
Enter my world. Enter my world Enter my page in My World

Positive reviews

don't like it don't use it but for me my world is better than instagram


  • Lots of useful information


  • Minor and non-critical interface flaws


  • Comfortably beautiful.


  • There are no cons.

There is a social network "Mail ru" or rather, you can create your own mailbox there. And few people play there to communicate with people, But still there are people there. Now everywhere you need to register to enter your phone number or mailbox. It is very convenient and I feel comfortable there. I advise everyone, for sure everyone has their own mailbox there. Also, to play famous games such as "Warface" you need to enter your mailbox. Because this game is released from " Games". If you have several numbers or several SIM cards available to you, then no one bothers you to create several boxes. and by the way, it is very convenient. And I really like that it’s not necessary to write your real names and surnames there, you can write any nonsense in English, but in other social networks it’s forbidden, but by the way, people still found a way out of such situations, but then the moderators punish, and it is very convenient in my world, by the way I like it, I really rarely sit there, but I am not indifferent to this site. I also like that it is very convenient there, there is a very convenient mobile application, more convenient than VKontakte, well, it seems to me, but I don’t know how you and what opinions you have about My world. If you have questions, or if you have any problems, you want to know or clarify something. Write to me in the comments. I'll help you, I'll tell you.

Thank you for your attention!


  • Opportunity to find relatives, friends, relatives
  • the ability to talk online


  • there are failures

The Internet is indeed a great invention of mankind at the moment. I found my former classmates in "My World" - and we met after 20 years, there was a lot of impressions. Our former class teacher was surprised; he says that "I'm listening to you and it seems to me that you have not been separated at all for 20 years, discussing your news, as if seeing each other every day" ... And we answered - so we all registered in "My World" and we share the news, we know everything about everyone now.


  • Good games



  • Quickly
  • conveniently
  • safely
  • easy!


  • No cons I love

I created mail in 2000 and now it's 2011 and it's great!

Mail. Ru Agent is the most popular Russian online communication program to always be in touch with your friends and make new acquaintances

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  • communicate in multi-user conferences.

Also in Mail. Ru Agent you will discover many other useful features for interesting and emotional communication!


  • mail
  • links
  • groups!


  • not found!


The best site is My World! There you can chat, meet, play, correspond. Meet different people from different countries. Play different games. I love. I communicate with distant relatives. I advise you to register, convenient mail for quick use! you will not regret!

In the late 2000s, social networks on the Internet sprang up like mushrooms after rain. Whoever tried to do their own social program - both large companies and private enthusiasts. But no one succeeded in repeating the success of Mark Zuckerberg with his Facebook, and almost everyone was mowed down by natural selection. Only a couple of dozen remained, among which today we have the top three - Odnoklassniki, VKontakte and Facebook. Moreover, the first two belong to Group.
The social network "Moi [email protected]" is a second-class community, so to speak. As you can see by the name, it also belongs to, but the owner failed to repeat the success of the first two in its promotion. And although, according to them, it ranks third in terms of the number of monthly audience in Russia, Ukraine and Uzbekistan, according to the overall rating, it will not break out into the leaders. Moreover, back in 2007, immediately after its release, "My World" received second place in the "Disappointment of the Year" nomination. For several years, popularity bypassed him.
The developers understood the hint and got down to business. In 2012, the network was not subjected to deep processing, both external and internal, the possibility of messaging, gifts and listening to music appeared.
At the moment, the social network "My [email protected]" combines a blog platform, photo and video archives, as well as the [email protected] IM client.

How to enter "My Page" on "My World"

Attention! If you enter "my mir" or "my mir" - this is wrong!

You can enter the address without the prefix "www." and specifying the "http://" protocol - the browser will do everything for you on its own.

In order to get to "My Page" on "My [email protected]", you must first log in to the site by entering your username and password in the appropriate fields. Or you can register by following a simple procedure.

Note: If you have a mailbox on, then you can use its login and password to enter. This is done because the login is automatically tied to the mailbox.

As you can see, outwardly this is a kind of hybrid of Odnoklassniki and Contact: something was taken from one and something from the other.

For example, as in OK.RU, there is an opportunity to give large colorful gifts that can be given openly or privately:

The list of friends is also the same, but one moment was borrowed from VKontakte. Namely, the ability to leave visitors as subscribers without adding them as friends.

The list of available online games is also impressive. He's really big. In addition, it can be sorted by genre - Shooters, Simulators, Puzzles, Strategy, etc.

In the "Photos" section, you can create your own albums and fill them with your photos, and then share them with friends.

Personally, I really like the large catalog of music in Moi [email protected]. And these are not just tracks uploaded to the social network, as in Odnoklassniki and Contact, but actually an integrated separate service - "My Music":

On the right side of the service window is a very convenient audio player. It allows you to create your own playlists with tracks, put likes, and you can even send your favorites to friends.

"My video" is also a very good video hosting.

But its main "trick" is a huge selection of films, both domestic and foreign. And in excellent quality and absolutely free.

