
My World is registration. How to register? Enter my world Mairu my world my page

Greetings, friends!

In the vastness of the domestic, better to say, Russian-speaking, Internet, the social network with the unusual name "My World" is confidently in the top three (sometimes in the top four). Passes forward only VKontakte and Odnoklassniki. was developed during the formation of all popular projects of this type and launched in late spring 2007.

Its purpose is to provide communication with colleagues, relatives, classmates or friends. Here you can share news, make interesting acquaintances, watch videos, play games, listen to music, etc. In general, the whole typical set of options that is characteristic of modern social networks. networks are here. But there are also some individual features that have kept the resource afloat for one full decade.

This introductory article will present general points regarding the social network service My World.

So, let's get started with the project.

A little history of the social network Moi Mir

My World cannot boast of its rapid development with periodic high-profile transformations and large resales of the company's shares. For young Russia, this was not typical. The creation and popularization of the service proceeded smoothly and gradually.

Considering that the platform is a branch of the well-known portal, the distant 1998 can be considered the beginning of the birth of the system. At this time, a Russian-language version of the communication project from the global portal Mail.RuGroup appeared.

At the same time, all its child web resources were founded, among which was Moi Mir. For 8-9 years, the beta version of the site has been constantly refined, tested and constantly improved.

After painstaking work, at the end of the spring of 2007, the social network was presented by the developers in its final form. Oddly enough, the official date of birth is almost the same for all three leaders of Runet in the communication and entertainment field. True, their development paths are completely different, as evidenced by modern ones.

Let's step back a little from history and consider an important point. Initially, My World offered its users to register in two ways - classically (by filling out a special form) and through an account in Mail.Ru. For that time, this possibility was an innovation. People liked to set up accounts in an extremely simple “not like others” scheme.

It was because of this method of registration that My World was fantastically ahead of its competitors VKontakte and Odnoklassniki at first. In the first year after the starting point, over 11 million participants registered on the project, and after another four years, the number of completed profiles exceeded 44.7 million. Of this number, 2-3% of users were always online. Such indicators were not yet available to competitors.

However, due to a number of ill-conceived and ineffective actions of the developers for the Russian territory, the project stopped its progressive growth and practically froze at the previously indicated figures.

Interesting fact! A curious detail is the direct relationship of the megagiant Mail.RuGroup to all today's leaders of Runet. The corporation, in addition to other projects, fully owns My and, and also holds an impressive stake in the project!

Due to drastic changes in social network in the direction of its profitability, the flow of new users instantly decreased. A kind of "trick", which turned out with Odnoklassniki, did not work at all with My World. In fact, such an experiment ruined the resource.

All attempts to revive the project did not lead to positive changes, and in 2015 the developers completely transformed the service into a full-fledged social network. From a search engine for acquaintances, the Moi Mir social network has turned into a platform for communication and dating.

The four leading verticals were the most striking innovations:

- communication (communication, data exchange, dating, etc.);
- music;
- entertainment - all kinds of online games and other entertainment;
- video - clips, videos, films.

Until today, the positions of social networks do not change, and My World is stable in third or fifth place. Of course, the developers are consistently improving the functionality and design of the entire project, however, such actions have not yet brought dividends.

Opportunities of the social network Moi Mir

After the modernization carried out in 2015, the project became incredibly similar to its "brothers" in terms of thematic focus. The striking coincidence with Odnoklassniki is understandable, since the scheme of work and the structure of this project is optimal for a modern social network. Using the pages after the innovations has become much more convenient.

Interesting! The My World service has a corporate slogan - "Your friends, classmates and classmates are always with you!". The idea of ​​social network is fully consistent with this motto. Here you can easily use many ways to find your friends, relatives, friends!

For its registered users, My World offers a luxurious range of features:

- detailed filling of the questionnaire - each individual form contains 6 sections by category: personal data, location, education, army, career and interests. The profile, as you can see, is very detailed. Each user, at his own request, can change the order of information blocks or hide some sections from public access;

— maintaining your own blog, reading and discussing posts in other people's blogs. Many settings: design style, important tags, reposts, "black" list, white case, etc.;

- many different settings for your own account, some of which are incredibly useful;

— you can add people as friends or black list, exchange messages of any format, set convenient parameters for system messages, comment on videos, music, posts or photos, add any files to the shared archive, and more. others;

— an extensive catalog of thematic communities and groups, conveniently divided into understandable categories. It is easy to organize your partnership and invite any other users to it;

