
Traffic from VKontakte applications to the page. Vkontakte traffic. Hashtags - free traffic

It will not be possible to increase the traffic of the resource without good advertising. But attracting an audience with targeting requires serious financial investments (payment for each click or impression). Is it possible to promote a group on a social network and attract traffic to your site without spending money on advertising?

My name is Dmitry, I am promoting the architectural and construction portal and the VKontakte group “Country construction, house projects”. I managed to solve all the tasks set using a special bot application.

Initial data for promotion

Attracting customers from your own VKontakte group is the easiest solution. The resource is ideal for directing traffic from the community to your site. We will analyze the procedure for promoting the site on the construction topic.

The algorithm is easily adaptable to any topic, product or service. Initial data of my project:

A relatively small group in VK - just over 150 people;

The main direction: construction, near-construction topics;

Setting up the application allowed me to increase the audience from 191 people to 1,838.

He set himself the following tasks:

  • increasing activity within the group (likes, comments) and increasing the number of subscribers;
  • ensuring a constant flow of visitors to the information site from the community through the posted links.

Difficulties at the first stage:

  • small number of group members;
  • lack of funds for promotion.

On the Internet, you can find many special bot applications for VK. The most popular: BroBot, BotVK, Sobot. I opted for the latter for a number of reasons: simple interface, no downtime. The most important advantage of Sobot is an impressive set of features for promotion.

Stage I: search for the target audience

It is important to correctly determine the category of potential customers (age, gender). What methods did I use:

  • conducted a survey among his friends and their acquaintances;
  • generated statistical data based on comments on various specialized resources;
  • analyzed the activities of competitors.

It is important to correctly determine the target audience of the site. For example, the topic of repair is interesting for men aged 25 to 55 years. Parsing (collection) of information about the target audience was carried out using Sobot.

Work algorithm:

  • log into your account;
  • select the "functions" item;
  • find the section "parsing groups" and set the switch to On mode;

  • determine the main parameters of the task and click "continue";

  • the application starts collecting information;

  • after completion, the user will receive a message on the screen.

To get started, I just entered keywords and a link to my Vkontakte community. After parsing I set up Sobot. It is not possible to spend 12-17 hours a day on social networks on your own.

I used the Sobot app to promote the group. In automatic mode, the program:

  • put likes;
  • made reposts;
  • sent friend requests;
  • left comments;
  • published notes;
  • post information in groups.

Stage II: attracting the attention of the audience

Like showed good results. Before starting the task, it is important to analyze the audience of your own group. I had to work on filling:

  • acquired high-quality text content;
  • changed the design;
  • added portfolio.

If the requirements are not met, the account may be blocked.

I set up the program to put likes on 300 accounts per day. More coverage is undesirable as blocking may follow. 15-20% of this number, according to statistics compiled on the basis of logs from Sobot and the VK group, went to the profile page and promoted information site.

It is important to set the CA parameters correctly:

Stage III: friend request

A large number of subscribers will increase the attendance of the group. Used the functions: “invitations to friends”, “accepting applications to friends”. All this is available in the "tasks" section.

It is important to proceed with caution. An account that is too active may be blocked. This happened to me several times. It must be remembered that the term depends on the number of bans:

  • the first - unlocking is possible immediately;
  • the second - in a day;
  • the third - the administration gives a ban for a week;
  • fourth - two weeks.

The fifth block is permanent. It is no longer possible to register an account on this phone. Properly configuring the bot will avoid problems and downtime.

The nuances of work: proxy server and captcha

A proxy server is a remote PC that has a different IP address from the user's computer. I have set different proxies for my primary and secondary accounts. This allowed me to avoid blocking later on:

  • find the "proxy" section;
  • click on the "add" button.

You can automate captcha entry:

  • open "settings" and find the "captcha" section;
  • we set up services, the number of entries per day.

There are many different captcha automation services on the Internet. I liked Rucapcha the most. Against the background of the rest, the resource has a number of advantages:

Does not “hang” with a high load on the service;

Cost - especially relative to foreign analogues;

Quick captcha entry.

I registered on the site Work begins by clicking on the "quick start". Previously I tried to use Antigate - the high cost pushed me away (30-40 rubles for 1,000 images). For comparison: in RuCaptcha 1,000 captchas will cost only 10 rubles. There are complaints about the stability of the Antigate service. It is worth noting: in Sobot, it is RuCaptcha that comes first. Which speaks of its greater demand.

