 90-160 °. Of course, the ideal option would be an IPS or MVA matrix (178 ° x178 °), but the first one is not so often seen, and the second one - its cost will be very high. The weak side of the TN + Film type matrix is ​​the small viewing angles, in contrast to IPS or MVA matrices 178 ° by 178 °, and also the fact that their quality can be very different. The advantage of IPS or MVA matrices is excellent color reproduction and full RGB color depth - 8 bits per channel (24 bits). This ensures a large number of colors and their shades, as well as increased brightness with contrast. Therefore, experts recommend that you test it thoroughly before buying any laptop in a store. For these purposes, ask the seller to show you various pictures on the screen. After that, turn off the laptop and after a 10-15 minute break, ask to run special software in order to check the matrix for dead pixels. For these purposes, you will carefully consider all the colors, but this is the only way you can identify dead pixels.

It is worth noting that if you are very fond of computer games and buy a laptop only for games, you would better take a closer look at desktop computers, since they have higher performance and a more acceptable cost.

Having looked through the most popular sites and online stores, after reading the comments of experts regarding a particular laptop model, you can easily decide on the most acceptable option. Moreover, regardless of your budget.

When choosing a laptop on the website of the online store, go to the laptops section and select only those parameters that are critical to you to begin with. For example, the diagonal and the minimum size of the hard drive. Such a filter will allow you to immediately remove from the display a product that does not fit your needs. After that, sort the products by popularity and rating, and read reviews and comments.

A laptop is an expensive thing, and therefore the first reason for buying a used laptop is to save money, because the price of such a device is usually 30-50% lower than that of a new one. However, a fly in the ointment can spoil a barrel of honey, and the savings will have to be spent on repairing the device. How to check a used laptop upon purchase in order to minimize the risk will be described in this article.


Before meeting with the seller, check with him if the warranty has expired. Having the possibility of free repairs and having overlooked several critical flaws, you do not have to worry, because repairs in this case are not your concern, the manufacturer or the seller will take care of it.

There is also such an option that the company selling used laptops is ready to provide a guarantee itself, but its period in this case will be short - 2-3 months. This time is quite enough to identify the main shortcomings if you are not well versed in the technique and cannot check it in a short time.

Cracks and chips

First of all, checking the laptop control unit should begin with its visual inspection. Chips and cracks indicate that the apparatus has been dropped or hit, which could damage internal components. A microcrack on the motherboard does not immediately manifest itself, but if it is present, after a couple of months of use, the laptop may fail.

If there is no serious damage, but the appearance of the case is spoiled by scratches, we can say that the seller handled his laptop carefully. No laptop can be protected from scratches, even if you always carry it in your bag.

How to check a used laptop when buying: the second step

Turn on your laptop and wait for Windows to load. Press lightly on the main body of the laptop, or try bending it slightly. Similar steps should be taken with respect to the screen lid. If the laptop has been used carelessly, the contacts from the boards may come off. In this case, the device will freeze or a few dead pixels will appear on the screen.

A dead pixel is a black dot on the monitor. It looks like this because it does not display one or more gamut colors. If such a dot is located at the edge of the screen, it is unlikely to interfere with comfortable work. Even new cheap laptops can have a few dead pixels, and manufacturers do not hide this. On the contrary, they declare that 3-5 black dots on the matrix are the norm, more is a marriage.

If a crystal has lost its properties due to careless use, it is highly likely that new black dots will regularly appear next to it.

Since you can check the used laptop when buying it using special programs, it is worth downloading one of them to a USB flash drive, at the same time it will be possible to find out if the USB ports are damaged. The application will fill the screen with different colors, and the user only needs to look at the screen to notice the flaw.

Accumulator battery

Connect the charger to your laptop. Take a look at the tray icons. The operating system should notify the user that the computer is connected to the network. If an informational message about the need to replace the battery pops up in the lower right corner of the screen, it means that it has served its life, and there is no need to wait for a long battery life.

