
How to completely remove Mozilla Firefox from the system. How to remove Mozilla Firefox completely from your computer? Browser smear removal program

Although muff is considered one of the best web browsers, there are times when it gets overwhelmed.

It is impossible to neutralize it in the usual way. In principle, it is possible, but not desirable. What is the correct way to completely uninstall the mozilla firefox browser?

If mozilla firefox is running, close it. Also, see if the workflow is still there - otherwise, you won't be able to delete it in the standard way.

Standard way to uninstall mozilla firefox

To uninstall the mozilla firefox browser, open and locate, more precisely, click the Programs and Features option.

Select it (by pressing the right mouse button) and at the very top click on the option - delete.

In general, the standard method is not bad, although it has one drawback - it leaves trash. To prevent this from happening in the future, I recommend the best option, and use it not only to remove browsers, but all other applications, regardless of whether it is windows 7, vista, XP or windows 8.

The universal way to remove moss

To use the best option for removing smear (mozilla firefox), you need to go and download the special. program. It is free and in Russian (INSTRUCTIONS ATTACHED). Installation also does not require special knowledge.

What are the benefits of uninstalling mozilla firefox using the standard method? When you download, install and run this program, you will see all the applications of your computer right in it.

You just need to select mozilla firefox and click uninstall at the top. This is only half the job. After removing the browser itself, the "search" option will appear at the bottom. Click on it and the program will find all the "tails" on its own.

You just need to check the boxes (click select all) and click - delete. That's all - the program will independently clean the garbage from the registry, as a result of which the trash will not be collected, as a result, the computer's performance will not decrease either. Good luck.

If an application is incorrectly removed from the computer, this may lead to problems in the further use of the system. In particular, if you do not completely uninstall Firefox, errors may occur when you reinstall the browser. How to uninstall Firefox correctly?

Not always the standard uninstallation procedure available in the installed operating system actually completely erases all data of the required application. For example, in the case of Firefox, there are a few additional steps you need to take before uninstalling Firefox completely.

Recently, after an update and some experimentation with "deep customization", my Firefox started to "glitch". The usual troubleshooting methods (reboot, reinstallation, system rollback) did not help, so I decided to completely remove the browser from the system and reinstall it.

After archiving passwords and bookmarks (thanks to MozBackup), I got to work. However, as it turned out, Firefox is not as simple as it seems - even after deleting folders from user directories, problems persisted.

After some searching, a solution was found, of course.

How to completely uninstall Firefox

1. Make a backup of your bookmarks and passwords.
It is not recommended to make a backup copy of something else because you can import old problems along with the necessary data.

2. Removing old cache and cookies from Firefox.
You can delete cookies as follows. In the tab menu "Instruments" click on the item "Settings".

In the window that opens, select the item "Privacy" (1). Then press the button "Show all cookies" (2).

In the opened window Cookies (3) press the button " Delete all cookies" (4).

To clear the cache, you should also use the Firefox settings: "Tools" - "Options"- go to item "Additional" (1) and in it - on the tab "Network" (2). Now, to delete the cache, you need to click the " Clear now" (3) .

There is also another way. On the menu "Instruments" you can select the item Erase Recent History.

A window will open "Clearing all history".

By clicking on the check mark next to the inscription Details (1), you can see a list of history items that you can delete. Check the box next to the items "Cookies and Cash" (2) and click on the button "Clear now" (3).

3. Then you can go to uninstall Firefox using standard Windows procedure : using the utility « Programs and Features» (on Windows Vista or 7), or Start - "Control Panel" - « Installation and removal of programms" (1)(on Windows XP).

In the list of installed programs that opens, select Mozilla Firefox. After that, you must press the button "Delete" (2).

4. It will start uninstall wizard Mozilla Firefox.

In the uninstall wizard window, click the button "Further",

To remove Firefox completely with all existing bookmarks, saved passwords and other personal data, you must check the box « Delete personal data, profiles and settings from my Firefox»,

and then click on the button "Delete". After that, the process of uninstalling the program will be initialized.

If at the same time one or more windows of the Mozilla Firefox browser are still open, then the wizard will offer to close them... The uninstallation process cannot be completed if the windows remain open.

To complete the Firefox removal process, click the " Ready".

5. To remove Firefox add-ons and extensions necessary manually delete the folder containing Firefox components. By default, this folder is located:

C: // Program Files (x86) / Mozilla Firefox (64-bit)

C: // Program Files / Mozilla Firefox (32-bit)

6. The user's personal profile contains data such as bookmarks, passwords, cookies.

To remove Firefox completely, the user's personal profile must also be deleted. By default, the profile data is located in the following folder:

C: \ Documents and Settings \ Username \ Application Data \ Mozilla \ Firefox \ Profiles \

(or C: // users // AppData / Local / Mozilla / Firefox / Profiles - in Windows Vista or 7)

Also you need to delete the profiles.ini file - by default it is located in the following folder:

C: //users//AppData/Roaming/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles.ini

7. Delete the following directories (if they are):

On Windows XP:

\ Documents and Settings \\ Application Data \ Mozilla
\ Documents and Settings \\ Local Settings \ Application Data \ Mozilla

- In Windows Vista or 7:

\ Users \\ AppData \ Local \ Mozilla
\ Users \\ AppData \ Roaming \ Mozilla \

Where is the username.

