
How to create a public VKontakte. What is a public - in simple and understandable words Creating a public page in VK

There are a huge number of groups and public pages on VKontakte devoted to almost everything in the world. Each VK user who has a page on the site can create a community. It is very easy to do this.

Before we start, let's digress a little and talk about. Here are a few highlights:

  • The public is available for viewing to absolutely all users, including even those who do not have an account in VK (the group can be closed).
  • The public cannot be hidden in the list of user groups to which it is subscribed.
  • The public does not have an "Invite friends" button.
  • Most of the materials on the public page can only be published by the manager.
  • Company, organization or website (Yandex, Vedomosti, Doctors Without Borders, Moscow State University).
  • A well-known person or team (Dmitry Medvedev, Splin, Valeria).
  • Work or product (Film, music album, book, deodorant).

Choose the type of page at your discretion, agree to the VK rules (check the box next to the item “I am an official representative and accept the Terms of Use of the Site”) and click on the “Create Page” button.

That's it, the public page has been created. Here's what it looks like initially.

When you create a group, you don't have to choose its type.

To view a list of your communities, click "My Groups". Here you will see a list of all groups, including your own and those you follow. Click on the "Manage" button to see the list of your communities:

Is that all, you ask? If we talk about creating a public or a group, then yes, that's all. The creation process itself is extremely simple and understandable to any user. A much more complicated process is filling the community, attracting users, promotion, etc.

If you have any questions about the article, you can ask them using the comments on our website.

Why do you need a public VKontakte page at all?

  1. for your publicity
  2. to share company news (website, brand, products, etc.)
  3. talk about new events and events
  4. attracting new users to the site

So let's get started.

We create an official page on VKontakte.

We go to "My Groups", farther "Page Management" and click on the link "Create Official Page"(or ). As a result, we have such a window as in the figure below, where we write the name of the page, select the page type and click create a page:

After creating a public Vkontakte page, you go into the editing mode of your page. Here you can choose a category, change the address of your public page to a short and memorable instead of an address of this kind, write your website, specify your contact information, upload an avatar, add links.

Once created, your public page is similar to a VKontakte group, except that users cannot “join the page”, they can click “like”. With this action, users subscribe to the news of your page and follow them.

To make the official page more effective, write news, share useful information, add events. You can also launch your own advertising campaign on VKontakte, where targeted advertising will be displayed. Of course, other types of page PR are also suitable.

Good day blog site readers! From this article, you will learn what is the difference between a group and a public page on Vkontakte and how to create your own public.

To be honest, a long time ago, when I was just getting acquainted with working on the Internet, I really didn’t know what the Vkontakte public was. It seemed to me that the public was another name for the “group” community. In fact, a public page is called a public page, and it is very different in terms of customization options from a group (community).

Differences between a public and a Vkontakte group

A public page is created to post information related to a company, brand or individual. People subscribe to this page to receive news. Everyone gets access to the information posted on the page, even those who are not registered with Vkontakte.

Group. The purpose of its creation is to unite a group of people according to their interests. There are two types of groups - open and closed. To view information in a closed group, the user needs to register in the service, and become a member of the community. A significant plus of the group is that it can be beautifully designed. There is a special wiki markup that allows you to create a menu.

What is the difference between a public and a group in contact, see the table:

Functionality Page Group
Publication of records Administrator All participants
Commenting Enable or disable for all subscribers. 3 types: everyone can add entries and comment; records are added by the admin, and users comment; admin publishes posts, comments are closed.
Creation of internal pages - +
Invite friends - +
Menu styling (wiki markup) - +
privacy Available to everyone without registering VK Open (everyone enters), closed (you approve applications), private (you submit applications)
Subscriber Management Removal is not available. Only adding to the black list. Both deletion and addition to the black list are allowed.
Link community Available to all friends in the block "Interesting pages" Can be hidden by privacy settings from the "Groups" block
URL link type******

When choosing which group or public page is best, do not forget about the goals of each of these communities. A group is an association based on the interests of participants for their communication and discussion of various issues. And the public is designed to inform subscribers about news and interesting information. The public page is somewhat similar to Twitter, and the group resembles a mini-forum.

If you want to know what are the ways to make money on Vkontakte, click on the link

How to create a Vkontakte public

Creating a public Vkontakte page is very quick and easy. Follow the instructions below.

Log in to your account, go to the "Groups" section on the left menu, click on the "Create Community" button at the top:

A window will open with options for communities and a field for the name (you can change it later at any time):

The next step is to select the type of page (the second option suits us) and agree to the VK rules:

It remains to specify a description, add a picture and the creation of a public in VK will be completed:

By default, the URL looks like this:****, but you can change it to be short and memorable. Come up with options and choose one of those for which you will see the inscription "address is not busy." A category, obviously a website, come up with a couple of sentences of description, provide a link to your site, and pick a founding date.

