
How to promote beauty salon in instagram. Where you can wind viewing on video instagram and automatic windings. How much does it cost to turn the subscribers in Instagram - Prices

Half of the most successful global brands in the rating Fortune Global 500.Use instagram. Moreover, according to the following Trackmaven. The service provides a very high percentage of involvement, leading the indicators among other social networks.

In Russia, instagram is also very popular. Many have already successfully promote their business on this platform.

What ways to promote offers instagram?

Promotion options in instagram set: it and partnership programs, and paid accommodation on popular pages, joint participation in promotions, business services, etc. If we talk about the main ways, then they are only 5.

5 main ways to promote instagram

    Subscriptions Like Comments Hashtegi Paid advertising Instagram

Perhaps, most commercial accounts are promoted.


Subscriptions or, as else call this technique, massfolloving - This is a massive subscription to the real accounts of people.

By massing the company, the companies usually count on the fact that if a person interests the subject of your account and the content that you post, that is, the probability that it will sign mutually. Such subscribers are likely to be a real target audience of the company.

What is important to consider with massolloving?

Average, conversion from Massofoling It is about 20%, and with a properly selected target audience and all 30%.

Husky or masslaking - This is a way similar to the previous one, only here you do not sign on account accounts, and put the mark "Like" under publication. If you put some likes under a photo of one user, then the chance that you will notice will increase. In such a promotion, you can, at a minimum, increase the number of likes of your posts due to the "Like" marks in response and, as a maximum, to get a target subscriber, i.e. potential client.

Again, it is important to choose the CA and post an attractive content.

Massland conversion (This is meant exactly the number of subscriptions) is about 5-10%.

What is important to consider?

"Likes" are also important to maintain the "friendly" relationship with customers. Many neglect and forget to periodically put huskies under the photo of users who are signed on them, and in vain! it an effective way Increase customer loyalty to your company.


As a rule, on comments not only accounts are paying attention to accounts, but also their friends who see the update in their tape, so comments or massive commenting from photos of your potential customers can be very useful.

What is important to consider when commenting?

Do not write prompt comments, for example, calling on to go to the page. This is perceived as spam not only from the user, but also from the Instagram service. Write neutral comments, emoticons on the topic or compliments: "cool photo", "excellent account", "beautifully", etc.

Comment conversion It is less than 5%, i.e., putting 100 comments, less than 5 people will sign on you. Therefore, only the method of commenting should not be promoted, it is better to combine options.

Hashteg - This is a kind of label that allows you to mark a message on topics. Hostegi in its pure form is the least effective in terms of promotion, as, in fact, you need to sit and wait until the client finds you on finding a tag. Therefore, it is not worth calculating on hashtegi. But with the help of existing popular tags, you can join various disputes and share your gaze on the topic discussed, thus stating yourself. In any case, it is worth tracking new popular hashtags related to your business and audience.

Also, the positive side is that hashtegi is convenient to use as a kind of submenu in the account, with which it is convenient to filter records. Those. By creating your own unique tags, you can structure content on the page, for example, by services.

What is important to take into account, putting hashtegi?

Hashtegas need to use it necessary, but do it with the mind. You should not write a cloth from the labels, one post must contain no more than 5 tags. Choose hashtegi popular in your business area. Try to use short hashtegi, since the readability of long is quite low. Also follow the compliance of the picture and the label, if in the picture an example of the work of the manicure wizard, then you should not write in the tags all the procedures that you offer in the cabin. Do not turn your account in "trash". For the same reason, avoid the tag on the type of #FolloduForFollow or # mutual appendix. You are looking for potential customers, why do you need bots.

By the way, with the help of hashtegov, you can hold contests (lotteries, draws, GiveAWay), but I will tell you more about it another time.

Paid advertising From the service Instagram will allow you to advertise to appear in user tape, even if they are not signed on you. Plus advertising in the fact that it has targeting, i.e. You can choose the floor, age, country, interests and hobbies of people who will be shown your advertisement.

Of course everyone separate method Not enough. Try to combine moving methods. This can be done manually or optimized using the services that make it automatically.

Remember the restrictions when promoting in instagram, violating which can be obtained, the so-called ban, i.e. Account lock.