- adding photos, discussing and evaluating them. For an additional fee, you can rate up to +10, as well as flash-effects for pictures;

- large video hosting. In My World, by name or keywords, you can search for interesting materials;

- effective and comfortable search for people, which is carried out according to various parameters. For example, to find acquaintances, filters are often used: full name, address of residence, fellow students, place of work, religious characteristics, bright external data, etc.;

- the entertainment section is impressive. There are three types of games here: simple, large and small. There are interesting additional applications;

- a well-developed dating system. A great alternative to specialized sites;

- a colossal file hosting service containing a wide variety of files. From it you can upload up to 1 GB of various information to your personal page. With the help of these materials, it is easy to competently and beautifully design your account and all its sections.

Resource Benefits

Of course, all the advantages are listed in the previous section of this article. This list should also include:

- the ability to search for friends who are abroad. For this, their registration in My World is necessary;
- you can fill the page not only with informational articles and video or audio files, but also with your own poems, musical compositions, favorite quotes. Users share all these materials with friends and acquaintances.

Project Disadvantages

In connection with the neglect of the service by developers and administration at a certain stage of its formation, the social network My World has "accumulated" a lot of negative properties that are trailing behind it even now.

The disadvantages of the social network abound, but the main user complaints can be grouped into five points:
- a lot of malicious viruses and spam. I will quote a fragment of the response of one network member: “... today's My World looks like some kind of dump or information dump, in which nothing useful can be done. In five minutes of being in my account, I deleted 43 meaningless spam messages that arrived in just a day, and the antivirus program blocked 4 virus algorithms breaking into my computer during this time ... ". I think this phrase clearly illuminates the current state of affairs on the project:

- boring and monotonous service;
- ill-conceived interface;
- overloaded functionality;
- low quality of publications and lack of any censorship.


Disadvantages, of course, overshadow the use of the My World service. Despite this, the organizers of the project in recent years have taken up the modernization and cleaning of the "garbage" of this resource. He is strikingly transformed and is becoming closer to his successful counterparts. If the current policy of the administration does not change, then we may soon be able to use another good, multi-functional social network.

Sincerely, Alex!

I look forward to your comments!

Positive reviews

don't like it don't use it but for me my world is better than instagram


  • Lots of useful information


  • Minor and non-critical interface flaws


  • Comfortably beautiful.


  • There are no cons.

There is a social network "Mail ru" or rather, you can create your own mailbox there. And few people play there to communicate with people, But still there are people there. Now everywhere you need to register to enter your phone number or mailbox. It is very convenient and I feel comfortable there. I advise everyone, for sure everyone has their own mailbox there. Also, to play famous games such as "Warface" you need to enter your mailbox. Because this game is released from " Games". If you have several numbers or several SIM cards available to you, then no one bothers you to create several boxes. and by the way, it is very convenient. And I really like that it’s not necessary to write your real names and surnames there, you can write any nonsense in English, but in other social networks it’s forbidden, but by the way, people still found a way out of such situations, but then the moderators punish, and it is very convenient in my world, by the way I like it, I really rarely sit there, but I am not indifferent to this site. I also like that it is very convenient there, there is a very convenient mobile application, more convenient than VKontakte, well, it seems to me, but I don’t know how you and what opinions you have about My world. If you have questions, or if you have any problems, you want to know or clarify something. Write to me in the comments. I'll help you, I'll tell you.

Thanks for attention!


  • Opportunity to find relatives, friends, relatives
  • the ability to talk online


  • there are failures

The Internet is indeed a great invention of mankind at the moment. I found my former classmates in "My World" - and we met after 20 years, there was a lot of impressions. Our former class teacher was surprised; he says that "I'm listening to you and it seems to me that you have not been separated at all for 20 years, discussing your news, as if seeing each other every day" ... And we answered - so we all registered in "My World" and we share the news, we know everything about everyone now.


  • Good games



  • Fast
  • conveniently
  • safely
  • easily!


  • No cons I love

I created mail in 2000 and now it's 2011 and it's great!

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  • mail
  • links
  • groups!


  • not detected!


The best site is My World! There you can chat, meet, play, correspond. Meet different people from different countries. Play different games. I really like. I communicate with distant relatives. I advise you to register, convenient mail for quick use! you will not regret!

Now it is widely believed that it is enough to create and you will immediately have a page, but this is not so. Yes, registration (absolutely free) on this service requires the presence of such mail, but it still happens separately. Intuitive interface, colorful instructions, and registration in the pages will not cause any problems.