Today, no one doubts that the social network Vkontakte is an excellent source of traffic. And often cheaper than with a search. Therefore, we will not convince you why this is for you, but we will immediately get down to business.

3 Vkontakte business presence strategies.

  1. PR is a channel. Visitors are offered free branded content, mostly of an entertaining nature. There are no sales involved here. The main goal is audience loyalty to the brand. A prime example of that approach is the BMW branded community.
  2. Online store within a social network. The sale of goods is carried out by the administration of the community within the group. Mostly small businesses use this strategy because of the simplicity and the ability to quickly start.
  3. Community - traffic donor. A model used by many online stores, especially the big players in the market. A characteristic, and probably the most successful example, is the group. It is this approach that we are going to talk about today. It consists in creating a group of people loyal to your brand, who are subsequently converted into buyers.

Before using this model, make sure that your site has a good conversion rate, otherwise you are better off selling within the social network.

VK group tasks for an online store.

And now let's figure out what such a community can give in relation to specific business tasks. Any group is created by the owner to address certain issues. The most popular of which are:

Getting targeted traffic to the site. The most obvious function, which also brings direct profit. This is achieved by creating posts in the community with product reviews, promotions, etc., where links leading to the site are inserted.

Customer communication tool. Before deciding to buy something, a person often has a lot of questions. And he wants to ask them directly to the seller, and not to look for information in the text. The VK community is a great solution to a similar problem. A potential buyer can write a comment on the product or contact the administrator directly in private messages.

Retain loyal customers and encourage repeat sales. Experts in website promotion on the Internet advise how the most reliable way to get targeted traffic is to motivate visitors to bookmark a resource. Which is very rare in practice. Usually, having paid for attracting a buyer, the seller will never see him on his site again. With the VK group, the situation is much better. People join the community much more willingly, and periodic news updates will not let you forget about your company.

This is what businesses can achieve if they use this strategy correctly. Enough theory, let's move on to practice.

Step 1. Analysis of the target audience.

For those who consider this step superfluous, since he, therefore, knows the portrait of his buyer by heart, I will immediately explain. Perhaps the audience that you are targeting your product simply does not have on Vkontakte. Or there is, but not enough or it is difficult to attract. Depending on the specifics of the business, there can be a lot of options. Therefore, you will need to conduct an independent analysis of whether you have groups that are competitors, or work with the same audience as you. Depending on the results, you need to decide whether to take the next step.

A few general tips. In general, in the social network Vkontakte, the main audience is young people and girls from 20 to 40 years old with an average income. Beauty salon services, unusual gadgets and replicas of branded goods are sold well here. This social network is also very fond of young mothers, so goods for children are something that will definitely be in demand.

An important point for businesses that work with several different types of customers. Better to focus on just one. For example, you sell plastic for 3D technology. The main buyers are people who print models on a 3D printer and mothers who buy plastic for their children for 3D pens. As you understand, these are two completely different audiences, which need to be attracted in different ways. It is quite difficult to collect them in one community.

Step 2. Create a community.

We will not discuss the technical aspects of creating a group here. This process is not complicated, and there is a lot of training material on the Internet on this topic. Let's just focus on the most important points:

  • The design of the community should reflect as much as possible for which audience it is intended;
  • Try to get at least a few hundred followers before promoting the community. You can do this by inviting your friends;
  • Post at least 10 posts so that people can see the activity in your group;
  • Consider user-friendly navigation through the community.

Step 3. Promotion.

This process is definitely not easy, but quite exciting. Especially if you are not ready to invest significant money in it. There are a fairly large number of receptions for recruiting subscribers into groups. Here are just some of the ways potential customers can find your community.

  • Search for Vkontakte groups. The administration puts in the first place the communities with the largest number of live subscribers in the name, which the request appears in.
  • Organic issuance of search engines. Search engines are quite loyal to social networks. So for some low-frequency queries, your page can get into the top of the issue.
  • Targeted advertising. The method is very effective, and if you know how to work with it and know your client, you will get the result very quickly. There is only one minus - it implies a constant budget.
  • Practical jokes. The method is quite popular for businesses with a low cost of goods or services that are willing to give them away for free. Just keep in mind that you attract a lot of freeloaders who repost hundreds of such posts per day to their page.
  • Promotion with the help of programs such as The service allows you to automate the process of attracting new visitors.

Step 4. Subscriber retention.

Not only that, the visitor went to your group. The main thing is that he signed. Nowadays, a huge number of businesses are fighting for the attention of a person and he has a huge choice. In order for him to choose you, he needs to be truly interested. Give some kind of bonus to group members compared to other buyers, give good content, entertain, evoke strong emotions. Test your posts, see the reaction of the audience and look for what people like the most, find your corporate identity.