Now unplug the laptop and work on the laptop. It is advisable to find out the actual operating time of the device when powered by a battery. If the computer shuts down when the OS says it is 20 percent or more, the battery will need to be replaced soon.

Pay attention to the indicator in the tray, if after disconnecting the charger from the machine its indication does not change, it is likely that the socket in the laptop is faulty. If, after connecting the device to the mains, the charge does not start immediately or after some time it stops until you move the connector, then the computer needs repair.

Keyboard and touchpad

When giving advice when buying a laptop, you cannot ignore such important things as the keyboard and touchpad. And if the latter can be easily replaced with a mouse, then replacing the keyboard will require special skills.

Open a text editor. It is best not to use hotkeys, but launch it from the Start menu. Thus, it just turns out to check how well the touchpad works. In a notebook, you should first type each letter, and then try to type the text. Do not forget to check the numbers and buttons "TAB", "ENTER", "SPACE", "DEL", "HOME", "END", "PG_DOWN", "PG_UP".

To test other buttons, use the standard Windows keyboard shortcut set.

Laptop for gaming

The VU gaming laptop, among other things, needs a cooling system check. This operation can be performed using special software, but it is much easier to install and run any "heavy" game.

If, after 10-20 minutes of operation in this mode, the computer starts to malfunction or turns off, then the cooling system is not doing its job. Too hot air blown out of the laptop by the cooler also indicates a malfunction. Be careful, cheap ones are often sold due to overheating.

Listen to the fan noise. During its operation, there should be no rattling or rattling sound. Just a strong hum indicates that the radiators will have to be cleaned after purchase. This is a rather complex operation that requires special skills and knowledge; to complete it, the computer will have to be sent to a service center for several days, which will lead to an additional waste of money.


One of the simplest tests is the sound check. Take along a USB stick with a variety of music tracks and try playing them on your player. If there is no sound, there are two options - missing drivers or "hardware" malfunction. In the first case, exclamation marks will be displayed in the device manager opposite one or more items.


This article described how to check a used laptop upon purchase. I must say that the above is general and incomplete information. There are many more details that may require close attention. If you do not possess the knowledge and skills at least at the level of an advanced user, the risk of buying a device with a flaw is very high. In this case, you are playing the lottery.

Modern life trends dictate new rules, and now the best assistant for most of us is a laptop. Therefore, it is very important to choose for yourself a really high-quality and suitable device for all requirements.

In this article, we will try to give practical advice on how to choose a worthy portable friend for yourself. The main characteristics of laptops will not be ignored, since it is almost impossible to choose a laptop correctly and at the same time ignore the parameters.

For convenience and quick transition, a summary is given:

Laptop manufacturer

Such a characteristic as a laptop manufacturer does not prevail when choosing. This follows from the fact that almost all laptop manufacturers do not have any distinctive characteristics regarding the hardware, as they use identical products from well-known manufacturers of video cards, processors, hard drives and other components. The only thing that remains with the manufacturer is the organization of a good cooling system, high-quality assembly, proper appearance of the device and a very small list of other trifles. Therefore, you can safely choose from all well-known manufacturers: Apple, Sony, Lenovo, Asus, HP, Acer, Samsung, DELL, etc. Concerning Apple and Sony, this is a rather controversial issue, since they are lovers of increasing value "per brand", but the quality is also appropriate. A well-known and reliable grant is the Asus company, with very affordable prices for products for the mass consumer.

Before choosing a particular model, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with reviews and user reviews, so as not to run into an unsuccessful model in terms of cooling or build quality. Unsuccessful models and even rulers slip through all manufacturers without exception.

Choosing a laptop 2013. Hardware characteristics

When choosing a laptop, hardware specifications are the most important and difficult factor. First of all, you need to discard all aesthetic tastes and focus on the insides of the device in order to weed out all inappropriate models.

