
What does the code in the programming language look like. Source code program. Unlightened source code

The need to have its own website today is experiencing many companies, as well as individuals, so information on the topic of development and promotion of Internet projects is so in demand. Many are interested in the question - how to create yourself website, software code For which is the likeness of the foundation for the house? Let's try to figure it out in this matter, delving into the topic of web development.

The website is not easy to combine text, links, pictures and colorful banners, it is also a program code that is performed on the user's computer or on the server side. And if you create images of the required format in the desired resolution and quality today, almost everyone can, using ready-made images from the Internet or any popular graphic editor, then create site code site. For a non-specialist is fraught with considerable difficulties.

The quality of the applications and the Internet project as a whole strongly depends on the skill of a programmer developing a website that can contain errors that strongly affect the download speed of web pages and for many other aspects of the entire site, including security associated. Therefore, the detection and elimination of errors in the code is a mandatory component when creating any website. Trust the development of a complex corporate site is best to specialists (if you are not), because some errors are difficult to detect, and many of them may further lead to a slowdown in the download and incorrect display of web pages in Internet users browsers. Too long loading can cause outflow of visitors from the site and reduce the quality of traffic, which reduces profits and efficiency from the use of commercial Internet projects.

First HTML and CSS

The basis of the web document is the code written in the HTML markup language. The markup language should not be confused with the programming language, and what actually the difference is written in detail. In principle, using a set of commands that offers for the HTML site developer, you can set all the necessary parameters of the static web document - the location of the elements (block marking), headers, paragraphs, tables, images, etc. And with CSS, a special add-in for HTML, you can position all the listed markup objects, change their style - color, size, format, etc.

Then javascript

Interactive and animated elements, such as banners, running string, feedback form, work on web pages thanks to the presence of scripts and code written on server or client programming languages. The scripts developed by the JavaScript programming language are very popular. Such client scripts in their work do not use the server capabilities and are executed on the user's computer side, then-there is in the browser. Thanks to this, JavaScript applications are characterized by simplicity and high speed.

Finally php.

In the case when writing complex and voluminous codes is required, for example for forums or guest books, programmers are asked for help to server programming languages, and in particular to. PHP codes are performed on the server side, so their work can be somewhat slow, because it depends on the connection speed with a remote computer and the degree of its workload. With the help of PHP and SQL commands (special query database commands), you can organize the interaction of the site with databases and create interactive Internet projects - forums, online stores, bulletin boards, various directories, etc.

Do not worry too much about what language you should choose to explore. Many novice programmers find it difficult to choose a language when they are just starting to study writing program codes. Directly the language itself, which you choose, does not matter when it comes to studying the structures and logic of building information. These skills are much more important, and they can be learned with any programming language.

  • Choosing a language, concentrate on what purpose you want to create software codes, and only then choose the initial language. For example, if you want to develop websites, you should start with HTML study, and then supplement it with CSS, JavaScript and PHP languages. If you want to create software for computers, then start learning C ++ or any other basic programming language.
  • If you become a professional programmer, you will quickly realize that you will never use the language that you initially learned for your work. Instead, you will continue to learn new languages \u200b\u200bthrough the documentation and experiments all the time.

Find free online resources dedicated to your selected language. The Internet is a treasure chest that keeps free benefits, courses and video devoted to the language that you decided to teach. You can learn the basics of almost any introductory language per day.

  • Here are just a few popular sites: Bento, Codeacademy,,, Khan Academy, Udacity, W3schools and many others.
  • On Wikihow, you can also find a wide variety of primary benefits for different languages.
  • You can find training videos for almost any language on YouTube.
  • Stack Exchange is one of the most popular forums on which professional programmers respond to any user questions.
  • Download a good text editor. Many programming languages \u200b\u200ballow the use of external text editors to write programs. Find a text editor that will display indents and code marking.

    • Popular programs include NotePad ++ (Windows), TextWrangler (OS X) and JEDIT (any system).
  • Download any necessary compilers. Some programming languages \u200b\u200brequire a compiler to display the source code you wrote. Compilers broadcast the source code into the equivalent program in the low level language, which is then processed by the computer. Many compilers are open and free programs. Languages \u200b\u200bthat require the use of compilers include:

    • Basic.
    • Fortran
    • Pascal
  • Start your first project. Choose a good introductory project that will allow you to try your new skills. On the Internet there are many offers and benefits on this topic; For example, you can start with the creation of simple websites with HTML, simple databases and features with PHP or simple programs on any of the languages \u200b\u200brequiring compilers.