Make more pranks. This is a great tool not only to attract, but also to retain customers. It is unlikely that someone from your community will unsubscribe before the contest.

Step 5. Convert from subscribers to buyers.

When you have already formed a loyal audience, it's time to start monetizing your work. Not openly selling posts have a good conversion, but posts that carry value for the buyer. Work well:

  • Various thematic collections. For each holiday or event, you can create a selection of products;
  • Tops and ratings;
  • discounts;
  • Promotions, etc.

Try to diversify your posts, do not let your subscribers get bored. Make profitable promotions, and you will get regular satisfied customers who will talk about you not only online, but also offline.

As you can see, in order to establish a flow of traffic from social networks to your site, you do not need to invent anything new. It is enough just to methodically adhere to the strategy and the result will definitely come in the form of increased profits.

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A short story about attracting traffic from the Vkontakte network. You will learn about the promotion of a personal page and the creation of a group. Find a description of programs for automatic posting in groups. And readers who need a lot of traffic will get an idea about advertising in VKontakte groups (publics).

Why Vkontakte? Because VK is the largest social network in Runet. If you learn how to attract traffic from Vkontakte, you will be able to establish stable sales. The VK audience absorbs any goods. Vkontakte is the most important channel for attracting traffic in the affiliate business. Many top partners started their business from this community.

If you are seriously going to make money on affiliate programs, you should urgently create an account on Vkontakte. And if you have already learned how to make graphics, have mastered the skills to write at least small texts, then start a group at the same time. Over time, it will grow and, in addition to promoting your referral links, can become an additional source of income.

So, you have an account, now you need to create a page. I will not describe the interface - you will master it quickly, but I will focus on important details. The avatar must be an image of a living person, your own photo is best, why? Your next task is to attract friends! And which of these characters will be more friends?

The same recommendations apply to FIOs. Which partners earn the most? Those who share knowledge and experience with their referrals - lower-level partners. And who will trust a faceless character and learn from some teddy bear? Therefore, indicate the human last name and first name, preferably your own.

Next, you need to fill out a profile and do it as carefully as possible. If you enter the correct key phrases in the “Interests” section, then over time you will receive traffic to your page from the network itself. You will be visited from the search. And that is precisely what interests us.

Now you can post on the wall of the page. I draw attention to the picture, it should be clickable. Most users do not read texts, they have no time. Yes, look at yourself. Therefore, the picture should be given special attention. Look for suitable ones in Yandex. Pictures (Google) and modify for yourself: cropping, inscription. To do this, use free services or Photoshop, this is what I do:.

However, the text is still important, some cold-blooded users still read, and the VK search robot must somehow understand the meaning of the post. You can capitalize the title of the post and use icons. Watch how others do it - this is the best guide to post design (and page!).

After your page has something to read, about a dozen posts with colorful attractive pictures, you can start inviting friends. As long as you still have few of them, the system will help you. We go to the "Friends" section and see that the system offers you to add them:

And where, in principle, to take friends, and even target ones, who will be interested in your subject? Search for words related to your topic, for example: "affiliates", "fitness", "diet", and go to "Show all results - Communities".

Communities are groups, publics (read more in the VK help), and their members are your future friends, and, mind you, they are already “in the know”. Click on the list of participants and it will open in a separate window. Invite everyone you like as friends, always with "human" avatars. Look at the photos on their page, you can determine from them that the person is real and find out about his interests. The add friend button is under the main avatar.

Some of the users who received your invitation to friends will go to your page out of interest, where they will see your posts and a pinned post (the one that is always at the top of the page). You will see the number of views in the lower right corner of each post, there is an eye icon. Considering that these will be people who are interested in the topic, some of them will follow the link. Q.E.D.

However, the VC system, of course, has limitations. The limit for adding friends is 50 people per day. The system will warn you about this. But still, be careful not to get a ban for excessive zeal. The system reacts to the user's actions of the same type, and may regard them as spam. Combine different actions, pause, break, in general - disguise yourself.

Even 30 people a day, give 900 a month, and - 10,000 friends a year! And this is again a limit, all the rest will be subscribers (there is not much difference, however). There are few such accounts on Vkontakte, but why don't you make one!?