Before evaluating the hardware characteristics of a device, you need to give a clear answer to the question: why do you need a laptop. That is, to give him an assessment in terms of positioning. It is possible to arrange the gradation of laptops according to many parameters, but conventionally it is better to single out several basic ones in terms of performance:

  • Entry level performance. Positioned for working with text, watching videos, simple games and other similar types of tasks. Their main advantage is their low price;
  • Average performance level. Such laptops can already perform more resource-intensive tasks; to the above tasks, you can add the ability to play most games at medium settings, the ability to work comfortably in some graphics packages, which, as a result, makes it more suitable for replacing a home PC. Their price is slightly higher than that of entry-level performance notebooks, but there are much more options;
  • High level of performance. This includes expensive laptops that can show fairly high performance in demanding games and programs. Such laptops can become almost a full-fledged replacement for a home PC, but of course with a number of disadvantages.

So, we have completed the conditional gradation. The important thing to be aware of here is that entry-level laptops will prove to be a very acceptable option for some, and for some even mid-range laptops will not be enough. Therefore, we go directly to the hardware characteristics, so that everyone can simulate the necessary device for themselves.

Choosing a processor for a laptop

Choosing the right processor is the key to success. We will not go too far into the jungle of specific models, but will briefly talk about the main series.

It is worth noting that the processor in any system is responsible for computing performance, that is, to a greater extent for the operation of programs aimed at this. For example, with a more powerful processor, it will be much faster to unpack files, convert videos, any types of encoding, the work of almost all types of programs (processing time in them) depends on the processor. Now, regarding specific lines from leading manufacturers AMD and Intel:

  • If you need a laptop for undemanding tasks, then you should choose among Intel lines - Celeron, Pentium, or at worst Atom. In some cases, you can pay attention to Intel Core i3 from those that are less productive and cheaper in price. If the processor is from AMD, then here we look at the Trinity A4, AMD E, AMD C series. Both Intel and AMD products look good in this class.
  • When it comes to the middle class of laptops, here under our gaze from Intel processors come: again, Intel Core i3 and some of the not very productive Intel Core i5, affordable. From AMD: Trinty A6, A8 and occasionally A10. Phenom is not recommended.
    In this class, it is recommended to take a closer look at AMD Trinity processors, especially in conjunction with a video card from AMD. These notebooks offer the best performance in their class for a reasonable price. So if you want a cheap gaming laptop, AMD Trinity is for you. But do not create illusions about these processors: they will show the best gaming performance for their price, but not exorbitant and are suitable only for average games.
  • Gradually, we got to the class of high-performance laptops, here we will demand the very best from Intel and AMD. Unfortunately, AMD in this class practically cannot oppose anything to its competitor (the maximum is A10, and then it will not be entirely correct here). From the Intel series, these are the top-end Intel Core i5 and i7. A powerful gaming laptop on these processors is a rather controversial thing. Oftentimes, it's best to complete a desktop and buy a mediocre laptop. It won't be much more for the price, but you will have both frantic desktop gaming performance and good laptop portability.

But if you are serious about buying a gaming laptop and expect decent performance from it, then look at the models from $ 1200. At the same time, everything must be balanced, and the main thing here is– powerful discrete graphics card.

Laptop Graphics Card - Integrated or Discrete?

To select a video card for a laptop, again, you need to build on the positioning classes. If the tasks for a laptop are not high in relation to gaming performance: simple games, watching movies and listening to music, as well as working in simple programs (text editors, etc.), then an integrated (built into the processor) video card will be enough for you ... Therefore, for the budget and mid-range, AMD Trinity-based laptops are very good. AMD Trinity processors have the most powerful integrated graphics, they have no equal in terms of integrated graphics. As a result, in the price range up to $ 600-700, it is better to give preference to the integrated graphics of these processors, but, again, if the tasks are mainly not gaming, but computing, then in some variations the integrated graphics from Intel will also be acceptable.