    Any program or online services, such as Word, Microsoft Windows, WhatsApp, or a browser, which daily launch hundreds of millions of people, one way or another, consist of special instructions. Or a special program code that is clear by the car, says she to do or, on the contrary, not to do. Or how to react to user actions. What is the program code will disassemble in this article.


    The program code program is the text performed in a special language, a clear machine. It can be performed directly in the text using an interpreter or translated into a special kind of compiler.

    The source code of the program may consist of several files. At the same time, they must all be the same format. The text of the program contained in them must be written in the same language. True, there may be exceptions. For example, in web development in the page file, several different programming languages \u200b\u200band standards may be contained. Depending on the complexity of the project, there may be languages \u200b\u200band technologies as PHP, HTML, and others.

    Complex software complexes for assembly may require a large number of files that can be calculated entire hundreds. For collaboration on such large projects, programmers often use versions control systems. They allow simultaneously to work with several instances of the source code, which at a certain stage of development can be connected to one common one.

    Quality code

    The computer is not able to understand how the code is written for it, bad or good. If it is operational and does not contain errors, then the machine will start it anyway. Bad code may complicate software support tasks. Especially relevant for large projects. Usually, high-quality code is characterized by several parameters:

    • Customer readability. One glance at him should be enough to generally understand what is implemented by the code site.
    • The presence of understandable and capacious comments. This parameter affects readability, ease of debugging, testing support and troubleshooting program code errors.
    • Low difficulty.
    • Code optimization. It is necessary to organize it in such a way that the program uses as few system resources as possible, such as memory, processor time and hard disk space.
    • No garbage. That is, not used variables or code blocks, in which the program control never comes.

    Malicious software code

    In addition to useful programs, there are those that can harm the system or even equipment. As a rule, it is written by such code by people who are interested in any benefit from the process. For example, programs that can kidnap personal data from user computers. They may have payment card numbers, passport details, or any other confidential information. Others can simply have an impact on the system work, thereby causing failures and interfering with full functionality.

    Jeff Vogel is a programmer with extensive experience - shared a few tips to teach beginner developers with the rules of good code.

    In particular, he suggests always comment on his program code. What is a comment? This is understandable and brief description of what is happening in this code line or function. The fact is that the development of a certain program can be delayed for a month or to suspend for a while. Returning to work on the project in a couple of months, even the experienced program will be difficult to figure out the same program. But detailed comments will be able to restore the chain of events and the behavior of the code.

    Next, he recommends using global variables as much as possible in the program. This is explained by the fact that when changing the program code, you will have to adjust the value of the variable only in one place. At the same time, all the functions of the function or procedure immediately will immediately recognize and will produce operations with new data.

    Variable names and error detection

    The correct name of the variables will also help significantly reduce the time for learning the source code of the program, even if the code is written in your own hands. That is, a good code is considered to be such a text where variables and functions have names for which you can understand what they are doing or stored. At the same time, you must try not to use long names of variables.

    It is very important to pay great attention to the timely elimination of errors. What is a program code that is performed perfect? This is a code in which there are no errors. That is, any cycle branch or variable change, or at all of any unforeseen user actions will always lead to an expected result. This is achieved at the expense of testing ready-made several times.

    Detection of program code errors, or rather, their prediction is possible at the design of the program. The presence in the code of various checks of conditions and possible exceptions will help keep control of the program at a specific exchange rate.

    Optimization has a tremendous value for writing a working program that will economically use the computer resources and at the same time not to make errors to execute the program code. What is an optimized program? This is a product that is capable of performing all the claimed functionality, while "quietly" and economically.

    Almost always optimization for stable operation of the program can be achieved only as a result of several tests on different platforms and in various conditions. If the program begins to behave unpredictably, it is necessary to determine what caused the cause and, if possible, to eliminate or intercept the process.


    What is the program code? In simple language, this is a set of instructions and concepts for the computer. It contains the text that the compiler or interpreter can turn the language into a clear machine. That is, in fact, the program code is an intermediary between a person and a computer that simplifies their relationship.

    Home »What is software code, applications, errors

    Any software or online services, such as Word, for Windows, WhatsApp or browser, which work every day hundreds of millions of people, one way or another, include special instructions. Or a special program code that is clear by the car tells him what to do or not do. Or how to react to user actions. What program code will be reviewed in this article.