If you have also created a group, then you can systematically invite your newly emerging friends to join it. If you have several accounts, then invite friends to and from them. According to my observations, every third friend who is “in the know” joins the group with pleasure (or maybe reluctantly, but it doesn’t matter to us, we are thick-skinned - we will tolerate):

Gradually fill the group wall with posts. And in order not to write twice, use the repost of the entry from the group to your page (shout icon). Another important point! Before publishing a post, use the timer, where you can set any time. Thus, you can “prepare” several posts for a week or a month in advance!

All these simple steps will bring traffic from Vkontakte to your or partner pages on the rise. But what if you need traffic quickly!? There is such a way.

T raffic from Vkontakte groups

While your own group is still growing and "gaining fat", you can receive traffic from other people's thematic groups (communities). You already know how to find them, use the search: “affiliates”, “business”, “earnings”, or words on the topic that interests you. Prepare in advance the text with a referral link and an attractive picture, do not be lazy, the number of clicks on the ad post depends on it.

Note: For quick text insertion, I use the free Punto Switcher program. (Mechanism: you enter a couple of characters, press the spacebar, and the massive text is entered automatically!)

Go in turn to the pages of groups (public) and look for the "Add entry" form, which says that you can place an ad here:

But take your time, here you can run into a ban. Each group may have its own rules, for the violation of which a ban follows. The system will freeze your page and access to the entire network, for the first time - for a day, for the second - for a week, and then you can run into a complete ban. By the way, the VK system allows you to post about a hundred posts (+ comments) per day from one account, 90 messages for sure. But it is not all that bad.

There is no time to read the rules of the groups, but they can be hidden at first glance. Therefore, it is better to focus on the next sign. There are a lot of posts on the wall from many users (and old by the time of publication), and not just on behalf of this community or its administration (admin data is at the bottom of the right column). You will immediately understand that in this group the publication of ads is not prohibited. The same applies to comments, there should be a lot of them, and comments should be old.

The logic here is simple. Group admins can log in rarely, for example once a week. And if only fresh posts and comments “hang”, then perhaps they simply did not have time to delete them, and at the same time spammers were banned. Just don't take risks in such cases. There are plenty of groups where advertising is allowed!

Small groups of 100-200 participants are of little interest to us, they have few "spectators". Numerous groups with more than 7-10 thousand people are also not very interesting. They post at a “cosmic” speed - a post can be in 20th place in about 1 minute. It's like a cockroach race. We are interested in groups with a "population" of 1-5 thousand people. In such groups and publics, ads are “visible” for several days, or at least hours. Here we publish.

It makes sense to create lists of groups (URLs) on various topics in Notepad, delimiting them into columns by population. For what? In small groups, ads last for a long time, and in the "medium" ones, you can post more often. And also these lists of VK groups will come in handy if you are engaged in automatic posting using programs.

And automatic posting on Vkontakte groups

There are several programs for automatic posting on Vkontakte groups. I will mention the best of the tested, where autoposting is available in the free version. In paid versions of such programs, the ability to work from several accounts, or at least from a hundred, has been added. The price is small, but there are other "pitfalls" here.

Vkontakte network rules prohibit the use of programs. Here it is easy to run into an account blocking, but simply speaking, a ban. Another thing is if the accounts are fictitious or just bought, is it a pity for them? You will also need to buy a rental of proxy servers, one proxy for each account (you can find them for free, to work with a couple of accounts).

Because however, it may be necessary to remove short-term system locks, then faceless SIM cards or virtual phone numbers may be required. The service of receiving SMS to a virtual number to unlock a VK account on the Internet can be easily found. However, for one account, all this hassle is not required.

While auto-posting programs can find keyword groups themselves, it's better to use the manually compiled lists discussed earlier. So you can completely exclude getting under the ban. One more thing. Still, it’s better not to use your own promoted account when working with “automation”, you never know what! Be careful and think through every step.

Get to work immediately - promoting a page on Vkontakte is not difficult. I wish you good luck and lots of money! Join our affiliate marketing group.

Our group in Vkontakte.

How to get traffic from VK for free. As you know, now all people are on social networks and you have to be completely stupid not to use it for online sales. Everything is sold on Vkontakte, you just need to use it wisely.

As you know, they are greeted by clothes. So your page should be designed accordingly. Spend a few minutes on this and you will get the result later. There are several prerequisites for the design of your page.

First. It must be a high-quality, good photo of you. In the photo section, you don’t need anything like you are there in shorts, etc. Family, rest. Last name and first name are required, you must inspire confidence. It is not necessary to be called the type of tycoon Vasya.

