
How to log out of all VK accounts. How to quickly leave the VKontakte community from any device. How to log out of Vkontakte on a computer

How to log out of VK on all devices, instructions.

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There are situations when you need to log out from all devices at the same time. This can include, for example, the loss of a mobile device, or simply the unwillingness for someone else to climb your page on a social network.

Especially if someone else's device was used for this. To enter any social network, you need to enter your credentials in the form of a login and password.

Yes, and in the event that your page was hacked, it is necessary to log out from all devices at the same time before changing passwords. At the same time, access to the account will remain only in the browser in which you perform this action.

Another reason to log out from all devices may be your unexpected departure from home, on vacation, or for work. It is not always pleasant when one of the relatives can follow your correspondence in real time.

Therefore, if you did not have time to exit your page on your phone or tablet, then this can be done using the extended version through any computer.

How to log out of VK on all devices at the same time

It is about how to simultaneously exit your page in, on all devices, and will be discussed in this material.

normal exit

To exit the page in VK, both on any computer and on a mobile device, just click on "Settings", select "Exit" and confirm this action.

If this is done on a computer, in particular, it concerns someone else's PC, then it is worth doing after yourself by deleting the cache and cookies.

To begin with, we exit the VKontakte page by clicking on the inverted triangle in the upper right corner, selecting the “Exit” action for this.

Confirm it and move on to the next step. Clear your cache and cookies. To do this, if Internet browsers were used when entering the page:

  • Mozilla Firefox;
  • Yandex;
  • Opera.

You can simultaneously hold down the key combination "Shift + Ctrl + Delete", and then from the drop-down list, check the entries with Cache and Cookies and click on the confirmation of deletion.

Also, you can choose for what time period this deletion should be performed. Just keep in mind that in this case you will log out of all your accounts where you previously logged in using this Internet browser.

Exit VK on all devices

So, if you need to log out simultaneously from all devices, then for these purposes you will need to use the extended version of the VKontakte social network.

That is, enter the page through an Internet browser from a computer. Since on a mobile device you can only exit the application, but no more.

So, going to your VKontakte page, find an inverted triangle on the right side in the upper corner and click on it. From the drop-down menu, select "Settings"

In this paragraph, you need to find the entry "End all sessions" and click on it. This way you will be logged out from all devices except for the extended version which is currently in use.

If you need to log out of this profile, for example, in order to log in under a different name, then, after that, just click on the button on the top panel - exit.


As you can see, it is not difficult to solve the question of how to exit VK on all devices. But, there is one point, recently in this social network, and not only in it, there are often failures in the execution of some requests.

Therefore, after logging out from all devices, try, if possible, to check if you managed to do this. If not, then repeat all the above steps one more time.

Also, as an option, I can advise you to connect to your profile, in the security section, mandatory authorization by SMS. In this case, not a single person will be able to get to your page.

Since at the entrance, you will definitely need to enter the code that will come to your mobile device.

I wish you good luck, take care of your data, not only on social networks.

P.S. I am attaching a screenshot of mine. And I remind you that everyone can earn money in this way, even a beginner! The main thing is to do it correctly, which means to learn from those who are already earning money, that is, from Internet business professionals.

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While you spend time in VK, you are always displayed online. But as soon as you exit VK, you will immediately become offline. The next time you log in, you will need to enter your username and password, but if the browser has saved the data, then you do not need to enter anything.

In this article, you will learn how to log out of vk from a computer, mobile version and official application.

If you need to exit VK on your computer (), then in the upper right corner click on your avatar and select "Exit".

  • From now on you will be offline until you log back in;

  • Just execute the key combination: Ctrl + Shift + Delete and delete cookies;

How to end all sessions in VK

At any moment you can end all sessions to sign out of all devices. This is necessary in order to (everyone who sits from your account will lose access to it).

Let's figure it out first. In the upper left corner, click on the icon and select "Exit".

In the upper right corner, click on the icon and select the "Exit" item.

For security reasons, always log out of Vkontakte on your work computer and clear cookiesso that no one can gain access to your account. If you are visiting and using someone else's device, also go out.

If you suspect that someone has taken over your page, then read the article. A simple instruction will quickly prevent any hacking attempt.

Unable to log out of VK from all devices? Watch our video tutorial.

Hello, friends! If you access Odnoklassniki not from your computer or phone, or maybe at home or at work on a PC you are not the only one using this social network, then you need to think about saving your personal data (correspondence, photos, notes, etc.) - that is, so that no one gets to your page. Or maybe you have several pages, and you need to exit from one and go to another.

Now we will figure out how to log out of Odnoklassniki from your profile using a computer or phone. I’ll also tell you what you can do if you can’t log out of the social network.

On the computer

Closing your page in Odnoklassniki to go to another profile is very simple. To do this, in the top menu on the right, click on the small white arrow next to the profile picture. Then select the "Exit" button from the list that opens.