Climbing into the slightly more expensive middle segment of $ 700-1200, we can already talk about discrete video cards. Here, in terms of graphics, the AMD A10 + video card Radeon HD 7670 will look good and will be available. In this case, the operation of both the integrated video card and the discrete one will be implemented in joint mode using Dual Graphics. This bundle will be good for graphical loads (games, movies in high quality, etc.). If you need more computing performance, then some discrete video from Nvidia with CUDA, paired with an Intel processor will look better here.

Moving into the segment of high-performance laptops from $ 1200 and far upwards, we completely forget about integrated graphics - there is no place for it here. Of the high-performance laptops, Dell Alienware can be noted, but there is too much pathos, for which they want to rip off a very large sum. But the characteristics are impressive: two HD7990M video cards in Cross Fire mode.

There are also less pretentious, cheaper models. It is desirable that a graphics card is installed in them in terms of performance somewhere GTX650M and higher, otherwise it will not even be possible to parody a comfortable game and work in applications that are demanding on graphic resources.

Other hardware specifications

The rest of the hardware characteristics of the laptop include the amount of RAM and the amount of hard drive.« RAM is never too much» - from this it follows that it is worth choosing models with a large amount of RAM on board. But if we arrange a gradation by class, then the following dependence can be distinguished:

  • For entry-level notebooks, 2-4 GB will suffice;
  • For mid-range notebooks, 6 GB of RAM will be quite optimal (if there are no specific tasks present);
  • For high performance notebooks, 6-8 GB or more is required.

If we talk about the volume of the hard disk, then everything here is purely individual. One will be enough and 250 GB, and the other - 750 GB will not be enough. But, as the golden mean, you can call the volume of 500 GB.

Display selection

When choosing a display, you should, again, build on the positioning of the laptop. When it comes to the diagonal, the golden mean is exactly 15.6 inches, such laptops can boast of both ease of use in stationary conditions and good portability. If the bias goes to portability, then you should take a closer look at the 10-13 inch models. If you plan to buy a desktop laptop for the home, then you can raise the bar to 17 or 19 inches.

Resolution will be important here. It would seem that the higher the resolution, the better. But not everything is clear here, especially in the case of laptops with weak hardware. If an entry-level laptop (in terms of hardware characteristics) will work with a display resolution of 1920 × 1080, then its graphics subsystem (which most likely represents an integrated graphics) will simply die, even while watching movies in high quality. Therefore, balance is very important here. If this is an entry-level laptop, then with a diagonal of 15.6 inches, a resolution of 1366x768 pixels is quite the best option.

For mid-range laptops, you can swing at 1600x900, but 1366x768 is also a good option, in this case the hardware filling will reveal itself even more effectively.

For the class of high-performance gaming and home laptops, it is reasonable to select a resolution of 1600x900 and higher, that is, you can swing at Full HD - 1920x1080, since the hardware allows it to be "pulled".

Displays with IPS-matrices have the best image quality, so it is preferable to select laptops with such displays. But if in budget options you come across other types of matrices, you should not "twist your nose". Now any of the matrices have a fairly good image quality.

Extra options

Additional factors include the weight and dimensions of the device. This is worth paying close attention to when choosing a laptop. For some, the battery life of the device will be the most important parameter. This characteristic is best judged by reviews and reviews of various laptop models, since the developers do not always provide objective information regarding this parameter.

There should also be a standard set of interfaces for communication with the outside world - Wi-Fi, USB, 3G, a sufficient number of USB ports, for some quite specific interfaces are useful, such as Thunderbolt, which is used mainly in Apple laptops. Here, too, everything is purely individual, and it is necessary, according to the characteristics, to determine what you need and what not.


It remains to summarize all of the above. Of course, all the parameters and nuances of choosing a laptop could not be described. The most important thing is to clearly define for yourself the tasks of the future laptop, soberly assess your budget for the purchase and the capabilities of laptops in this price range. These factors are the key to a successful purchase.

