
Ok Google on the computer: Instructions for use. How to turn on "Ok Google on Android" - launch the voice assistant from the digital giant Ok google, what are insects for?

Translation of Dave Lee's article

For the last month, I've been turning off my alarm with the word "Google". This is how I wake up. With the words "Ok, Google." Not content with controlling our lives both online and offline, Google wants to make us yell the name of their corporation all over the house.

The first morning I felt stupid, but I told myself to wait before jumping to conclusions. A month later, my patience ran out. I'm going to explain in detail what exactly the problem is.

I often tease my predecessor, Richard Taylor, for being the only person I know who uses Apple's Siri personal assistant to its fullest.

You'll be standing there minding your own business while Richard pulls out his phone and starts dictating text messages. Right in front of you. In front of strangers. I find it inconvenient, he thinks the opposite.

It's understandable why he likes it so much - he uses this feature quite often, so voice recognition is perfectly tuned to his speech style. But what I can't understand is how he can calmly talk to a piece of metal when there are so many people around.

As for me, I need to cut off all my fingers in order for me to consider doing this in front of people. Home is the only place where I can overcome myself in this regard.

So, in the corner of my kitchen is an Amazon Echo, a stylish little black cylinder that glows blue when it listens to me.

And in the corner of my bedroom is the same stylish Google Home with its little lights.

Both devices are very accurate. The voice recognition is very accurate, the speaker quality is amazing, and the processing power of these devices is enough to decipher my tricky requests.

I talk to them in a whisper, barely audible, so that the neighbors don't think I'm a super nerd.

Something wrong

But here's the difference. To access Amazon, you call your assistant by name.

"Hey Alexa, what's new?"

The same goes for other assistants: Siri from Apple or from Microsoft. You don't necessarily have to call them by their first names when they work, but it still creates a pleasant impression of interacting with a person.

For the same reason, we love movie characters endowed with artificial intelligence. This makes us feel warm towards them.

In my heart, I understand that there is no difference in "Ok Google" or "Hey Alexa." It adds neither privacy nor practical value. Both devices do exactly the same thing - they use my data to help me (and then sell me something).

But I'm talking about a certain "awkward" factor that I feel for myself. He cannot be underestimated. When I use Amazon Echo, I am talking to Alexa. When I use Google Home, I have to go to a corporation. Or, as Buzzfeed's Mat Henani put it, "I hate to keep saying 'OK Google' just because it makes me feel like I'm talking to a brand."

Achilles' heel

Back in October, when Google held intriguing events around the world in order to launch Google Home, I was able to have a little chat about it all with Michael Sandermeyer. He leads the product design team for this device.

Initially, everything was going to give the system a friendly name, but the reason why they changed their mind is quite understandable: they wanted to give the impression that you are interacting with Google directly. To get not an assistant, but an omnipotent, omniscient Google.

“This assistant is Google,” Michael comments. “This is something that Google has been working on for 18 years.”

friendly face

It's a huge step towards what we really want to have one of these personal home assistants join our family life and become indispensable.

If we have the feeling that we are talking to a real person, then this can be considered a huge step in the right direction.

Talk to the owners of the Amazon Echo and they will immediately begin to tell you about how they developed a fondness for Alexa. I'm not the only person who often adds "please" and "thank you" when talking to her.

But as long as Google forces you to bark "Ok Google," Google Home is certainly not capable of becoming a full-fledged personal assistant. He will be helpful and very good. But not personal.

It's worth considering that the Google Home Assistant has the full power of the Google ecosystem. It provides a better service than Alexa, Siri or Cortana. But it would be foolish of me to stop halfway, so I will try to use the influence of this blog in order to change Google for the better. I have an alternative.

A friend of mine noted that all assistants (with the exception of Siri) still have female voices, thus perhaps slightly supporting the idea that the assistant is still exclusively the work of a woman.

So let's go in the other direction: pay homage to one of the company's founders, Larry Page. I would love to yell, “LARRY! Turn up the volume!".

This means that I would start my morning by saying hello to Larry from bed, but what's there. Neighbors look at me like that.

On some devices, the "Ok Google" command may sound slightly different.

How to enable voice search

How to start voice search

Other versions of the "Ok Google" command also work on some devices.

How to change the "Ok Google" command settings

How the "Ok Google" Command Works

  • Okay Google
    If the screen is on or the device is charging, the command can be issued regardless of what is open on the screen. Please note that in this mode, the feature may interfere with other voice-activated services.
  • While driving
    The command can be given when using Google Maps and Android Auto.
  • Always on
    The command works regardless of whether the screen is on.

Lock screen settings

  • Unlock with Voice Match
    You can access websites and more with "Ok Google" without manually disabling the screen lock. However, this requires that your voice be successfully recognized.
  • Personal Results
    When this feature is enabled, voice searches show personalized results, including when the device is locked.

Voice sample with "Ok Google" command

  • Re-record the voice sample
    If Google can't recognize your voice, create a new sample. If you don't see this setting, you may not have enabled the "Hey Google" feature.
  • Remove voice sample
    You can delete the voice sample recorded on the device.