    The program code program is the text is performed in a special language, a clear machine. It can be performed directly in the text of the translator or transfer to a special compiler form.

    The source code may consist of several files. All of them must be the same format. The text of the program contained in them must be written in the same language. However, there may be some exceptions. For example, in the web development of the page file may contain several different programming languages \u200b\u200band standards. Depending on the complexity of the project, you can submit such languages \u200b\u200band technologies as PHP, HTML and JavaScript, Java and others.

    Complex software systems assembly may require a large number of files that can be as whole. For collaboration on such large projects, programmers often use versions control systems. They allow simultaneously to work with several instances of the source code, which at a certain stage of development can be combined into one common one.

    Quality code

    The computer is not able to understand how your code is written for him, good or bad. If it is healthy and does not contain errors, the machine will be launched in any case. Bad code may complicate software support tasks. This is especially true for large projects. As a rule, high-quality code is characterized by several parameters: Customer readability. One glance should be enough to understand how to understand that the code fragment is realized. Experts are clear and capacious comments. This parameter significantly affects readability, simplicity of debugging, testing, supporting and troubleshooting program code. Low difficulty. Code optimization. It is designed to use a program less system resources, such as memory, processor time and disk space. Estimation of garbage. That is, not used variables or blocks of code that never comes to the control program. Code

    In addition to useful programs that can harm the system or even equipment. As a rule, such code is written by people who are interested in any advantages from the current process. For example, programs that can abduct personal information from computer users. They can be the card number, passport data or any other confidential information. Others can simply affect the system, thereby causing failures and preventing full functionality. Recommendations for writing a good code

    Jeff Vegel - a programmer with extensive experience, shared a few tips to teach novice rules of good code.

    In particular, he suggests always comment on his code. What is the review? This is a clear and brief description of what happens in this line of code or function. The fact that the development of a specific program can be postponed for a month or even suspended for a while. Returning to work on a project for a couple of months, even an experienced programmer will be difficult to understand the program. But detailed comments will be able to restore the chain of events and behavior.

    Further, it recommends that global variables can use as often as possible. This is because when changing the program code, you need to adjust the value of the variable only in one place. Using the value of the function or procedure immediately will be learned about this and will work with new data. The identity of variable and error detection

    The correct name of the variables will also help significantly reduce the time for studying the source code of the program, even if the code is written in your own hands. That is, a good code is a text where variables and functions have names, you can understand what they do or store. In this case, you must try not to use long variable names.

    It is very important to pay great attention to the timely correction of errors. What is a program code that perfectly performed? This code has no mistake. That is, any branch of the cycle or change variable, or even any unexpected user actions, will always lead to an expected result. This is achieved by testing the software product in several cases.

    Code error detection, or rather, their forecast is possible at the program design stage. The presence in the code checking various conditions and possible exceptions will help keep the course management of the course.

    Optimization is necessary to write a working program that will effectively use computer resources and to avoid errors to execute the program code. What is the optimal program? This is a product that can perform all the stated functions, behaves in this "quiet" and economical.

    Almost always optimization for stable operation of the program can only be achieved by carrying out several tests on different platforms and in different conditions. If the program begins to behave unpredictably, you need to determine what it is caused and eliminated or capturing the process. Translude

    What is the code? Simple words, this is a set of instructions and concepts for the computer. It contains the text that the compiler or the interpreter can turn the language into a clear machine. That is, in fact, the code is a mediator between a person and a computer that simplifies their relationship.

    Source Codes Programs and Games

    Sources The best programmer book is a working source code. The section includes the source codes of the most diverse direction: the sources of games, network programs and small source codes for familiarization. Sources of the site are written in C ++ and C # programming languages. To make a small but algorithmically important step in the development of the application, you need to view a lot of specialized literature, test a lot of program codes. In such cases, the working source is very helped with a ready-made solution. Most often there is no need to fully disassemble program codes, it is enough to choose only the necessary lines. The source code of this site complements the collection of source code placed on the subjects of the subject matter. Each important line of code is attached to detailed comments.

    The program section includes application programs that help in calculations, webmasters tools, useful utilities for computer users. Here you can find computer mini games, puzzles, card games and others. Most of the programs and games of the site have sources in the source code section. After small improvements, the sources can be applied in various own projects. Sources are commented in detail on the site pages or in the source files themselves.