Restrictions on promotion in instagram

According to different data, the figures differ, but in the middle it looks like this:

    the maximum number of subscriptions is 7500;daily number of subscriptions - 1000;daily number of unsubscribe - 1000;marks like no more than 1000;
After reading this article to the end, you will understand that very simple things affect customers. You do not need to try 100 ways to promote, torture with hashtags, spam, participate in all sorts of group draws and marathons, rushing around and about, trying to introduce everything that comes on hand.

I will write in the format of instructions on the example of our case -beauty Salon in St. Petersburg. Link @Mesto_Krasoty

By timing:
1 week - prepare an account, 2 weeks - we receive customers
Account is not new, but before that brought exactly 0.

Step 1 - Strategy

It sounds blurry, in fact, everything is very specific. Take the A4 sheet and spend a couple of hours to register the following things:

* For convenience, I collected what we prescribe into one document, you can download

A. Positioning. It includes:

Desired target audience
- Wash unique competence
- Bolt target audience
-Your decision.

Answers to these 4 questions will give an understanding where it is worth sending your actions, and what exactly does not need to do.

For example, we realized that our unique competence is a quick creation of a female image (haircut + styling + make). And the content shows it. Account did not become a leak with a million photos different work on the background of the carpet.

B. Tone Of Voice - "Brand Sound." What a person represents recalling your brand. Some image. It is impossible to clearly describe in words, but it felt on the subconscious. Created using texts. You need to work out your unique stylistics so that all posts sound like one. How to register Tone of Voice, see the document above.

B. Grocery line.

To attract many customers through Instagram, you need to revise the current approach to pricing policy. Many now have a price price with services. What makes you think that the person who does not know you will see that you put a husky to him, will go to your account and immediately take painting, and better two? This can only be if you attract thousands of people per day to your account.

You need to split your services for individual products:
1. The product for attracting customers is something free or almost free, or very profitable action (no 5% discount on password instagram). It should be simultaneously valuable and very low for you at cost. On this product and you need to attract the main audience. Let them try, and then go to the main product.

2. The main product. What you earn 80% of profits. To offer the main product to a person who got up, came, and is already sitting in your chair much easier than in the forehead of unfamiliar people through the screen of the phone. For this, we need a product under paragraph 1.

3. Profit maxizer. When the client bought the main product, you can already offer him anything. If you have done your work well, you have installed contact - your client. You already need your main price for 300 sheets.

We created the following model: We have a product to attract customers - this is a haircut + laying for 500 rubles. Most customers come to this offper. Next, they get acquainted with the master and 80% come again, because they leave their contacts and the cabin becomes much easier to work with them. 30% are closed on staining. And another small part on the manicure. That's how it works.

So, you spent just a couple of hours, but now you have a document where all moments are clearly spelled out. Let me remind you:

  • Positioning
  • Tone of Voice
  • Product ruler

It is more important than the content of the plan at this stage, because the content plan is needed rather to hold the audience. And if you have nothing to hold, it is much more important to understand how this audience is attracted.

Step 2 - Creating Content

The next step is to create steep content. His main task so that you do not merge with 1000 competitors who have a collection of Salt's team from poor-quality photos of work, the stock images and no interesting personal pictures.

You will agree, there is a difference between what was and brought 0 customers:

And the fact that it became and bringing 2-3 clients a day after just 2 weeks:

The strategy is, there is a content, now you can run traffic.
Why is the official targeted advertisement? Very simple - she still did not have time to darn. Especially advertising in Storsith.

It was not difficult to set up, because it was already executedStep 1.
Creative did not have to think long: they recorded a short video image at the wheel, in which girls were invited to the action (wrote above it):

The audience also did not grind to the ideal. There is a simple rule:

And according to the result, we got:

3364.72 rub was spent in 1.5 weeks, received 1145 clicks from them. It made it in the area of \u200b\u200b25 clients (+ re-sales) and about 200 subscribers. (subscribers were not a target)


In order to start receiving customers, even in a very competitive niche need to do only 3 actions:

1. Register a strategy
2. Create content
3. Run advertising
Important moment: make these 3 actions not after one place

It is quite another thing to make attracting systemic and regular. For this you need completely different mechanics, I will write about them later. But if you do not have sales in principle and to watch the account - do not do anything until you run 3 actions from this article.

The profile hat in Instagram is a very important point in promoting beauty salon in the social network. With its help, you can attract the attention of users, relieved from competitors. So that the hat sells, and not repelled, it is also necessary to competently fill.