Confirm that you are going to leave the site.

After that, the window for entering Odnoklassniki will again appear on the screen, where you need to re-enter your username and password.

If you completely trust those who still use the computer, and you need to go to someone else's page, for example, a husband, sister, girlfriend, then select "Log in to another profile" in the list that opens.

Moreover, by opening the drop-down list in the husband’s profile (for example), there will be not only the “Exit” button, but also your name, clicking on which will open the profile itself.

On the phone

If you use a smartphone or tablet, then there are two options for how to get to your page: either by opening a browser and going to the site, or by installing the appropriate application from the Play Market or App Store. Therefore, to answer the question: how to log out of Odnoklassniki on the phone, we will consider both options. As an example, I will show everything on an Android phone, but this description is suitable if you have a tablet with the same operating system or an iPhone, iPad.

Using the mobile version

First, let's figure out what to do if you access the social network through a browser. Open the mobile version of the site (as usual). While in your profile, click the button with a little man on the top left to open the menu.

Scroll down and select Exit.

A window will immediately open in which you can add a new profile. But pay attention, you still have not left your page, and anyone using the device will be able to get to it. If this is unnecessary, then opposite your name, click on the button in the form of a door with an arrow.

Then confirm that you are really going to leave.

Via App

If you are using the OK app, then from the bottom menu, click on the Ribbon, and then click on the three horizontal bars at the top left.

At the very bottom of the side menu will be the item we need.

We agree that we want to leave our page in Odnoklassniki.

After that, a window will appear asking you to save the data for authorization. If you save them, you can go to another profile, and then return to your own again without entering a password and login. If you select "Not now", the familiar login page will simply appear.

In the example, in the previous step, I selected "Save", and now I can log in to OK as a different user. This is very convenient if you need to open the page of someone else, but you don’t want to leave your own (so that you can remember the password and login again later). So it will always be possible to choose the right one from the connected users and use it to sit on the site.

I note that you can connect several accounts there, but if you delete the application on the device and then reinstall it, then all of them will be lost.

Sign out from all devices

Sometimes it may happen that you visit the site not only from your personal PC or smartphone, and then you don’t remember whether you left your account on the device or not. In this case, do the following: check your activity, and if you notice something wrong, block access to the page on all devices. Let's go into more detail.

Via PC

If you have a computer, then go to your profile and click on the already familiar arrow next to the miniature avatar. Then select "Change settings" from the list.

Then select "History" on the left. Here it is written from which city and country the entry was made, the IP address and time of entry are indicated. If you look at the date and understand that May 9th could not be online (for example), then you can immediately change your password by clicking on the appropriate button on the same page.

If you remember exactly that you forgot to log out of Odnoklassniki on a friend’s computer, then you can not change the password. Scroll down the page and click "close all other connections".

Then enter the password from your page and click "Exit". After that, Odnoklassniki will be automatically logged out on all devices except the current session. That is, you will have to re-enter the password and login on your phone or tablet.

Using a smartphone

You can exit OK on your phone in this way only through the browser. Go to your profile and open the side menu. Next, we need to go from the mobile version of Odnoklassniki to the full version of the site. Select the appropriate button.

Here you need to perform all the same steps that I described in the previous paragraph. Click on the button in the form of an arrow on the right and select "Change settings".

Select "History" on the left.

Scroll down and click "close all other connections". Now access to your account is closed on all devices.

If you are simply disturbed by notifications of new messages, ratings, and others that come to your phone or tablet regularly, then it is not necessary to leave your profile. You can just .

I can't get out what to do

Often users ask: “What to do? I can’t log out of Odnoklassniki because the logout button is inactive or simply doesn’t exist.” The reason may be the browser itself, especially if you are using Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox. In this case, you just need to install another web browser, such as Chrome or Yandex Browser.

The second reason is the cache accumulated in the browser - temporary files that need to be cleared periodically. To do this, press the Ctrl + Shift + Delete keys, this combination works in all popular browsers. The Clear History window opens. In the list, check the box that contains the word "cache", select the appropriate period and click "Clear History".

2 votes

Good day, dear readers of my blog. Today I open a series of articles that will tell beginners how to live on the Internet and use social networks to the fullest. You may not have landed on my blog by chance.

Even if today you are a beginner, then with competent guidance and with the availability of quality materials for training, in a few months you can become a real professional in any business.

Even the most advanced developers with secret knowledge of code once learned to post photos on Odnoklassniki and subscribe to groups. Maybe you will become one of them? But more on that later.

Now I will tell you how to leave the community in contact.

Shall we start? Exiting the computer

Getting rid of a community is very easy. First you need to go to the "My Groups" section.

Find the name you need here and go to the community page.

