
Trolls in five - collect a complete collection and play games with trolls. How to get troll erasers for purchases at Pyaterochka Erasers trolls barcodes

Cartoon "Trolls" from DreamWorks really liked many children. Now kids can make friends with their favorite characters thanks to the Pyaterochka supermarket.

It is known that Pyaterochka stores launched a campaign during which they give children erasers in the form of trolls.

Thus, fans of the cartoon can collect a whole collection of trolls, consisting of fifteen erasers. You can take them with you to school and put them on pencils.

Those who want to participate in the promotion need to make a purchase in the Pyaterochka store. The purchase amount must be from 555 rubles. For this amount, one eraser is given.

Curiously, before watching the cartoon, many people thought that trolls were evil characters. But it turned out that these are cute creatures that have their own talents and characters.

Names of all characters and codes on the package:

one). The baby has the code 02.
2). Troll Diamond with code 08.
3). The troll Brook has code 15.
4). Rosette has code 10.
five). Little Rose's code is 03.

6) DJ sounds have code 12.
7). Troll Cooper can be found under code 09.
8). The Pink King has the code 13.
nine). Troll Guru with code 07.
10). Dancer's code is 14.

eleven). Mr. Cloud has the code 06. Grandmother Blossom, who takes care of all the kids, has the code 05.
12). Troll Big Guy with code 04.
13). Poplar has the code 11.
fourteen). Smart Tsvetan with code 01.
15). Grandmother Tsvetunya, who takes care of all the kids, has the code 05.


Everyone has probably already heard about troll erasers in Pyaterochka, or maybe someone has collected the entire collection of 15 troll erasers Trolls in the wild! Dream Works Trolls?!

Getting trolls is not very difficult, they are given as a gift for every 555 rubles in the check.

Alcoholic and tobacco products are not included in the promotion.

You can also use an eraser buy for 49 rubles .

Can be issued at the same time no more than 50 (fifty) erasers per 1 (one) purchase.

Trollastic is hidden in a small rustling bag. At the checkout in the store, they may forget to inform you about it, but more often they say that the troll is due for the purchase. Buyers without children very often they refuse to take it, and someone takes it and gives it to other people's children in the store. It was in this way that my daughter and I were handed the treasured package with a troll several times just like that, the daughter was happy.

When you open a bag, you really hope that you will come across a troll that you don’t have. But, alas, personally, my daughter and I often come across identical specimens.

I watched a video on YouTube and they talked about secret six-digit code which is on every package. From it you can determine what kind of troll is hiding there. The photo shows the code of the crumbs troll, suddenly it will come in handy for you ( third and fourth digit everything is decided, the crumbs have the numbers 02). But only the sellers in the Pyaterochka store are not very friendly, ours will definitely not look for the right code for buyers.

01 - Tsvetan; 02 - Baby; 03 - Little Rose; 04 - Big man; 05 - Grandmother Blossom; 06 - Mr. Cloud; 07 - Guru; 08 - Diamond; 09 - Cooper; 10 - Rosette; 11 - Poplar; 12 - DJ Sounds; 13 - Pink King; 14 - Dancer; 15 - Brook.

You can also identify the troll by touch, this yellow Krokha troll is very long, so it is easy to recognize it.


Trolls from Pyaterochka - this is first of all erasers/ erasers, but how good are they?

The holes are all the same diameter, the figures are easy to put on a regular pencil, hold tight.

For the sake of experiment, I decided to erase the inscription made with a simple pencil.

Troll eraser leaves behind a lot of flakes.

And also poorly erases, as you can see to the end, and could not delete what I wrote.

Thus, I do not recommend using the five-point troll as an eraser.

BOARD GAME "Road to the Party"

They give her is free at the checkout. It is a paper playing field, the rules of the game are indicated on the reverse side. The game is basically normal. walker, only you need to get a dice somewhere and have at least a couple of trolls as chips if 2 players are playing.

Rules of the game: The youngest player rolls the die first and moves the troll that many spaces. The task is to get to the party as quickly as possible. The meanings of the pictures: "slow trap" - the troll moves when more than 3 rolls on the die; "accelerator" - an additional step; "spring" - a step back, "Pyaterochka" helps out - the troll cuts off the path along the white arrows.