Created in 2007, the social network today is visited by up to 30 million people every month. This is a huge number. One of the 3 largest services - My World, is constantly developing and improving its interface. So, in 2012, a rather serious update was carried out, which affected all areas of service.

A special feature allows you to immediately see the guests entering the page. See where they come from, find out their preferences and tastes.

Enter my page from right now

You can use it for free, but some additional services still require certain investments. For example, for a fee, you can set the VIP status, which gives additional features to your account.

My [email protected] is a social network, a site where you can communicate with your friends and find new ones. Looking through the news feed (section "What's new?"), You are always aware of what is happening with them. You can watch the photos and videos they post (and rate), read what they write, reply to them, share your photos and videos, listen to music, play games. There are other interesting features - gifts, holidays, interest groups in which you can chat. There are also great opportunities for designing your page to make it unique and unlike others - covers, design themes.

The first question - do you already have mail on If not, then create it first (it's fast):

After that, you can create My World. Some believe that if you have mail on, then there is My World - this is not so. My World is created at will.

Registration in My World is absolutely free, we have detailed instructions with pictures:

The peculiarity of My World is that there are many people from the regions. The share of users from Moscow and St. Petersburg is less there than in other social networks. About 30 million people use My World a month - a lot! As many as 800 thousand people use only My World and do not sit on other similar sites. In addition, there are slightly more women in My World than the average on the Russian Internet, and they are much more active than men.

You can fill out your questionnaire in sufficient detail, indicating personal data, city of residence, places of study, work, military service, so that colleagues, acquaintances, former colleagues and everyone who is not indifferent to you can find you. Inside My World there is a search by name, surname, age, city, school and other parameters - this is one of the easy ways to find old friends or meet interesting people. However, people search on the start page has more opportunities. Login, which searches for a person on all social networks at once.

If someone visited your page, you will see him in your "Guests" block. Here you can go to any of the visitors and see what kind of person and where. It also encourages making new friends. In My World it is very easy to get acquainted and communicate.

My World users are especially fond of playing games, watching videos, listening to music. There is a lot of it all. Content, that is, content that is watched and listened to, is one of the main directions for the development of the social network, it is actively working with TNT, STS and other copyright holders so that users can legally watch the latest TV series, films and programs. At the same time, it is known that people watch mostly short entertaining videos there.

Also My World is closely connected with Answers, where people ask questions or answer them (if they know the answer). When someone asks a question or answers, it also gets into the feed and the person's friends can participate in finding the answer. Those who answer questions well gain reputation and receive various titles.

My World is one of three social networks owned and operated by Mail.Ru Group (the other two are VKontakte and Odnoklassniki). My World started working in 2007, initially it grew from blogs on, to which a photo and video service was added. The blogs themselves are now closed. In 2012, My World was seriously updated. There was also an attempt to gradually merge My World with Odnoklassniki, but users did not like it, so these projects are still developing separately from each other.

As already mentioned, you can use My World for free, but there are some paid services there: for example, if you don’t want someone to know that you visited his page, you can buy a VIP status (it also provides other benefits). If you want to meet new people, you can get into the “I want to chat” block, and many other users will see you. You pay for these and other services emails(currency of My World). You can replenish your account from a mobile phone, from a bank card, through Qiwi terminals and in other ways.

You can also use this social network from your mobile phone, there are applications for iPhone and Android. To download, you just need to go on your phone to where the applications are installed from (App Store or Google Play) and search for "My World". Then click the install button. The application is free.

My World is one of the oldest social networks, in which the vast majority of Russian-speaking Internet users had an account. In today's step-by-step instructions, we will analyze how to quickly enter a page in My World, set up automatic login, create a new account and recover your password if necessary. In addition, we will consider the basic features of the social network and form a guide for the initial setup of the profile.

What is available to us:

  • Logging into a social network and setting up automatic authorization.
  • Registration of a new account, in case of absence of a profile.
  • Password recovery on a computer or phone.

So, let's analyze all the existing options for entering the personal page of the once popular social network My World from

From a computer

Like any other social network trying to attract as many users as possible, My World managed to acquire not only a standard browser version, but also a mobile application. In this regard, we will consider the login process both from a computer and from a smartphone.

Account registration

If you have not yet managed to acquire an account in My World, but at the same time you urgently need to go to the site, you should create a new account. Below is a step by step guide. If the page has already been created, then skip this step and immediately go to the next one.

