
Fox and goat Russian fairy tale. Fairy tale Fox and Goat. Russian folktale. Promotions and discounts

B once a fox rode, she gaped at the crows - and fell into the well. There was not much water in it: you can’t drown, but you can’t jump out either.
The fox is sitting, grieving.

A goat is walking past - a smart head. He walks, shaking his beards, shaking his mugs. Having nothing to do, he looked into the well, saw a fox there and asked her:
- What are you doing there, fox?
- I'm resting here, my dear, don't you see, - the fox answers him, - it's very hot up there, so I climbed here. And it's so nice and cool here! Cold water - as much as you want!

And the goat wanted to drink for a long time.
- Is the water good? - the goat asks the fox.
“Excellent water,” the fox replies. - Clean, cold! If you want, jump to me here. There's plenty of room for both of us.
The goat foolishly jumped, almost crushed the fox.

And she tells him:
- Eh, you bearded fool, and you really don’t know how to jump - you splashed me all over.
And she herself jumped on the back of the goat, from the back onto the horns, and jumped out of the well.
And the goat almost disappeared from hunger in the well. Forcibly, they found him there and pulled him out by the horns.

Galina Guseva
Retelling of the fairy tale "The Fox and the Goat"

Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech in children of the older group « Retelling the fox and the goat tale»

Program content:

1. Introduce children to a new literary work « Fox and goat»

2. Learn to use when retelling figurative artistic means, expressively convey character dialogue.

3. Teach children retell a text with a visual support in the form of a series of plot pictures showing the sequence of events.

4. To consolidate in children the ability to select as many definitions as possible for an object or object, to expand and activate the vocabulary of children.

5. Improve word formation skills. Strengthen the ability to form relative adjectives.

6. To form in children an idea of ​​kindness, honesty. Cultivate a negative attitude towards cunning, deceit.

vocabulary work:

Activate words from the text in children's speech fairy tales: "well", "gape", "mourns", "when you want", "violently", "False".

preliminary work:

Analysis of the proverb

Games- « overpraised» , "Say it differently"

Organizing time:

"Eyes look and see everything,

Ears listen and hear everything

Legs and hands do not interfere, but help.

A raised hand is a sign that

What do you know and are ready say….

And the head thinks...

Today we will meet a new fairy tale and learn to retell it. Maybe someone this the story is familiar, but we will try to find something new and interesting in it.

Name fairy tales you will guess if you find from the pictures offered to you "target"

dog, cow, a fox, fox cat, wolf, bear, goat, goat hare. (fox t. all words refer to domestic animals, and fox wild animal. Goat - because that all words refer to wild animals, and goat - pet).

Repeat the highlighted words a fox, goat.

The tale is called« Fox and goat»

Preparation for the perception of the text.

name fairy tales in which you met a fox-"Fox with a rock", "Teremok", « fox and bear» , "Sister Chanterelle and the Gray Wolf" and etc.

There are others fairy tales with which you will get to know. Guys, let's draw a complete, verbal portrait of a fox. After all fox is always different. What happens a fox? Cunning, insidious, evil, kind, loving, smart, redhead, etc. Guys, how can tell about the fox if she has a long tail? Means - fox - what? Longtail.

Sharp eye - sharp eyed

pointed nose - pointed

fluffy tail - fluffy tail

quick feet - quick footed

Now we are listening fairy tale« Fox and goat» and think what fox in this story?

Reading fairy tales.

What is the name of fairy tale?

Which one is shown a fox?

Is it possible say that she's smart? Why?

How a fox turned to the goat at first, but how then?

What did she call him?

What's in fairy tale goat?

Why do you think he is like this?

(children's answers)

Well done, they picked up a lot of words, drew a complete, verbal portrait of the heroes fairy tales.

Guys, let's remember how it started fairy tale?

"Ran a fox, gaped at the raven - and fell into the well " .

What is a well?

A narrow, deep pit reinforced with logs or boards from where water is drawn.

Guys, explain how you understand these expressions from fairy tales?

"I gaped at the raven"- looked at the raven

« the fox is grieving» - sad

"when you want"-if you want

"out of the well"- go out

"forcibly found"- with difficulties

Well done! You correctly explained all the words.

Guys, if you were in fairy tale what would you hear (how a fox talking to a goat

(gentle, gentle, soft)

Remember the words a fox, pronounce them so that everyone understands that the fox speaks softly.

“I’m resting, my dear, it’s hot up there, so I climbed here”

But as a fox began to talk with the goat then? . (angrily, loudly, rudely, angrily) Remember the words of the fox, show with your voice that the fox was angry.

"Hey beard, you fool! And he couldn’t jump, he splashed all over.

Now girls repeat the words of the fox when a fox spoke with the goat - affectionately.

And the boys repeat the words of the fox when the fox spoke angrily.

Well done! They were able to show the character of the fox.

And how did it end fairy tale?

"Almost disappeared hungry goat in the well, forcibly pulled him out by the horns.

Phys. minute

Listen fairy tale again then you wake her up tell.

We listen carefully and remember.