Mobile version of "My World" and application for gadgets

Developers have not forgotten about mobile devices either. Especially for them, a separate mobile version of "My World" was made. To get into it, you need to enter the address

Today we will explain in an accessible way how to make a free entry to the personal page of the My World website and make a short overview of the profile functionality.

Log in to my page in My World

Go to the official website of the social network, you will immediately see a form that you need to fill out to enter the site and it doesn’t matter if it’s from your computer or from someone else’s.

Enter your login (mail) under which you are registered, enter your password from the page. Mail must be entered incompletely.


You only need to enter: moya mail and select from the drop-down list the ending to your postal address (,,, or

It is possible that you do not have a registered account yet, then you need to follow the link and go through a simple registration on the site: - it will not take much time. You just need to enter your data in the fields that are provided for filling:

What will you get after registration

You can find your friends, acquaintances, classmates, classmates and others. Chat with those who are not around, share interesting pictures and photos, watch videos you like and listen to audio recordings.

Your friends will be able to leave comments on your photos and other publications, share their images with you, tell you various news and much more!

A lot of interesting games from the developers of Mail.RU, new acquaintances and this is not the whole list of what you will receive after registering and entering your page on the site.

If you have any questions regarding entering My World through a password or registering on this site, ask them in the comments and our specialists will answer them.

GD Star Rating
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Login to My World, 4.3 out of 5 based on 41 ratings

My [email protected] is a social network, a site where you can communicate with your friends and find new ones. Looking through the news feed (section "What's new?"), You are always aware of what is happening with them. You can watch the photos and videos they post (and rate), read what they write, reply to them, share your photos and videos, listen to music, play games. There are other interesting features - gifts, holidays, interest groups in which you can chat. There are also great opportunities for designing your page to make it unique and unlike others - covers, design themes.

The first question - do you already have mail on If not, then create it first (it's fast):

After that, you can create My World. Some believe that if you have mail on, then there is My World - this is not so. My World is created at will.

Registration in My World is absolutely free, we have detailed instructions with pictures:

The peculiarity of My World is that there are many people from the regions. The share of users from Moscow and St. Petersburg is less there than in other social networks. About 30 million people use My World a month - a lot! As many as 800 thousand people use only My World and do not sit on other similar sites. In addition, there are slightly more women in My World than the average on the Russian Internet, and they are much more active than men.

You can fill out your questionnaire in sufficient detail, indicating personal data, city of residence, places of study, work, military service, so that colleagues, acquaintances, former colleagues and everyone who is not indifferent to you can find you. Inside My World there is a search by name, surname, age, city, school and other parameters - this is one of the easy ways to find old friends or meet interesting people. However, people search on the start page has more opportunities. Login, which searches for a person on all social networks at once.

If someone visited your page, you will see him in your "Guests" block. Here you can go to any of the visitors and see what kind of person and where. It also encourages making new friends. In My World it is very easy to get acquainted and communicate.

My World users are especially fond of playing games, watching videos, listening to music. There is a lot of it all. Content, that is, content that is watched and listened to, is one of the main directions for the development of the social network, it is actively working with TNT, STS and other copyright holders so that users can legally watch the latest TV series, films and programs. At the same time, it is known that people watch mostly short entertaining videos there.

Also My World is closely connected with Answers, where people ask questions or answer them (if they know the answer). When someone asks a question or answers, it also gets into the feed and the person's friends can participate in finding the answer. Those who answer questions well gain reputation and receive various titles.

My World is one of three social networks owned and operated by Mail.Ru Group (the other two are VKontakte and Odnoklassniki). My World started working in 2007, initially it grew from blogs on, to which a photo and video service was added. The blogs themselves are now closed. In 2012, My World was seriously updated. There was also an attempt to gradually merge My World with Odnoklassniki, but users did not like it, so these projects are still developing separately from each other.

As already mentioned, you can use My World for free, but there are some paid services there: for example, if you don’t want someone to know that you visited his page, you can buy a VIP status (it also provides other benefits). If you want to meet new people, you can get into the “I want to chat” block, and many other users will see you. You pay for these and other services emails(currency of My World). You can replenish your account from a mobile phone, from a bank card, through Qiwi terminals and in other ways.

You can also use this social network from your mobile phone, there are applications for iPhone and Android. To download, you just need to go on your phone to where the applications are installed from (App Store or Google Play) and search for "My World". Then click the install button. The application is free.

Now it is widely believed that it is enough to create and you will immediately have a page, but this is not so. Yes, registration (absolutely free) on this service requires the presence of such mail, but it still happens separately. Intuitive interface, colorful instructions, and registration in the pages will not cause any problems.

Created in 2007, the social network today is visited by up to 30 million people every month. This is a huge number. One of the 3 largest services - My World, is constantly developing and improving its interface. So, in 2012, a rather serious update was carried out, which affected all areas of service.

A special feature allows you to immediately see the guests entering the page. See where they come from, find out their preferences and tastes.

Enter my page from right now

You can use it for free, but some additional services still require certain investments. For example, for a fee, you can set the VIP status, which gives additional features to your account.

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