How to remove voice samples with "Ok Google" command

When you set up Voice Match in the Assistant options, the voice samples are stored in your Google account. You can remove them if you wish.

How to use voice commands

How Google remembers your favorite apps

If you don't name the app (for example, just say "Scan Receipt"), you'll be prompted to select an app from a list. After you repeat this several times, Google will remember which application you are using and will immediately open it.

To make the follow-up question appear every time, follow these steps:

The application will not start automatically. It will first appear in search results (this may take several minutes).

Where can you use voice search

The feature is supported in English in Australia, UK, India, Ireland, Canada, Singapore, US, and South Africa.

The voice search service has recently become available for Russian-speaking users. Its popularization was accompanied by a fairly active advertising campaign. If you also wondered about installing Ok Google on your smartphone or tablet computer, then you also came across such an advertisement. However, before installing the service, you need to understand how and on what devices it works.

What is "OK Google"?

Ok Google is a new step in controlling your devices with voice commands. Now there is no need to touch them or press the on-screen keys - only with the help of your own voice you can find out weather reports, the outcome of yesterday's match or the location of an object of interest on the map. If the device is equipped with this function, then the activation of the search occurs by saying the command "O" Key Google "- no need to make any extra touches. The service is ready to work, ask your question. Moreover, some search queries are accompanied not only by the issuance of screen information, but also by sound information messages, which is also very convenient.

If the device does not respond to the “OK Google” command while in standby mode, then to activate the service, click on the microphone icon and then say the command.

Let's figure out how to turn on "Okay Google"?

How to install OK Google on a computer?

Ok Google is the easiest way to try it on a computer. If your device already has Google's Chrome browser installed, then no additional downloads will be required to use the service. If not, then you can always download this fast and modern browser by going to link Thus, you will download "Okay Google" to your computer or laptop.

After installation, to enable "OK Google", the algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Run the program and go to This is the home page of the Google search engine.
  2. The next step is authorization in your Google account. If you do not have an account, you will have to register it. Without it, voice search will not be available.
  3. After logging into your account, you will see a search bar. A microphone icon will be displayed on the right side of it. Click on it, and say a voice command, and then your request.

Before you start entering a command, the service will ask for permission to use the microphone. The request should be approved.

How to install Ok Google on iPhone or iPad?

To use the "OK Google" service on Apple devices, you need to download the appropriate application from the AppStore. This is easy to do:

  1. First of all, go to the AppStore from your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Head to the application search and enter the search query "Google search".
  3. Install the program and go to it.
  4. The application will request access to information about your location, as well as access to the microphone - approve the request.
  5. Sign in with your Google account.
  6. Click on the microphone icon, and the service is at your service.

How to install OK Google on Android?

Installing the service on Android is not much different from a similar procedure on i-devices. However, some nuances are still present. So, the installation process is as follows:

  1. Start the service on your Android.
  2. Enter “Google search” in the search bar and find the application of interest among the results. This will be ok google app for android.
  3. Install the application, go to it.
  4. Click on the icon for calling the application settings, select "Settings" - "Voice search".
  5. Next, you should activate the "Okey Google Recognition" function. Select the items "From the Google application" and also "Always on".
  6. Now follow the instructions of the program and teach the device your voice.

The service is supported on devices with the installed Android operating system version 4.1 and higher. In earlier versions, voice search is accessed by clicking on the microphone icon.

Ok, Google is a search service that, using voice commands, searches for the information you need, gets directions, reminds you of events and activities, and much more. Users of mobile gadgets on the Android operating system have long appreciated a convenient assistant in various matters. If you like this non-standard service, you can use it not only on a smartphone or tablet, but also on a personal computer. Moreover, voice search is turned on quickly and easily.
The "OK Google" command does not need to be specifically downloaded and installed on a laptop or computer. All you need to use the function is Google's Chrome browser. And we will tell you how to enable voice search in a matter of minutes.

Open the browser and go to "Settings" by clicking on the appropriate icon in the upper right corner. You will see a "Search" section. Find the "OK Google" feature and tick it. In this way, you will enable voice search on the “OK Google” command. And to disable the voice assistant, you need to uncheck the box accordingly. If you do not see the item about “enable voice search on command”, then your browser version is already outdated. about Chrome can be obtained by selecting the special item “About the browser”, which you will find in “Settings.” Nothing else needs to be done: the browser itself will be updated to the latest version.

After updating and connecting, voice search earned. But you won't be able to use it without a working microphone and an active Internet connection. The microphone is usually pre-installed on Microsoft operating systems as a recording device.

A characteristic feature of voice search on personal computers is its limited use. This means that the command only works on a page or Google search results, as well as on a new tab. If you say "Ok Google" on any other page, the command won't work.

Command examples

“OK, Google” is improving every day. If earlier many Russian-speaking commands were not perceived by an assistant, now you can find almost everything. Since the advent of the function, there have been huge changes. And now many users, especially Android devices , very actively use the function in various areas of life.You can ask the voice assistant any question and in different languages ​​of the world.At the same time, you do not have to configure any additional parameters.