My daughter and I liked the game, we play it with pleasure from time to time. I advise you to take it while they give it for free, you can find chips and a cube from another game.

ENTIRE COLLECTION (15 pieces of troll erasers)

It turned out to be difficult to collect a collection, repetitions come across too often. In Pyaterochka they even sell a special case - a pencil case for trolls, but for some reason I don’t want to spend money on it.

I just bought a board card game for 99 rubles, there were cards with trolls and a description, but not about everyone: they forgot Mister Cloud and Little Rose.

If suddenly you do not know the name of each troll, you can look at MY PHOTO, the whole collection is shown there, some troll erasers (which we don’t have) had to be added from the Internet.

I'll show you the ones we currently have.

  • Mr cloud (white troll)

Mr. Cloud is a little mysterious and very cloudy. He is super cool and expresses a desire to help, but only if you give me five. He enjoys playing tricks on Tsvetan and is constantly looking for new and creative ways to shake hands.

Cute, smiling, but for some reason my daughter doesn't like it, although I think it's cool.

Pay attention to the rear view)) We got two whole pieces of Mr. Cloud.

  • baby (yellow troll)

It's a troll girl! In theory, it should be the smallest of all, but here, on the contrary, the largest because of the hairstyle.

Tiny troll shockingly deep baritone. She loves lift weights, listen to hard rock and crochet.

We got three Crumbs, only they are all short-lived. My daughter quickly tore off the tails of two, the third has not yet seen (I managed to photograph her whole).

  • Rosette(troll is pale pink)

Very cute and likable character. My daughter was very happy when we got her.

Relentless optimist Poppy uses your positivity as a super power! The heroic leader of the Trolls, Poppy always inspires her friends to believe that anything can be done with a song in the heart. Because when it comes to life, why talk when you can sing.

But Rosochka also turned out to be short-lived, part of her hairstyle immediately came off. And I can't say that my daughter is a vandal, it's just that the quality of the figurines is not very good, they are easy to spoil.

  • cooper(troll bright pink)

Cooper four legs to do the craziest dance moves! The friendliest of the Yummy crew, Cooper may not be the smartest Troll, which he more than makes up for in his enthusiasm and masterful play. on the harmonica.

In our case, Cooper has no legs and no harmonica, just a big bright pink head with a funny smile.

Cooper's hair is also easy to tear off if desired, again the quality is so-so.

  • Grandma Blossom (purple troll)

Babysits little trolls and gives them the opportunity to find their own color!

The sweet grandmother turned out and her hairstyle was a success.

  • Diamond (purple troll)

With overflowing self-confidence and a complete lack of clothes, Almaz knows how to light up any party. The energy that comes from this sparkling troll always spreads to everyone around him, just like the sparkles that cover his entire body!

A smiling and widespread troll, we have caught him more than once.

  • Tsvetan (blue troll)

Tsvetan often wonders if he is the only sane troll in this village of crazy happy trolls. A hermit always ready for danger, Tsvetan must learn to embrace his inner self if he is to let his true colors shine.

Please note that on the card he is depicted as gloomy and angry, and the eraser turned out to be smiling and pleasant.

The quality in this case is slightly better than some of the figurines.

    DJ Sounds(red troll)

DJ Sounds will always pick up a beat for an impromptu dance - and this is always useful in the Troll Village! DJ Sounds spins songs on her "live" turntable of crickets, bugs and insects, which she mixes to create a unique sound.

The most positive troll, in my opinion, who came across after I wrote this review.

  • Little Rose(pink troll)

Even at an early age, Little Pink wanted to sing, before she could talk and dance, before she could crawl! Knowing that his daughter was special, the Pink King raised Poppy to be a great leader... and an even better Troll.

My baby was caught with a marriage, she has a hole through her cap.

She was so cheeky as a child.

  • Dancer(pink troll)

As you can guess from the name, the Dancer gives all the best on the dance floor. When she dances, the crowd roars: "The dancer burns!"