Second. Fill in the status field. Where we clearly state what you do. A person who came to your page immediately understood where he was.

Third. We fill the place of work. And your site, if there is no site, you can put any affiliate link, after shortening it and adding a small description.

Fourth. Be sure to make yourself a beautiful photo status. And each separate section we fill in the description. For this, there are ready-made Photostatus applications.

Interests. The first free way to traffic from VK

Be sure to include information about yourself. Please fill in the Interests field. We prescribe interests, keywords on your subject, separated by commas. You need to attribute them as much as possible and then be sure to click on the save button below. These words then become active and people can find you by interests and start adding you as friends.

Most importantly, you need to make it clear to the person that you are real and not fake, what you do and how you can be useful to this person. Don't neglect this way.

Hashtags - free traffic

It has long been known that this method brings customers for free. A hashtag is a word that begins with the # symbol. This symbol is placed before the word and after publication, this word becomes a link. For example #self-development.

How to use it. You type a post and at the end of the post, with a space, add 10 hashtags on your topic, separated by a space. Find and write down popular hashtags, low-frequency, medium-frequency hashtags in your file. Then, when you publish your article at the end of each post, be sure to add 3-4 hashtags from different sections, but on this topic.

When you click on a hashtag, you get all the posts that used that hashtag and someone will click on your post.

Where to get hashtags. Find leaders in your niche, find them on social media and see what hashtags they use. To search for leaders, use the site, which will make your work much easier.

Add friends

Let's just work on the spot. This method still works. You only need to add targeted friends. And the most important thing in social networks is communication. Start communicating with a person and then sales will come by themselves.

Before adding a person to friends, study his page, what he is interested in and then only add to friends. If this topic is for you. Communicate with them, immediately write what you breathe and why he was added as a friend, what problems he has, what problems you have.

Find such people with the help of the same influencers and see their friends. Add to your friends who you like. That kind of hard work brings results. Add 2-3 people per hour. When addressing, be sure to use the person's first name. Your task is to bring the person to the dialogue. Find out what their problem is and help them solve it with your course or service.

Communicate with people, make interesting content on your subject and traffic will come. This method is manual. This method can be automated.

Process Automation

To add friends to automate messages, use a site that allows you to automatically send messages to newly added friends. Also here you can write a list of tasks on a schedule, make yourself a diary. Divide people into a group, that is, get a Ready CRM system. This application is installed as an extension in the browser and appears as a gear from the bottom right. There is a 7 day free trial.

Little secret. Attend free webinars on your topics. There just be your hot target audience. Come a little early to the webinar and write a greeting. Let's say I greet all partners, add me as a friend, let's chat. This is if comments from VKontakte are attached to the page where the webinar is taking place. And if people themselves leave comments, then you can go to the page of this person and then add him as a friend.

Audience retention

You need to somehow keep the audience and then somehow re-contact with them. You need to make a group, decorate it beautifully and be sure to subscribe to the news of your group. Collect subscribers using the VKontakte social network itself. Then, after subscribing to your product, you can make a series of letters to them. Be sure to add several products, make one of them free, the rest are paid. Be sure to include articles on the right and include a discussion section.

Make there sections like ask me about me. Be sure to fill out the section about me and write a story about yourself. This will increase your credibility and your recognition among friends. Then invite your friends to join your group.

Be sure then you need to lead the group. Make high-quality articles and give really high-quality material for free. You need to learn how to write selling posts over time, read how to do it. A group that is not maintained will be useless. In such simple ways you get traffic from VK.

If you are interested in the topic of traffic, I suggest reading our article on free ways to get.

Sincerely, Alexander Doroshko.

When someone hears about affiliate programs, and even more so that are associated with gambling, sports betting or something like that, doubts arise.

Is anyone else doing this? Also, such affiliate programs bring good income, and many manage with simple ways to attract people to such sites.

Free traffic from VK - I fire a new topic, which one of our regular readers told us about. Social networks help to collect any traffic and send it anywhere.

Even if the domain is blocked, you can create a separate one and make a redirect, but today we will not delve into the technical side of this issue.

A tricky way to get free Vkontakte traffic

We already talked about how to get . Using this method, you have to send a lot of posts and the pages are quickly frozen. Now a new method has been invented, it has already begun to be actively used.

To attract attention, you need to create some interesting post and it is desirable that it offers an easy earning opportunity:

It is a very real situation, a person sets off on a long journey, and is ready to transfer his pet to good hands for a reward.