Additional blocks can be displayed in the right column of the page:

  • links;
  • Events;
  • discussions;
  • Contact Information;
  • photo album;
  • audio recordings;
  • video recordings;
  • places;
  • You can include comments if you wish.

To make the public attractive, upload an image. To the right below the image, there are 3 links for managing the community:

Page statistics - a report on public attendance is displayed here.

As you can see, creating a public in VK is easy. It is more difficult to promote it, so that later you can earn on advertising. You need to fill the page not with all sorts of rubbish, but with high-quality information. The principle, the more any posts, the better does not work here. Keep this in mind when posting in public. Better 2-5 quality posts a day than 20 meaningless ones.

How to make a public page from a group

More than a year has passed since a wonderful feature appeared - to transfer the group to a public page. On the group page, under the avatar in the menu on the right, there is a link "Translate to page" (see the picture above for a visual).

Please note that it will change if you decide to transfer the group to the public Vkontakte:

  • wiki markup and news block will become unavailable;
  • sent invitations to the group will be automatically canceled;
  • entries posted by subscribers will be lost;
  • information will be available to everyone;
  • the "Discussions" block will be displayed in the right column;
  • the "Documents" block will become unavailable for viewing.

The creator of a group can remake it into a public page no more than once every 30 days.

What is the difference between a group and a public page, how to create and monetize it, I hope, it became clear. If you have any questions ask in the comments.

Remember the question that haunted Danila Bagrov in the famous film: “ What is the strength in, brother?"? Correlating the answer with today's realities, one can answer as follows: “ Strength is in VKontakte!».

No, I'm not kidding - social networks have become not just a place of communication, there is money, leverage on the masses and ways to find the truth. The main thing is to know how to use the opportunities correctly In contact with. Today we will look at an example of creating a public page, "public" an effective way of influencing people.

So, VKontakte gives the opportunity to create not only personal user pages, but also communities: groups, public pages and events.

  • An event is a page that tells about an upcoming meeting, holiday and other events.
  • The group and the "public" are similar, but there are still differences, although they are subtle: in the group, those who join the community can create their own topics, in the public page, subscribers can only leave comments. If it is quite primitive to explain, then the first is a forum, the second is twitter.

Pressing "Create Community" link, in the form that appears, fill in the name of the future public page, activate the corresponding radio button and click on "Create Community" button. I strongly recommend that you sit down before that, take a piece of paper and a pen, think about why you will create a “public” (sell goods, share information with subscribers, send traffic to a website or affiliate programs, keep an online diary, etc.). If you want to earn money, choose the theme of the page carefully. And think of a name right now.

I named the project "Blondes about website building". You can’t make money on it, since the topic is non-commercial, there will be no traffic either, because men, redheads and brunettes are immediately cut off - if the “public” is further developed, then only for your own pleasure. Once again: think about what the page will be about and what the purpose of its creation is, do not waste time developing nonsense projects!

The next form will prompt you to select a page type and change the page name if necessary. Weigh everything carefully, agree to the terms of VKontakte and click "Create Page" button .

So, the page is practically born, we have created a public and now we need to fill in the necessary sections and set it up.

Let's start with the name of the public page (public). I’ll leave it like that, but if something didn’t suit you, some thoughts caught up with you while you were taking the first steps in creating a “public” - feel free to change the page name. Next click "Choose a short address" link and come up with an original, memorable URL for the page. Why do it? I suggest you think for yourself and answer in the comments.

Choose from the drop down menu category let's write a few words about company (what we generally want from the page), enter Website address (I previously chose the page type as a reflection of the web resource) and specify today's creation day "public".

Now let's decide on the blocks that will be on our right - in the list check the boxes next to the required extensions . And we fill in the blocks, entering the necessary information, adding videos and photos. Turn on comments - on my page, for example, there must be questions from subscribers.

Uploading a photo , which displays the main idea of ​​the public page. The download link is in the top left corner, it's impossible to miss it. Having selected the desired image, by moving the slider we determine the area of ​​​​the image visible to subscribers. You can turn it around, you can go back.

Selecting the thumbnail area , which will be your profile picture when adding material and comments.

The public page has been created. Minor improvements remain: create an event- it will be displayed on the right in the blocks (this is the same Event that offers to create VKontakte when you click the "Create Community" button), you can talk about products and services , adding a link to the page (also displayed on the right).

Pressing "Page Management" link (under the picture), you can almost reconfigure everything. Can add administrators , block subscribers , configure news import and export (from the page - to Twitter, from the site's RSS - here).

A very important parameter that can be tracked - page traffic . VKontakte tells in great detail who comes, where and when. The report can be downloaded in a convenient file.