For some reason, it seems to me that Dancer is very similar to male trolls. If it were not pink, but as a variant of blue, then the similarity would be even greater.

Thus, we have 10 trolls out of 15, and 5 more repeats.

3) Can be attached to a pencil;

4) Free game included;

5) Children and adults like figurines.


1) Quality wants the best;

2) The eraser does not erase well;

3) Often come across repetitions.

OUTPUT. The trolls from Pyaterochka have plenty of shortcomings, but they are still cool. If possible, we will continue to collect the collection with my daughter.

All the best and good mood!

#trollastics are a super-company! Collect everyone!

Trolls on the loose!

Get Trollastics as a gift for every 555₽ in the check and for the purchase of promotional goods in Pyaterochka
from August 22 to October 10, 2017

In total, the collection consists of 15 trolls and they are all different, unlike each other, by the way, each has its own name.

Let's take a closer look at them:

Under number 1 - Mr. Cloud.

Under number 2 - Dancer.

Under number 3 - Rosette.

Under number 4 - Little Rose.

Under number 5 - Brook.

Under number 6 - Grandmother Tsvetunya.

Under number 7 - Big man.

Under number 8 - Diamond.

Under number 9 - Tsvetan.

Under number 10 - Guru.

Under number 11 - Baby.

Under number 12 - Poplar.

Under number 13 - Pink King.

Under number 14 - DJ Sounds.

Under number 15 - Cooper.

How it all started

Far away in the forest live small, cheerful and colorful creatures - trolls. They frolic, have fun, sing songs and dance. They are the happiest creatures. The daughter of the king, Rose, does everything so that the little inhabitants do not lose heart. But among the merry fellows there lives one eternally gloomy, and not happy troll-Tsvetan. Every day he warns his relatives that it is impossible to relax and make such noise. After all, the Bergens are not asleep, and at any moment they can attack the trolls in order to eat them later.

Bergens are another fabulous inhabitants of the forest. Only they are not so funny. These are huge, scary, and sullen creatures who believe that they will become happy only after they eat at least one troll.

And then one day, when the happy crumbs arrange a holiday in the town, in honor of the twentieth anniversary of the liberation from the Bergens, they are attacked by an old cook from Bergentown. Once she was expelled from the city, and she wants to return, having previously taken a couple of trolls for dessert to Prince Cartilage. And she succeeds, having kidnapped the best friends of Princess Rose, she goes to the castle.

The little princess turns to that gloomy friend Tsvetan for help, he is the only one who knows almost everything about the Bergens. After much persuasion, they set off together to save their relatives, right into the lair of the bloodthirsty giants.

All Trolls with Descriptions

No. 1 Mister Cloud

Mr. Cloud is a little mysterious and very cloudy. He's super cool and willing to help, but only if you high five. He enjoys playing tricks on Tsvetan and is constantly looking for new and creative ways to shake hands.

№2 Dancer

As you can guess from the name, the Dancer gives all the best on the dance floor. When she dances, the crowd roars: "The dancer burns!"

№3 Rose

Relentless optimist Poppy uses her positivity as a super power! The heroic leader of the Trolls, Poppy always inspires her friends to believe that anything can be done with a song in the heart. Because when it comes to life, why talk when you can sing.

№4 Little Rose

Even at an early age, Little Pink wanted to sing, before she could talk and dance, before she could crawl! Knowing that his daughter was special, the Pink King raised Poppy to be a great leader... and an even better Troll.

№5 Brook

He is calm, collected and gifted, he is a Brook! Positive and encouraging, as a friend and dance partner, Creek, as they say, to all Trolls Troll - all the guys want to be like him, all the girls want to be with him!

No. 6 Grandmother Blossom

Babysits little trolls and gives them the opportunity to find their own color!

№7 Big man

Big Guy is the biggest Troll of the Delicious team with the biggest heart. Despite his imposing appearance, he is actually a sensitive person. He carries around a pet worm named Druzhok with him everywhere and occasionally dresses him up in adorable little outfits for impromptu photo shoots.

№8 Diamond

With overflowing self-confidence and a complete lack of clothes, Almaz knows how to light up any party. The energy that comes from this sparkling troll always spreads to everyone around him, just like the sparkles that cover his entire body!