On this question, how to uninstall Mozilla Firefox from your computer, you could close, however, in some cases, after removing this browser, some information about the program still remains in the registry. This can cause problems if you plan to reinstall Firefox in the future.

8. The final step is advanced PC users usually manually delete unnecessary registry keys Firefox.

This should be done with extreme caution!

Using Registry editor (Start - Run - Regedit) , remove the following items:

To delete, right-click on the selected item in the left pane of the Registry Editor and select « Delete»

After that, the complete removal of Firefox can be considered complete.

I have to report that I didn't have some of these registry keys, but everything worked fine. After following this instruction and installing a new Mozilla Firefox, all problems disappeared.

If for some reason you decide to uninstall Mozilla Firefox, then we will help you do it. The reasons, in fact, may be different, but one of the most common is. Then a complete removal and installation from scratch is required. But it may also be that the person just decided to change the browser to another.

It is very important to delete the browser correctly so that there are no "schemas" left of it. Otherwise, in the future, when reinstalling, they can lead to various kinds of errors and program bugs. And they can simply slow down the operation of a computer, especially if the computer does not have outstanding technical characteristics.

Removing the program itself

Now let's get down to the instructions themselves. And at the first stage, we need to remove the browser program itself. To do this, do the following:

We clean the registry from Firefox

Of course, we deleted the Mozilla program, but do not rush to close this article, so you need to do some more steps in order to remove the tails that remained after it.

To do this, we need to go to Start, enter in the search bar: Run (or just press the Win + R keys.

Then, in the window that opens, enter into the line “ Regedit”. This will open the registry editor, which we will use to delete the remaining files.

In the registry editor, we need to find the following folders and delete them. These folders can be found in the specified paths (column on the left):

  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ MozillaPlugins
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Mozilla

All these folders must be deleted, if they are not there, then nothing needs to be deleted. If you don't want to search manually, then just write the paths in the search. Go to the tab “ Edit"And open the link" Search”, Where enter the directory address.

And in order to finally get rid of all temporary files, there is one more thing that needs to be done. Namely:

That's it, you have completely removed Firefox from your computer. You can reinstall it and not be afraid that there will be some errors.

Users of Mozilla for Android or for phone can easily uninstall the browser, since these systems have a convenient tool for quickly removing programs. Personal computers and their systems are much more complex, so a number of additional steps must be taken to completely remove the program.

It is important to know how to uninstall Firefox completely, as an uninstalled program or its "remnants" can significantly slow down the system, as well as interfere with your work and daily tasks. If you don't need a browser, then uninstall it correctly!

Removing Firefox from Windows systems

Each version of the Windows operating system is not much different, except for the visual component, so this algorithm is applicable to any OS. First click "Start" and then "Control Panel".

In the open window, you should find the "Programs and Features" button. After clicking on it, a window will appear in which all installed programs on your personal computer will be displayed. Find and then click on it. The next step is to press the "Delete" button, which is located at the top of the window.

Then a special program will be launched that will be responsible for removing the browser. Follow its instructions so that the program is completely uninstalled. In general, all your steps will consist in sequential pressing of the Next button.

In the end, you will need to clear all data stored in the browser folders. Their addresses in the Windows system are as follows:

  • 32-bit Windows: C: \ Program Files \ Mozilla Firefox.
  • 64-bit: C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Mozilla Firefox.

Deleting user data

Unfortunately, after such deletion, some of your personal data is still saved in the computer memory. To completely remove them, you need to follow a few additional steps:

  • Open the "Start" tab;
  • Search the system for "% APPDATA%";
  • Select Mozilla and remove it;

After that, traces of the browser will not remain on the computer!

In some cases, it is necessary to remove the Mozilla Firefox browser from your computer. This can be done using native Windows tools, as well as using special programs such as.

How to remove Mozila from a computer using a standard tool

To uninstall Mozilla Firefox from your computer using your own Windows tools, you need to launch the Control Panel and go to the Uninstall Programs item.

How to completely uninstall Mozilla Firefox

Find Mozilla Firefox and click on it. The word will appear at the top Delete, click on it and after a few seconds the Mozilla Firefox Uninstall Wizard will start in which you need to click on the Next button and uninstall. However, such deletion will not delete all folders that were once created by the browser. To remove Mozilla Firefox completely from your computer and at the same time all the folders it once created were deleted, as well as to remove all keys and registries, you need to use a special program.

How to uninstall Firefox completely via Revo Uninstaller

Revo Uninstaller is one of the best programs that can completely remove Firefox from your computer.

How to remove Mozila completely from your computer

Launch the program, find Mozilla Firefox, click on it and click on the Uninstall button. A browser uninstaller window will open with which you will need to remove the browser from your computer. Then in the window titled Performing initial analysis and deletion you need to press the button Scan... The computer will scan the hard drive for some time for the presence of folders, files and registries associated with the browser.

How to completely remove Mozilla from your computer

When the scan is over, everything will be displayed in the window and you only need to mark what you want to delete and then click the Delete button and the Finish button. This completes the complete removal of Firefox from your computer and you can close Revo Uninstaller.
If Mozilla is not removed, then you will need to open the task manager, select Mozilla Firefox and remove the task, and then remove it.


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