But what to do if the public page is tired, not needed, or has lost its relevance? You can sell it, you can just forget about it, you can delete it. For removing public, you must first remove all administrators from the list, then "dismiss" yourself.

Finally, I will announce the main advantage of the "public" over the group: the communities on the user's page are not displayed in clear form, and the pages to which he is subscribed are visible in a special block. This is the traffic of curious friends. If you choose the right name and picture.

How did you make sure create a vk public very simple, but to really make money on it you need more time. Good luck!

2 votes

I welcome you, dear readers, to the Start-Luck blog. Group or public? Probably, this question worries many beginners: what are the advantages of this or that page, what is the actual difference and is it possible to change the decision once made?

Today I will tell you how to make a public page from a group. There is nothing easier, but there are three aspects that you must comply with in order for the mission to be completed. Which ones and what exactly is better to lead and promote - a group or a community, we will analyze today.

Don't jump to conclusions

At first, it really seems like a very important question to create a group or community. Over time, this issue fades into the background, and you just do your job. All why? Because the difference between these two types of pages is not so significant.

The group is intended for communication, and the public is for creating the right image. It is, so to speak, more solid: users can only be recommended posts, but not invited to the group in spammy ways; the discussion block, news and documents disappear; invitations are not available. Now subscribers and random guests will not be able to just recommend the group to their friends, but will be able to tell about the page.

Those who have been leading the group for a long time know that few living people use this method. Basically, they share interesting information, and not just throw invitations. Nobody believes in them anymore, this way you can only get a bunch of fakes and working accounts that do not benefit either the business or the person.

All this is not as scary as it might seem at first glance. Spam doesn't do any good anyway. Reposts give much more. In addition, interesting pages, that is, it is the publics to which a person is subscribed, that are reflected under the avatar on the main page of any VK profile.

In my opinion, the basis for your choice can be a simple choice between two obvious options.

Is your community meant to connect people or brand? It can be not only the sale of fur coats or yogurt, you yourself can be a brand.

Roughly speaking, if you are using, then it is better to choose a public, not a group. It is needed rather for people united by common thoughts and ideas.

Recently I was looking for good groups with quotes for my next article and noticed this difference. Some publics simply posted pictures and gained likes and reposts. Others were created as groups, and collected a bunch of comments under them, contained many documents with arguments and disputes of subscribers on various topics. They were much more interesting. That's what makes the right choice.

On the other hand, I also ran into groups of pizzerias. There, dead weight lay unnecessary discussions, in which, of course, no one participated. It looked disgusting.

For humor, quotes and other fun, it is better to create a group. To promote a restaurant, even if you are going to mostly just write interesting posts about food without placing an emphasis on the establishment, use public.

Mandatory conditions for editing

So, it is possible to transfer a group to a community and back if three main and one secondary conditions are met.

The most important of these is that you must be a community creator. If there is no button (link), which I will talk about in a step-by-step guide, then you need to find the creator and ask him to transfer the community to public. More on all this later.

The second condition is that you can change your mind no more than once a month. 30 days have passed - change the group to public or vice versa. Before this time expires, nothing will happen.

Thirdly, you can only transfer from a PC. Mobile devices will not work. On the phone or through the tablet, this operation will not work.

Well, and a secondary condition - more than 10,000 people should not be subscribed to your community. I called this factor secondary, because in the end you still get to do what you wanted. If you meet all the basic conditions.

The decision to re-register, if there are more than 10,000 subscribers, will be a little more difficult. Not for you. For technical support. It is she who will have to decide whether to fulfill the request of the owner of the group or not.

If there are fewer people in the public, you may not even bother. In principle, you can not do this even with a larger number of subscribers. But in this case, at least, it will be possible to worry: “What decision will the managers make? Will they give me a chance to change everything, fix it?


So, go to Vkontakte and click on the three dots under the avatar of your group. If you are the creator (not any other, only the creator), a menu will open in the menu that appears, in the list of which, among other footnotes, there will be - transfer to a page or transfer to a group. Depending on what status the community has been assigned now.

Here, in the column on the right, leaders or participants, find the one. Under his name should be the inscription "Creator".

Only this person will be able to get to the desired button and see a message like this, which will complete your goal by simply clicking on the blue button at the very bottom of the window.

OK it's all over Now. By the way, if you are interested in a professional sense, I can recommend you an excellent school " SMM manager: business promotion in social networks". Here you will be told everything you need to know in order to use social networks to the fullest and earn not only on the promotion of your publics, but also receive money from companies in your city. Who knows, maybe this is the first step towards your digital studio?

Well, for those who are not yet ready to make a responsible decision that may affect their entire future life, I can offer to watch a video from a master class on promoting Vkontakte.

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