On the right side of the page that opens, right under the profile picture, there will be a mention that you are a member of this public. Just click on it and in the menu that opens, find "Exit". As you can see, everything is very fast and simple.

Please note that you can not leave the community, but simply stop receiving news in your feed. That is, at any time you go to the "My groups" section, click on it and see what the administrators write, but messages and mentions of this group in your news feed are not displayed, as if it does not exist.

To enable this feature, there is a special button "Hide news".

When might this be useful? For example, I have a client whose posts I find extremely disapproving, to say the least. If I leave, then sooner or later he may notice this and the relationship will be ruined. So I am hiding the news of this comrade, and he is not a dream or a spirit about it.

By the way, since we are talking about this. If you are an administrator and are desperately looking for ways to find out who left your group, then I will say right away that this is impossible. All applications and services are a scam, thanks to which scammers can get your contact information.

As a maximum, they can subsequently take your page away, and at least they will put it on an unpleasant list for spam.

Even if “honest” people are just trying to make money on such an application in an “honest” way, their information will still be inaccurate and not correct. Only system administrators working in VK itself have access to this information.

What to do if everything is wrong and there is no button

In some cases, you will not find any "Leave Group". This means that you are subscribed to a public page and your actions will be different. So, what to do if there is no this button, but you need to leave the group?

Most likely before you appears here is such a picture. Under the avatar of the group flaunts "You are subscribed to the news." Click on it and select Unsubscribe.

Yes, it's that simple. This is enough to stop this group from appearing in your lists. You did it.

How to leave several groups or all at once

You can only leave several groups manually. By first going to one page and unsubscribing, then to the second, and so on, until the publics that are unpleasant for you disappear, but you can unsubscribe from all at once. Now I will tell you about a special life hack.

There is one very cool and free extension that I personally use almost constantly. It is called VkOpt. It provides a lot of advantages and is necessary not only for group administrators, but also for active users of social networks.

You can follow this link and download the VK application for your browser, and then follow the prompts that it will dictate to you. Everything is simple there: download, launch, agree to the transfer of data, restart the browser.

The application is very cool and has a number of advantages, but by downloading it you will begin to see the contact differently. Do you need it? You probably have several browsers on your computer. Let's say you use Mozilla all the time, so why not install the extension on Google Chrome?

If you are a beginner and want to create your own group, I can recommend the book by Vladimir Molodov “Click on the money! Active sales in social networks.

Thanks to this book, I once had the first client whom I consulted on work in social networks.

He had a community before me, but I once mentioned that you can post at a certain time and after he tried my advice snatched from this book, the activity in his public increased significantly and he began to use other my recommendations, often call and advertise my services to your friends.

At first, the information from "Press the Money" will be enough. The book is read very quickly, you can master literally in a day or two. All the basic knowledge is collected here: how many posts you need to post in a group, what they should be, what to give preference to, and how to attract people.

However, this book alone will not take you far, you will need to develop further. How exactly? Subscribe to the newsletter and find out more. Well that's all.

I wish you good luck in your endeavors.

– Igor (Administrator)

In the previous article, I told you how to register in a contact, in the same article I will tell you how to exit VKontakte from both one browser and all at once.

Social networks have become very popular means of communication and sharing of various media, such as photos, videos, and more. However, there is one important nuance. The fact is that after entering the site, the authorization data is stored in the browser. Therefore, the next time you open it, you will automatically be logged in, and not everyone needs this. Plus, there will always be other reasons, such as using multiple accounts on one computer.

It is also worth considering that you can always use several browsers to enter the social network of a contact, and this complicates the situation somewhat, especially in the case when the entrance was carried out on someone else's computer and you would not want to leave the exit to another person's decision.

First, let's look at the standard method for logging out of a contact in a browser. And here everything is simple:

1. Open the VKontakte website

3. In this menu, you must click on the item "Exit"

4. After that, you will leave the contact

Agree, it's incredibly simple. However, from time to time a more drastic method may be required to ensure that no browser is left with up-to-date authorization data.

To complete all VKontakte sessions at once, you will have to do a little more.

1. Open the VKontakte website

2. At the top right, you need to left-click on your small image to open the menu

3. Now, click the "Settings" button

4. A page with your settings will open. On its right side there will be a menu where you need to select the item "Security"

5. Now, it remains only in the central part of the page in the "Security" block of the same name, click on the "End all sessions" link, as shown in the figure above

6. After that, all sessions will be completed

As you can see, nothing is too difficult. I would like to note that this method is safer and is suitable for those who always get out of contact after talking and doing other things. However, it should be understood that this link exits from all places. In other words, if you are logged in on someone else's and your computer, then by clicking this link in any of the browsers, you will close sessions on someone else's and your computer, even if the computers are hundreds of kilometers apart.

Now, you know how to exit VKontakte using at least two different methods.

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