Guys who are ready tell a tale« Fox and goat»

We will have Sasha storyteller He will tell us fairy tale with pictures. Sasha be careful tell in order and pass fox character voice (storytelling based on pictures) .

And now, guys, you'll be artists. Masha will play the role of a fox, and Alyosha will play the role of a goat. Masha try hand over fox voice at the beginning and at the end fairy tales.

Analysis story

Who from storytellers did you like it more? Why?

Was the order of events in fairy tale?

Moral analysis.

There is a saying: « Fairy tale a lie - yes, there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows ”

How do you understand the word lie? (not true)

Means fairy tale is not true, invented events.

And the word hint is an indication of something good or bad.

For good fellows, a lesson is advice to young people about what is good, what to study, and what is bad, bring evil, what should not be done.

It's not always easy to tell the good from the bad and fairy tale teaches.

We want to be like heroes fairy tales? Why? (children's answers)

because fox is not honest, deceptive, she deceived the goat and he almost disappeared.

BUT goat slow-witted stupid, he believed the fox.

What has taught us fairy tale? Do not cheat. So you don't always have to believe.

We got to know you fairy tale« Fox and goat» tell me if it fits fairy tale proverb"Speech is like honey, but deeds are like wormwood"? Why?

Words are sweet, but deeds are bitter.


Guys, I feel sorry for the goat because he is so gullible that he was deceived a fox. Let's warn him so that next time he does not get into such a situation, I have prepared envelopes and leaflets. You take them home and write a letter to our hero. Let's give him a name (….)

Our letter will begin like this:

Hi, goat Yasha!

Didn't you know that….

  • Fox and goat
  • Artist: N. Minaeva, N. Voevodina, I. Kalinin
  • Type: mp3, text
  • Size: 650 KB
  • Duration: 00:01:40
  • Download story for free
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Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky

Fox and goat

The fox ran, gaped at the crows, and fell into the well. There was not much water in the well: you can’t drown, and you can’t jump out either. The fox is sitting, grieving. There is a goat, a smart head; walks, shakes his beards, shakes his mugs; looked, having nothing to do, into the well, saw a fox there and asked:

What are you doing there, fox?

I'm resting, my dear, - the fox answers. - It's hot up there, so I climbed up here. How cool is it here! Cold water - as much as you want.

And the goat wants to drink for a long time.

Is the water good? - asks the goat.

Excellent! - answers the fox. - Clean, cold! Jump here if you like; there will be a place for both of us.

The goat jumped foolishly, almost crushed the fox, and she told him:

Ah, the bearded fool! And he didn’t know how to jump - he splashed everything. "

The fox jumped on the back of the goat, from the back onto the horns, and out of the well.

The goat almost disappeared from hunger in the well; they found him by force and dragged him out by the horns.

Information for parents: The Fox and the Goat is a short Russian folk tale. It tells about the cunning Fox, who fell into the well, and about the gullible Goat. The tale is instructive and will be interesting for children from 2 to 4 years old. The text of the fairy tale "The Fox and the Goat" is written simply and interestingly, it can be read to children at night. Happy reading to you and your kids.

Read the story of the Fox and the Goat

The fox ran, gaped at the crows - and fell into the well. There was not much water in the well: you can’t drown, and you can’t jump out either. The fox is sitting, grieving.

There is a goat - a smart head. He walks, shakes his beards, shakes his mugs; looked into the well for nothing to do, saw a fox there and asked:

“What are you doing there, fox?”

- I'm resting, my dear, - the fox answers, - it's hot up there, so I climbed here. How cool is it here! Cold water - as much as you want!

And the goat wants to drink for a long time.

- Is the water good? - asks the goat.

“Excellent,” the fox replies. - Clean, cold! Jump here if you like; there will be a place for both of us.

The goat jumped foolishly, almost crushed the fox. And she to him.

The tale of the Fox and the Goat about the consequences of stupid deeds. Do your kids often do stupid things? Be sure to read this short instructive tale online to them and simulate several similar life situations with them.

Fairy tale Fox and Goat read

Who is the author of the story

Fox fell into the well. But the red-haired cheat has always been cunning and resourceful. When the Goat approached the well, the Fox figured out how to get out of the trap. With flattering speeches, the Fox began to lure his friend into the well. He foolishly jumped. The Fox jumped on the goat's back and was like that. And the savior had to sit in cold water for a long time until he was pulled out of there. You can read the story online on our website.

Analysis of the fairy tale Fox and Goat

The characters of the fairy tale personify certain human types: Chanterelle - cunning and deceit, Goat - stupidity. You need to live with your mind - we repeat this idea often. It is she who is revealed in the tale of the Fox and the Goat. And once again reminds listeners of the need to be more reasonable. What does the tale of the Fox and the Goat teach? The fairy tale teaches not to follow madly the advice of others, to think ahead about your actions so as not to become a "goat".

Moral of the Fox and the Goat

A smart person thinks first and then acts. It must be remembered that in the modern world there are many rogues who, like a "chanterelle", try to drag gullible and stupid people into various "wells". The moral of the tale warns against rash acts.

Proverbs, sayings and expressions of a fairy tale

  • Before you enter, think about how you will exit.
  • There is no beast more cunning than a fox.

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