    Articles Selection of articles on programming - the arguments of professional and beginner programmers about programming, programming languages \u200b\u200band about choosing programming tools. It is described about the emergence of programming science, about creating programming languages, their differences. In the articles you can find interesting arguments of students of technical universities and beginner programmers.

    Licensed software engaged in the development of programs or carried away by programming it is impossible to do without specialized software. At some level of the programmer's experience, its specialized direction is determined, its gentleman's software set. Using for their developments hacked, pirate programs sooner or later realize that without licensed software that guarantees the trouble-free full functionality and the comfort of programming, it is impossible to do. Currently, private developers and small programming organizations are offered a lot of professional software at reasonable prices. This section offers many useful programs. The range of license software offers includes a huge amount of software developers, network programs, web programmers, graphic programs for designer artists and many others. The section also contains programs created to ensure the safety of your work on personal computing technique: antiviruses, firewalls, firewalls, network screens.

    Books Theoretical preparation must be combined with practical work and even ahead of it. Taking only one programming practice, sooner or later you realize how low the ceiling of your knowledge. It is here that books from authors with great experience of programming, from the authors who from the discharge of ordinary programmers switched to the discharge of real masters, simply and accessantly explaining complex programming algorithms. Moreover, the book on paper does not fully replace the e-book.

    Concept of programcode

    The quality of learning information readable on paper is much higher than if the same book read on the computer display. The section includes a large number of books useful in the computer economy. The latest editions are offered with interesting and relevant content. Here you can find programming literature, Internet programming, creating and maintaining computer networks, books on the creation and processing of computer sound and music, video digitization and home cinema. Books will help you learn and computer graphics.

    Source (Usually simple program text, eng. source Code.) - any set of instructions or ads written in the computer programming language and in the form that a person can read. The source code allows the programmer to communicate with the computer using a limited set of instructions.

    Source code written on HTML using JavaScript

    The source code representing a program is usually contained in one or more text files, sometimes stored in databases as stored procedures, and may also appear as the code fragments printed in books or other printing facilities. A large collection of source code files can be organized into the directory tree, and, in this case, it can also be known as tree of source codes (eng. source Tree) or tree code tree of the source code, etc.

    Source code program - This is a set of files needed to convert from a form accessible to a person, some types of computer executable code.

    12.3.2. Sample program code

    There are two directions of execution of code: translated into machine code using a compiler intended for a certain computer architectureor performed directly by text using the interpreter.


    The source code is mainly used as input data for a process that performs executable programs (that is, it is compiled or interpreted). It is also used as a means of transmitting algorithms between humans (for example, code fragments in books). Porting the program to other computer platforms without raw code is usually quite complicated. Although options are possible porting and without source code, for example, binary broadcast or by the original platform.


    Software, and source code that they are accompanied, as a rule, belong to one of the two license paradigms: Public software and non-free software (or proprietary). In general, software is openif the source code can be freely used, distributed, modified and analyzed, and proprietaryIf the source code is kept secret, or is in private property and access to it is limited. To ensure the closedness, mainly the provisions of various copyright laws are used, but commercial secrets and patents are also used. In addition, the program distribution, as a rule, comes with a license agreement (EULA), which mainly prohibits decompilingation, reinumediring, analysis, editing, or bypassing copy protection. Types of protection of the source code (except for traditional compiling to the object code include code encryption, encourage code (eng. code Obfuscation) or morphing code.


    The way the program is written may have very important consequences for its maintenance. Many programming style textbooks insist on the importance of readability, and many recommendations are aimed at supporting the source code of the program, which includes debugging and updates. Other priorities, such as the program of execution of the program and the possibility of compiling the program for several architectures, often make the readability of the code less important factor, since quality The code is completely dependent on its purpose.

    Since programming has already been exist on an industrial scale for dozens of years, the appropriate code for code design has been developed. Some standards are officially decorated, and some are unlawful rules. For example, Hungarian notation regulates the name of the identifiers in the program (often it is solved by the release of the enterprise naming convention), other standards define the rules for the syntax elements.

    Source (also original textor easy source code, the code, eng. Code.) - Computer program in text form on any programming language. The source code is either broadcast in executable code using a compiler intended for a certain computer architectureeither executed directly by text using the interpreter.


    The source code is either used to obtain object code, or is performed by the interpreter. The changes never run above the object code, only above the initial, followed by re-converting to the object.