Good luck with your laptop! If you have any questions of your choice, you can leave them in the comments.

How to choose a laptop to suit all your needs? Or simply not to be mistaken in choosing a price-quality ratio?

Notebook- a self-sufficient computer and a mistake in choosing will be more painful than choosing a separate component for a home computer.

With the help of this guide, you will learn all the necessary characteristics that you should pay attention to when choosing a laptop. Also, this article will help you not to overpay money for the functions you do not need, and possibly tell you what you can painlessly save on in your case.

Laptop is selected for different purposes... Especially priority ones: long battery life, home computer replacement(or as a second computer), for multimedia(movies, music) or just All in one*.

* all in one

Laptop for work and travel , must combine such characteristics as: large working hours on battery, low heat release, good display, strong construction and wear resistance, compact size, extended communication opportunities.

A laptop as a replacement for a home computer and for stationary use, it must have such characteristics as: a large display, a variety of communication ports, a comfortable keyboard, a good processor and video card, a capacious hard drive and a lot of RAM.

Laptop for multimedia tasks - must combine such things as: a large and high-quality display, a productive processor (for playing movies in HD), a good sound system and a capacious hard disk.

AllIn One quite rare examples that combine all the characteristics from these categories, thanks to the competent power management and the overall thoughtfulness of the laptop design. They often have a video subsystem from two video cards(built-in and discrete), which can greatly increase the battery life of the laptop. These notebooks are equipped with processors that have advanced technologies to reduce power consumption when running on battery power. As a rule, they have rechargeable batteries with used O more sections and increased capacity.

All-in-one notebook by Asus:

High-quality display, advanced communication options (including a variety of ports), high-quality finishing materials, interesting design, a well-thought-out system for exhausting hot air - all this also applies to this class of laptops.

The only drawback of this versatility is their price... Not everyone is ready to part with so much money if most of the opportunities are not used.

Let's start with the manufacturers.

Laptop manufacturers .

The quality of the installed components and the durability of the laptop depend on the manufacturer. Even if they are identical in content. After all, it is the manufacturer who thinks over everything, from the cooling system to the quality of the display and the Bios firmware.

A very good indicator of the quality of a laptop is if the manufacturer also produces motherboards, cooling systems, displays or possibly other electronic components ( ASUS, MSI , Toshiba, Sony, Samsung other). In such laptops, in most cases, you can be sure that most of the filling and cooling systems are well thought out. It is also worth paying attention to the manufacturer's experience in the production of laptops, but this is not a guarantee of quality. Some manufacturers produce poor quality products very consistently.

Also, each manufacturer has its own peculiarities which are often used in laptops of all price categories. For example: attractive appearance and high-quality display (Sony); not easily soiled, scratch-resistant glossy case (Asus); better reception (Lenovo); non-heating keyboard (Asus) and so on.


If you want to sit at your laptop for more than 2 hours a day, then you should make sure that the laptop uses a high-quality display. This is also worth considering if you are working with graphics or just want high-quality color reproduction and wide viewing angles.

In these cases, you should look towards laptops with matrices. They provide accurate color reproduction and high viewing angles. You can read about the types of matrices in our material:

Now there is a tendency to release displays for laptops only with, when instead of cold cathode lamps, backlighting is used. This allows the laptop's top cover to be significantly thinner and significantly reduces power consumption.

On the one hand, this is significant reduces energy consumption, increases the brightness level and makes the laptop cover much thinner... On the other hand, there is more light from the diodes irritates eyes, due to a more unusual light for the eye, and a lower flicker frequency than a classic backlight (cold cathode lamp). However, there are still more advantages and they are much more significant for a mobile device. Therefore, laptops are increasingly used LED display backlight.

Another important factor for the possibility of long-term work at the laptop, without eye strain is the matte display. Many are often faced with a choice - matte or glossy.