The use of “OK, Google” on mobile gadgets with the Android platform is, of course, much wider. With the help of a voice assistant, you can even send SMS messages, launch programs, remind you of important calendar dates and events, not to mention search for all kinds of information, route planning, etc. There are fewer commands for personal computers, but they are still there.So, what can you learn or do using the voice service of Google Corporation:

  1. Find out the time in any locality in the world. If you do not specify a place in the request, the service will call the current time.
  2. Check the weather anywhere in the world.
  3. Get directions from A to B.
  4. Find photos and descriptions for them, find videos and descriptions for them.
  5. Find any information from the search service.
  6. Find a person, product, object, and more by name or title.
  7. Find out exchange rates and convert, for example, rubles into dollars.
  8. Find and go to any web resource, specifying only its name.
And many many others. To use the OK Google service, it is not necessary to memorize various commands. You can also ask questions to the voice assistant in a free form. Just turn on custom search and experiment with a variety of queries. So you will quickly learn how to use the voice service effectively, as you need.

Using Google search is as easy as shelling pears, including on personal computers. If you have enabled the function, checked the microphone and the Internet connection, say the phrase "Ok Google" and ask your question. This command will start a voice search and you will instantly see the result on the screen.

As you can see, everything is simple. Now turn on the command search and ask your questions.

OK, Google, is there life on Mars?

Contrary to the opinion that Okay Google is not installed on a computer, it is quite possible to install it on your home PC or laptop.

Moreover, this service can be used from a regular tablet, and from any other device where you can install the Google Chrome browser.

How to make it so that you can use OK Google on a PC, we will consider further.

Installing OK Google

If everything is extremely simple with installation on an Android phone - on Google Play you need to click the appropriate button - then on a computer it is even easier!

True, again, this requires a browser Google Chrome.

If you don't have Google Chrome browser, you need to download it. You can do this for free on the page .

There is only one button that you need to click on - "Download Chrome". We press.

After that, open the downloaded file.

In the Opera browser, for example, the easiest way to do this is to click on the downloads icon (highlighted in green in the figure), find the file associated with Chrome (highlighted in red) and double-click on it.

You can also do this by simply opening the downloads folder.

A small note: After you click on the "Download Chrome" button, a window will appear as shown in the figure below.

There you can check or uncheck the box highlighted in red.

The item “Set Google Chrome as the default browser” will mean that this browser will become the main one, that is, all links will be opened through it and all accounts will be recorded there.

If you mainly use another Internet surfing program, it is better to uncheck this item.

The second item "Allow automatic sending of statistics ..." means that all your data (and sometimes passwords) will be sent to Google specialists.

If you do not want personal information to be available to Google employees, it is better not to check this box.

This is interesting: inWindows10 uses technology that allows employeesMicrosoft know everything about a particular user - his passwords, personal data, notes, browser history and much more. This was one of the reasons for the low popularityWindows10 on the market. As you can see, in almost all modern popular services, the user can enable administrators to freely use his personal data, and sometimes without knowing it, as in the case ofWindows10. But when installingGoogle Chromethis can be avoided.

After that, the browser will be installed.

How to turn on OK Google

In the Google Chrome browser, voice search should be set by default, right on the start page. It can be seen in the figure shown by the arrows.

So, to use this service, you just need to click on this very icon.

But there are times when something goes wrong and there is no such icon. Then you need to enable voice search in the settings. The sequence of actions for this is as follows:

  • Step 1. We go to the settings. To do this, click on the add-ons icon (highlighted in green in the figure) select the “Settings” item (highlighted in red frame).

  • Step 2 In the search bar (in the figure it is highlighted with a red frame), you can enter the phrase "voice search" and press the Enter button on the keyboard, then the user is automatically redirected to the "Personal data" section.
    You can also find this item yourself by scrolling down the settings page.

  • Step 3 You must check the box next to the item "Enable voice search by command ...".

After that, all that remains is to go to the Google search engine page, where you can see the inscription "Say" Ok Google ". You can safely speak into your microphone any phrase that interests you.


As for how to set up the OK Google service, there is practically nothing to set up in it. To use the search, you need to click on the above icon and start talking.

Many search the Internet for information on how to make it so that you do not have to click on the corresponding icon, and the search began immediately after the person said “Ok Google”.

To do this, you just need to go to the settings and in the "Personal data" section, check the box next to the "Enable voice search ..." item. Everything is extremely simple.

To change the language you speak, you need to change the language of the entire Google, that is, go to the foreign address of this search engine.

The easiest way to do this is by simply querying the search bar like "google in [desired language]", for example, "google in Chinese".

In general, you can also speak Russian Google directly in a foreign language - this service will sort everything out and find what you need.

Below is a visual demonstration of how to start using the OK Google service. There you can just see how to download Google Chrome and where to find voice search there.

Ok Google on the computer: User manual

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