To create a new page, you need to perform the following sequence of actions:

  1. We go to the official website of the network, which is located at, and then click on the "Register now" button.
  1. We indicate the first and last name, date of birth, gender, desired mailing address (a new mail will be created at, a future password and a phone number through which you can restore access to your account. If you don’t want to link your phone, you can click on “I don’t have a mobile phone” and enter an additional email address.
  1. The browser will automatically prompt you to save your login information. Click on "Save" in order to then get into the account in one click.
  1. Enter the code that will come to the specified phone number. If an additional email box was indicated instead of a phone, then the code will come to it. If SMS did not come, click on "SMS did not come" and wait for resending.
  1. The system will offer to set a signature for letters that will be sent from the created mailbox to If you created mail solely to register on My World, then just close this window. Otherwise, go through a simple setup procedure - specify a signature, put a photo (click on "Upload photo" and select a picture in the explorer) and select a convenient background for the site.
  1. It remains only to click on the "My World" button in the upper right corner, and then click on "Join" in the window that opens.

The page on My World has been successfully created, you can proceed to its initial setup and use of all available features. The account is now linked to the new mail and to the number we provided earlier (or to the additional mail), which provides an increased level of protection.

Initial profile setup

Before you start fully using the social network, you need to perform a few more simple steps. They are as follows:

Everything is ready. We completed the registration and initial setup of the page on the My World social network. Subsequently, you can change any data, including full name with date of birth.

Enter the site

So, you have an account in My World (you just created it or already had it). All you need is to enter it. This is easy to do - open the site and enter the login and password created earlier. The login is an email address on

To automate the entrance to the site, you need to save the data in the browser. Consider this using the example of Google Chrome (instructions for others are roughly similar):

  1. Open the browser menu in the upper right corner and go to "Settings".
  1. We are looking for the "Passwords" item in the "Autofill" section and go to it.
  1. In the section "Sites for which passwords are not saved", we find My World and remove it from the list.
  1. We enter the social network site again and enter the login information. The browser will immediately offer to save the information, which we successfully do.

Now, when you open the site, the login form will be automatically filled in with your login and password. All that remains is to click on the “Login” button.

That's all - now you can enter your page in My World without any problems. It remains only to sort out the question of how to recover the password in case of its loss.

Access recovery

Consider what needs to be done to recover the password from an account in My World from the desktop version of the social network.

To regain access to the account, perform the following sequence of actions:

  1. We open the official website and under the login form, click on "Forgot your password?".
  1. Specify the email address to which the account was linked, and click on "Restore".
  1. We indicate the missing digits of the number to which we linked the account during registration. If not a number, but an additional e-mail was used as a safety net, then you will have to specify it. Enter the characters from the picture and click on "Get code by SMS".
  1. If you currently do not have access to the SIM card, you can click on "I do not have access to the specified number". The system will prompt you to reset your password by providing detailed information about your account. If everything matches, then it remains to wait for the instructions in the mail and follow their instructions.
  1. We entered a phone number and received a message with a secret code on it. Enter it in the provided field and click on "Finish". If necessary, the code can be requested again.
  1. We come up with a new password, repeat it and click on the button to enter the mail.

Your account will open automatically. Now you need to use the new password to enter the page. The browser will immediately prompt you to save the new password if you have done this before. Access has been fully restored.

From phone

It's time to sort out the same questions, but with the use of a smartphone, since the My World mobile application is quite convenient to use, and most users "sit" in social networks from their phone.

Application installation

You can also open your account on My World through a mobile browser, but this is not particularly convenient. It is much more pleasant to work through a mobile application, the installation process of which is described below:

  1. We open Google Play if we use an Android smartphone, or the App Store if we have an iPhone.
  1. We drive the query "My World" into the search line and go directly to the application page by the first result.
  1. Click on the "Install" button.
  1. We are waiting for the installation to complete and open the application by clicking on the "Open" button if we want to proceed to registration immediately.

The application is installed, you can proceed to the registration process.


To register an account in My World through a mobile application, we perform the following set of actions:

  1. Open the application by tapping on the icon on the desktop (appears automatically after installation).
  1. Click on the "Register" button to create a new blank page. You can start without registering, but this will only give you access to news of interest - you will have to create an account anyway.
  1. We enter the first and last name, date of birth, gender, as well as the username and password for the future account. Password requirements are standard - Latin characters and numbers. We accept the terms of the user agreement (check the box) and click on "Register".
  1. Enter the mobile phone number to which an SMS with a confirmation code will be sent. The same number can be used in the future to restore access to the page.
  1. Paste the received code into the form and click on "Finish".

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