The only plus of the glossy display is a sharper picture and slightly more vibrant colors.

Of the minuses - very strong soiled(your prints will last for a long time); glare which all the time make the eyes focus on different points, which inevitably leads to faster fatigue; the worst viewing angles(again due to glare); inability to work if there is bright source Sveta.

Hardware or internal filling of the laptop.

Availability powerful(multicore, with high frequency) processor primarily affects: the overall speed of the OS and its interface, video encoding, the speed of working with photos, archiving, painless launch of several applications at the same time, an increase in performance in games and other applications that depend on processor resources. You can read about the choice of processor in our material:

It should also be noted that in laptopsnot used logic sets on IntelAtom... If you are looking for just this, it is. Which, although it will faithfully serve for Internet surfing, office applications and at the same time keep charging for a long time, it is not capable of more (there are, of course, exceptions, but they are always very close in price to a full-fledged laptop).

It's always better to get a full-fledged budget laptop than an expensive netbook. After all, even the weakest, full-fledged dual-core processor (the same Celeron CULV 1.2Ghz), will be more powerful than the most powerful 2-core Atom with technology Hyper-Threading.

If you are going to periodically use your laptop for games, encoding music and video, watching high-definition video ( HD), work in Photoshop and other graphics programs, then in any case you cannot do with built-in graphics solutions from Intel (X 3100, Intel GMA****, 4500HD etc).

For such purposes, it is necessary to have discrete(not built into the chipset, with its own video memory) from manufacturers such as AMD and NVidia... This is a guarantee that your laptop will play without problems HD-video, have good performance in graphic editors ( Photoshop, Flash etc.) and feel good in modern games (depending on the video card model and graphics settings). At least the games from 2 years ago, in any case, will be within his power.

Quantity- first of all, it affects the speed of work of simultaneously running applications and the speed of work, loading the OS.

Lack of RAM ( RAM) can lead to slow operation of the OS, "sluggish" execution of "orders" and brakes in games due to constant access to the swap file. As you know, there is never a lot of RAM, but still, if you don't have enough in the future, its amount can be expanded by simply adding memory modules, if the laptop's chipset allows it.

RAM- practically the only component other than a hard drive that can be replaced in a laptop. Sometimes you can change the video card, but with a similar one in terms of characteristics. The laptop processor is rarely replaceable, as it is often soldered directly to the laptop motherboard. Although recently there has been a tendency to place processors in mobile sockets and this is very good.

About hard disk space and the presence or absence of things like CD-Rom, I think everything is clear and at your personal discretion. The more disk space the better. In terms of speed characteristics, mobile hard drives differ by a maximum of 10%.

A huge plus, if in a laptop, a hard drive is used as a system disk and in addition to it. Or the only one SSD high volume storage device. The use of solid-state drives significantly increases the speed of loading and operating the OS. The response time, installation of programs and unpacking of archives is reduced.

Communication capabilities.

Almost any laptop has a module. Exists several standards this wireless connection. The more standards supported, the more chance your laptop will catch almost anywhere in the coverage area. Typically, standards switch themselves, depending on the type of access point equipment.

Existing standards: 802.11a/b/g/i/n... Usually enough b and g standards, but availability 802.11n adopted in 2009 d - welcomed.

It's also nice to have on board ( 4G) or 3 G module.

Networks at these frequencies have a very large coverage areas but you need to have a subscription to them anyway (no free cheese). If in your city and your region, where you would like to use a laptop, there are no networks Wi —Max or 3G, then you should not buy a laptop with their support (the margin is about 3-5 tr). And do not despair if these modules are not provided in the laptop. There are a lot of inexpensive external 3G/4G modems connected via.

When carrying your laptop over distances of more than 100m, use laptop bags with safety framework... They really save laptops in some cases.

That's all. We hope you choose a laptop that meets all your needs.

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