On the header, the user understands his page or not. Whether he will be a subscriber of the cabin, and then the client, solves the proper filling of the profile information.

What must be in the header of your profile


Name of your salon. Your customers can look for you by the name of the cabin, so it is very important to choose suitable nickname in instagram. If suddenly, your name is busy try to add the city name to Nick. But do not make too long name.


Bright photo or cabin logo. If you want to post the logo on the avatar, make sure that the users can read it on the phone screen: words are not trimmed, and the font is quite large.


In nickname and the name of the profile you have already written than they do - the beauty salon "Chamomile".

Therefore, you do not need to talk about all types of hairdressers and novel service - you saw the salons in which this is not?

Remember, you have a limited number of characters in the description, use them in your favor.

Write why the client must come exactly to you than you are different from another cabin.

Look at these descriptions of two different salons:

It seems they would have different, but at the same time, each hairdressing service, nail service and there, and there, and the eyebrows of henna will paint everywhere. What do they differ except the address? .

The cap should create a wow effect so that a person gets clinging for your profile and decided to stay. The "Beautiful Hair Lab" attracts more than "all kinds of hairdressers."

Promotions, discounts, special bonuses - this will definitely attract attention at first glance. This part of the description will have to be updated regularly so that the information is always relevant.

If there is no slogan, but you have prices lower than that of competitors, write the cost of the most popular service in the header.

For example, as these salons did:


In the profile it is important to fill out the address and phone so that the person can understand where the salon is located and call. If this information is not, he just brings the profile and leaves, will not even ask in the comments.

If you can write a call to action: "Call now XXX-XXX-XXHH." But usually it replaces the smile with the image of the phone.

What to do right now:

  1. If you have a page in Instagram, go to it and see how the hat is filled;
  2. Correct your description, based on the question "Why the client should choose exactly you";

Want to learn how to promote the page of your salon, receive new customers every day, make attractive photos - come to the course. You will receive instructions for maintaining a profile, promotion checks, learn to write selling texts and use hashtags.

One of the main mistakes of employees engaged in the promotion of beauty salons and spa is the misunderstanding or lack of a specific goal of Internet promotion. But even if there are many, many are lowered important preparatory stage, namely, the definition of the target audience.

Taketing for the promotion of beauty salon or spa, first of all, it is necessary to decide on the target audience (CA) of the institution. Often, employees will not fully understand the Central Asian salon, not to mention the audience of the page in social networks.

Of course, the salon can have a wide range of services designed for the audience of various age-related, gender and price categories. However, as a rule, 80-90% of profits brings a certain part of the audience to which it is necessary to bet.

Suppose you have decided on the interior audience, but where to look for a Centram?

I'll tell you about the most simple ways Search.


The easiest search option is to take advantage of the subscribers of competitors. If you do not know your competitors, you can use special services and programs to search (for example,

Before attracting the audience from the list of subscribers of the competing company, view the page and analyze the number of bots. The presence of "inacked" unreal subscribers is easy to check if you compare the number of "Like" marks with the number of subscribers - the ratio should be 1:10, that is, the number of likes should be about 10% of the number of subscribers.

As a rule, hashtegi reflect the interests of people and characterize them. Promote slimming procedures? Find those who dream of resetting overweight. However, as practice shows, the best hashtegi is clogged with commercial accounts. For example, the tag # wantness is used in most of our company, and not ordinary people. Usually girls use not such attractive and popular tags. Instead of #, if you, they will choose something easier - for example, #ploads.

Find several potential customers and read the labels that they use. Thus, you can form a list of necessary tags for yourself.


The search for geolocation works for everyone, but first of all for those who are rigid to the terrain, which means ideal for beauty salons and spa.

Points of geolocation in Instagram are the locations of the massacre of people: shopping centers, parks, cafes, cinemas, other salons, etc. For the most part, such places are visited by people living nearby.

You can independently make a publication anywhere close to your salon, for example, within a radius of 5 km (for each individual salon, the radius is calculated individually during the marketing research), and see who else possesses the photo in this geotochka. Thus, it is possible to form a good base.

Audience activity

Now let's talk about the importance of activity of your audience. For the promotion of the account, active subscribers are needed, not bots or "dead" pages. In this case, the amount is not equal to quality. From the bots you will not grow profits.