    Another important assignment of the source code is as a description of the program. By text, you can restore the logic of its behavior. Comments are used to facilitate the understanding of the source code. There are also tools that allow you to automatically receive documentation on the source code - t. N. Documentation generators.

    In addition, the source code has many other applications.

    HTML program code

    It can be used as a learning tool; Beginner programmers are useful to explore the existing source code for studying the technique and programming methodology. It is also used as a tool for communicating between experienced programmers, due to its (ideal) concise and unequivocal nature. Sharing code developers are often referred to as a factor contributing to improving programmer experience.

    Programmers often transfer the source code from one project to another, which is called the reuse of the code ( Software Reusability).

    The source code is the most important component for the software porting process to other platforms. Without the source code of any part of software, porting is either too difficult or impossible at all ...


    The source code of some part of the software (module, component) may consist of one or more files. The program code is not necessarily written only in one programming language. For example, often programs written in the SI language, in order to optimize, contain the insertion of the code in the assembler language. There are also possible situations where some components or parts of the program are written in different languages, followed by assembly into a single executable module using technology known as libraries links ( library Linking.).

    Complex software when assembling requires the use of dozens, or even hundreds of files with source code.

    In such cases, files are commonly used to simplify the assembly. Makefile.comprising a description of the dependencies between the source files and describing the assembly process.

    To make it easier to work with the source code, for collaborating the programmers command, versions are used.


    Unlike a person, there is no "well written" or "poorly written" code for a computer. But then how the code is written can hardly affect the process of support for software. The quality of the source code can be spoken in the context of the following parameters:

    • readability code
    • easiness in support, testing, debugging and eliminating errors, modifications and porting
    • low difficulty
    • low use of resources - memory, processor, disk space
    • no comments when compiling the program

    This is an introductory part dedicated to theoretical programming basics. The reader can familiarize himself with it and then proceed to studying programming in practice (references at the beginning and at the end of this material), can appeal to practical exercises immediately, and may continue to get acquainted with the theory of software development, choosing the questions you are interested in from the above list. As for this article, here is its main sections:

    Tip: Reading further material, do not try to remember all the term and definitions occurring along the narration. Everything will fall into place over time, especially since the hypertext of Internet pages and it is good that references to the detailed presentation of the material can be found where it is necessary. You can always return to the right page and do it exactly when you feel the deficit of knowledge. If any section causes you difficulties in terms of his awareness - skip it. If in the future you will not return to it, this means that it is in the process of studying the basics of programming for you to be superfluous.

    What is algorithm, programming and pseudocode

    Let's start with the fact that we define what an algorithm is. Algorithm - This is the procedure that needs to be performed to solve a specific task. The concept of the algorithm is not only associated with programs performed on, so the question of "who needs to fulfill" the answer can be anyone or anything: a person, a robot, computing equipment, etc. Algorithm - this is an instruction or guide or finally just program of action. In this case, this is a description of the algorithm by means, the design of which the computer can handle. Or just this is the process of writing the text of the computer program. In such an interpretation, synonym for programming is coding process (Coding). Why did I spoke about interpretation? The fact is that software developers are very preferable to what they do, and can be extremely unhappy when their activities are reduced only to the coding process in a particular programming language. Itself is not only coding, but also the preceding stage of design, as well as the subsequent stages and maintenance. Under programming more often, the process of creating a computer program as a whole, including the development of an algorithm, and coding is the translation of an already developed algorithm into a language, understandable coding object (This refers to a computer or any other device operating on a given program given by someone).

    So, the algorithm of any task described on any algorithmic language (procedural programming language), in the first approximation appears as a sequence of instructions or operators. The operator may be simple or composite. Plain operator - This is atomic programming Language Unit. Simple operators include (defining the name and type of variable), (assigning a variable value), input and information output operations, etc.

    Variable (in programming) - This is the named RAM area intended for temporary storage of data portion processed by a computer program. The variable is characterized by the size of the occupied memory and the type that determines how this memory is interpreted by the computer. The type of variable can be simple or composite (complex). Simple types include numeric, symbolic and logical type. Composite type is a set of simple and / or other composite types.

    Composite operators are used to organize other operators in the sequence and management of the program execution. Composite operators are related (repetition of the sequence of operators), and the like. And by themselves operators are not. They can be arguments of values \u200b\u200bby variables or criteria for performing cycles and conditional operators. Part of mathematical and logical expressions can be.