Many will respond to such a “freebie”, but when visiting the page of the author of this post, everything becomes clear to an experienced user, because the bookmaker’s advertising is in the first place:

Ideally, it would be better to make the page look more natural, include more information, and instead of a simple ad, add a post like this:

Again we go on a journey with our beloved, this time to Paris. Tired of answering everyone where we take so much money. The Vulkan online casino helped us get rich, in which we have already received solid winnings many times. Nothing complicated and you can start without investment, beginners are given a bonus of 10,000 rubles. Try it without risking anything, you too can make your dreams come true.

At first, we thought that this was nonsense and we couldn’t collect a lot of traffic in this way, but when we saw the page traffic, we were surprised. Over the past week, over 1000 people have viewed the account, daily traffic varies from 100 to 300 users:

We were even more surprised when the author of this idea shared his earnings statistics. Over the past month, he has earned over 30,000 rubles on Vkontakte traffic. According to him, it took no more than an hour a day, it was just a side job, the idea turned out to be very successful.

How to create many pages to collect traffic from VK?

To get the most out of this method, you need to use multiple accounts at the same time. Each of them should look natural, different posts are published, and it would be even better if. Then the reach of the audience will increase.

Registering pages without a phone number will not work, so it's easier to buy them on Buyaccs. It is pointless to overpay for defrosting, even if these are one-time profiles, they pay off pretty quickly:

Immediately prepare posts, let it be fish care, housework, or something else.

The most important thing is that the work should be simple and that it must be rewarded. Do not promise too much, doubts will arise. Everything should look like the truth, users should stumble upon a post with an advertisement by chance.

VK traffic arbitration

We will not deviate from the main topic, but we will also talk a little about a more effective way to get a lot of clicks from social networks.

It is really difficult to attract many users to your pages, it makes sense to use promoted publics and accounts with a large number of subscribers.

What does arbitration involve? Investments in advertising. You negotiate with group administrators or owners of popular profiles and add posts with links to their walls.

For beginners, we have a useful article -. Professionals actively use this method, several e-books have even been written about it. But today we are not talking about that, so we only briefly presented this information.

Where to merge traffic from Vkontakte?

The most interesting question is which affiliate program is suitable for VK traffic? In general, there is no difference, almost all systems allow transitions from social networks.

However, the conditions are not favorable everywhere, and sometimes it is too difficult to find the target audience. Use the best affiliate programs for Vkontakte:

  1. GlopArt is a huge selection of different info products with fixed fees.
  2. BongaModels - paid erotic chats, paid 25% of the money spent by viewers.
  3. Binpartner - advertise binary options, get up to 70% from each client.
  4. Golden Tea is an economic game with a 5-level affiliate program.
  5. - another game with the withdrawal of money, where it is profitable to earn on referrals.
  6. HashFlare is a cloud mining service for investments that gives 10% from deposits.
  7. Top Shop - sell goods from the TV store, get up to 20% of their value.
  8. EPN - invite buyers to stores like Aliexpress, give interest on purchases.
  9. Leads - about 200 offers with loans, banks, investments, insurance, etc.
  10. MinerGate is a foreign project for earning cryptocurrencies with a profitable affiliate program.

We use all these sites ourselves, however, to convert traffic from the blog, and not from social networks. In fact, there are really many sites with which it is profitable to cooperate.

Even the well-known cashback service LetyShops is suitable. The most important thing is that the service or product is in demand.

What to do if Vkontakte blocks the link?

When working with CPA affiliate programs and other popular services, the transition may be blocked. Most often this happens in cooperation with online casinos and bookmakers, which are prohibited in Russia.

There is a solution to the problem, and absolutely free:

  1. Google's website builder allows you to create a simple resource in a few minutes and get a free domain. We go to and create a new blog. It is better to choose the name in accordance with the chosen affiliate program:

  1. Minimal page setup required. Choose any topic, come up with some kind of headline. You can place information from other resources, anyway, the site will not be promoted in search engines (it is better to disable the mobile version altogether):

  1. Now you need to shorten the affiliate link. This is done through the service (other similar services), everything is simple there, you enter the address and you get a short version of the link (we will redirect to it):

  1. Now you need to return to the site builder and click "Edit HTML". You don't have to understand programming, just add the code, as shown in the image:

  1. To make it easier for you, we have prepared ready-made templates with code, where you just have to substitute your shortened links. Change the LINK value (add a link to your created blog instead:

This is added after Head:

This is after Body:

Of course, it is much better to rent your own domain and make a redirect from it. It's safer, more convenient, and works flawlessly.

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