Moreover, everything is known about the existence of bots, and in the number of likes and comments will be seen that a large number of Subscribers are not live accounts. Is it worth it to risk your reputation?

After reading this article to the end, you will understand that very simple things affect customers. You do not need to try 100 ways to promote, torture with hashtags, spam, participate in all sorts of group draws and marathons, rushing around and about, trying to introduce everything that comes on hand.

I will write in the format of instructions on the example of our case - beauty Salon in St. Petersburg. Link @Mesto_Krasoty

By timing:
1 week - prepare an account, 2 weeks - we receive customers
Account is not new, but before that brought exactly 0.

Step 1 - Strategy

It sounds blurry, in fact, everything is very specific. Take the A4 sheet and spend a couple of hours to register the following things:

* For convenience, I collected what we prescribe into one document, you can download

A. Positioning. It includes:

Desired target audience
- Wash unique competence
- Bolt target audience
-Your decision.

Answers to these 4 questions will give an understanding where it is worth sending your actions, and what exactly does not need to do.

For example, we realized that our unique competence is a quick creation of a female image (haircut + styling + make). And the content shows it. The account did not become a garbage with a million pictures of different works on the background of the carpet.

B. Tone Of Voice - "Brand Sound." What a person represents recalling your brand. Some image. It is impossible to clearly describe in words, but it felt on the subconscious. Created using texts. You need to work out your unique stylistics so that all posts sound like one. How to register Tone of Voice, see the document above.

B. Grocery line.

To attract many customers through Instagram, you need to revise the current approach to pricing policy. Many now have a price price with services. What makes you think that the person who does not know you will see that you put a husky to him, will go to your account and immediately take painting, and better two? This can only be if you attract thousands of people per day to your account.

You need to split your services for individual products:
1. The product for attracting customers is something free or almost free, or a very profitable action (no 5% discount on password instagram). It should be simultaneously valuable and very low for you at cost. On this product and you need to attract the main audience. Let them try, and then go to the main product.

2. The main product. What you earn 80% of profits. To offer the main product to a person who got up, came, and is already sitting in your chair much easier than in the forehead of unfamiliar people through the screen of the phone. For this, we need a product under paragraph 1.

3. Profit maxizer. When the client bought the main product, you can already offer him anything. If you have done your work well, you have installed contact - your client. You already need your main price for 300 sheets.

We created the following model: We have a product to attract customers - this is a haircut + laying for 500 rubles. Most customers come to this offper. Next, they get acquainted with the master and 80% come again, because they leave their contacts and the cabin becomes much easier to work with them. 30% are closed on staining. And another small part on the manicure. That's how it works.

So, you spent just a couple of hours, but now you have a document where all moments are clearly spelled out. Let me remind you:

  • Positioning
  • Tone of Voice
  • Product ruler

It is more important than the content of the plan at this stage, because the content plan is needed rather to hold the audience. And if you have nothing to hold, it is much more important to understand how this audience is attracted.

Step 2 - Creating Content

The next step is to create steep content. His main task so that you do not merge with 1000 competitors who have a collection of Salt's team from poor-quality photos of work, the stock images and no interesting personal pictures.

You will agree, there is a difference between what was and brought 0 customers:

And the fact that it became and bringing 2-3 clients a day after just 2 weeks:

The strategy is, there is a content, now you can run traffic.
Why is the official targeted advertisement? Very simple - she still did not have time to darn. Especially advertising in Storsith.

It was not difficult to set up, because it was already executed Step 1.
Creative did not have to think long: they recorded a short video image at the wheel, in which girls were invited to the action (wrote above it):

The audience also did not grind to the ideal. There is a simple rule:

And according to the result, we got:

3364.72 rub was spent in 1.5 weeks, received 1145 clicks from them. It made it in the area of \u200b\u200b25 customers (+ re-sales) and about 200 subscribers. (Subscribers were not a target).

As you can see, there is absolutely nothing complicated to quickly attract customers in your account. It is much more difficult to build further interaction: here it will really have to work.


In order to start receiving customers, even in a very competitive niche need to do only 3 actions:

1. Register a strategy
2. Create content
3. Run advertising
Important moment: make these 3 actions not after one place

It is quite another thing to make attracting systemic and regular. For this you need completely different mechanics, I will write about them later. But if you do not have sales in principle and to watch the account - do not do anything until you run 3 actions from this article.

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