    Subtotals: The simplest computer program is a sequence of operators (software instructions), one of which modify variables, while others control the progress of the program (cycles, conditional operators), based on the conditions specified by logical and arithmetic expressions.

    If something of all this causes questions, I propose to move on any of the above links and get acquainted with the design of the procedural programming language described by me.

    Previously, algorithms, before implementing them on, were represented in the form. Today, it seems to me that the classic block diagrams resort quite rarely (in schools or in various courses of programming bases). Also, flowcharts are used in describing business processes together with diagrams, but this is already refer to the macroproject stages. I am in my practice very rarely using some intermediate forms of describing algorithms, but if such a need arises, I do it using pseudocoda. Pseudocode - this is pseudo-language programmingThe syntax of which standards does not exist. Pseudocode is devoid of insignificant to understand the essence of the parts algorithm, without which there is no way when writing programs in real programming languages. The only one purpose of pseudocode - formalize the description of the algorithm. Tasks whose solutions are described on the pseudocode are very easily transferred to any programming language, since pseudocode is a programming language with the only difference that there is no compiler for it, and the only interpreter for it is the human brain. What is the compiler and the interpreter I will tell at the end of this material.

    Examples of algorithms on pseudocode and in the form of flowcharts

    Here is an example of a description of the algorithm for the problem of dividing one number to another performed on the pseudocode:

    A: Integer type input (a) B: Interactive type input (b) If b \u003d 0 That output ("Error: division to 0!") End end if C: Real type C \u003d A / B Output (C)

    Integrated Development Environment (IDE, INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT Environment) - A combination of software tools offering the user tools for writing a program code, search and highlight syntactic errors and launch applications in debug mode. The integrated development environment includes a compiler, a linker, debugger, profiler and other components. The most popular software development medium in programming languages \u200b\u200bC #, VB.NET and C ++ is, and for training purposes, I propose to use the following.

    Debugger (Debugger) - The IDE tool that allows you to perform a program in step-by-step mode and track the values \u200b\u200bof the variables on each of the steps defined by the breakpoints or test points (Break Point).

    PROFILER (PROFILER) - The IDE tool used to optimize the program code for the speed of its execution and the RAM it occupies. With the help of the profiler, you can collect statistics, which part of the code is most often running, and how much time and resources on its execution spend a computer. Based on this statistic, you can identify the "bottlenecks" of your program and send your efforts to optimize them.

    Programming language - A formal language submitted by a set of instructions (operators), with the help of which, with compliance with a specific syntax, computer programs are written. In another, the programming language is the main tool for implementing the algorithm of a particular task on the computer.

    Machine code - The command system that the computer processor understands "without translation".

    High and low programming languages - Classification of programming languages \u200b\u200bfor the degree of convenience of their use by man to solve applied tasks (high-level languages) or by the degree of proximity to the machine code (low-level languages).

    Compleler (Compiler) - An application that is engaged in the compilation process - program translating (program code broadcast) written in high-level programming language into low-level language or in machine code. Under the compilation on the low level language, the program is most often meant to broadcast the program to the assembler language in order to perform the "fine" setting of individual "bottlenecks" before finally translate it into the machine code. An example of an assembler program can be seen.

    Object module. - a file containing the result of the compiler, namely the machine code with reference to other object modules, if the program is complex and consists of a plurality of components.

    Linker - An application that enters the process of creating an executable module after the compiler. If the compile result is a few object modules, the linker of all them finds and builds the executable module from them.

    Performed module - The file containing the program exactly as capable of processing the bootloader of a specific operating system. Most often these are files with EXE or DLL extension.

    Loader (Loader) - A part of the operating system that creates a separate program for the program loads into the RAM (to the RAM area allocated for the process) data of the executable file, initializes the processor registers and starts the process. From now on, the program starts to be executed.

    Interpreter (Interpreter) - A program that performs the program code is stepdown, broadcasting only the part to the machine code that must be fulfilled at a specific point in time. The interpreter processes the program line. The difference between the compiler from the interpreter is that the compiler broadcasts to the machine code at once the entire program at once, while creating one or more object modules, and the interpreter, while broadcasting only the fragment of the program you need, immediately this fragment and performs. Thus, some interpreters are a compiler, a linker and a loader in one bottle. An example of an interpreter is a processing unit in the Internet browser.

    On this with theory, I will allow myself to finish and go to practice. Because.

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