№9 Tsvetan

Tsvetan often wonders if he is the only sane troll in this village of crazy happy trolls. A hermit always ready for danger, Tsvetan must learn to embrace his inner self if he is to let his true colors shine.

#10 Guru

As Troll Village's appointed life coach, Cybil shares apparently simple wisdom with anyone who will listen. Her favorite proverbs are "Only light can illuminate darkness" and "A door is just a barrier to the next room." Spend enough time with Sybil and soon you'll be resting on a gentle wave of harmony!

№11 Baby

A tiny troll with a shockingly deep baritone voice. She loves to lift weights, listen to hard rock and crochet.

№12 Topolek

He always lived up to his name - he climbed the tallest trees in Troll City. He is always on the move, often dissecting on his board among the foliage. He freezes only during hugs!

No. 13 Pink King

A brave troll leader who helped his trolls escape from Bergentown. Under him, peace and happiness reigned in the troll village. Now he has become the real grandfather of all trolls. He has become a little more forgetful and weird, and sometimes unwittingly makes the villagers laugh.

#14 DJ Sounds

DJ Sounds will always pick up a beat for an impromptu dance - and this is always useful in the Troll Village! DJ Sounds spins songs on her "live" turntable of crickets, bugs and insects, which she mixes to create a unique sound.

The Trolls competition, held by the Pyaterochka supermarket chain, is a promotional event with optional participation. Its organizer is Agrotorg LLC (address: 191025, St. Petersburg, Nevsky Prospekt, 90/92).

This is an incentive program from the Pyaterochka supermarket chain. It allows you to earn points for your purchases, and use the accumulated points as a means of payment for subsequent purchases in stores.

Purchase of goods in Pyaterochka for the amount of 555 rubles. allows you to receive and accumulate points for free from the first purchase. To dispose of them, it is necessary.

You can collect points from all purchases, even when other privilege programs are in effect. In addition, they can pay.

When participating in the Trolls program, do not forget to present your RESCUE-KU at the supermarket.

All rules, information about the collection, winnings are on the site

About Trolls

The main ones are 2 contests, according to the results of which the winners receive gifts.

Participate in the "Trolls" promotion from Pyaterochka and receive gifts.

The initial date of the promotion is from August 22 to October 10, 2017. Since its organizers have the right to extend or suspend it, due to numerous requests, it was extended until October 24th. This decision is not a violation of these rules.

In order to become a contender for winnings, you must register on the page. And to participate in the promotion, you must have a profile in one of the social networks.

By participating in the competition and registering on its page, each person agrees to receive, process and store their personal data.

Trolls Pyaterochka

According to the terms of these rules of the promotion posted on the site, the results of the drawings and the list of people who received gifts must be published on the contest page before the end of October.

Buy at Pyaterochka and get Trollastics.

Collection of trolls

The entire range of washing machines includes 15 characters. To find out which Trolllastic is inside the package, you need to look at the top code. The two central numbers will point to the hero on

Video: Trolls in Pyaterochka.

How to get trolls?

Every 555 rubles spent in Pyaterochka allows you to get one eraser for free. Each character is packaged. The return period of the eraser is determined by law and is 14 calendar days.

It will be accepted back only if it is in an unopened and sealed bag and there is a receipt.

Heroes can be purchased. The cost of each is 49 rubles. You can buy the entire collection of 15 characters at once, paying 735 rubles. This is possible if there are all heroes in the supermarket.

Collect the entire collection of trolls and put them in a pencil case.

By purchasing products with a special mark, there is an opportunity to get even more Trollastics. The nomenclature of goods participating in the competition, the cost and availability should be checked at the supermarket, as they differ depending on the region. The list of products is presented in the catalogs available in the supermarket and on the website.

To get the missing hero, you need to check at the supermarket checkout if it is available. After that, you can get it for free or purchase.


To populate all the heroes, you should purchase a pencil case for them in Pyaterochka. The number of rooms in it corresponds to the number of erasers. Its cost is 249 rubles.

At the same time, the organizer is not responsible for their presence in a particular place of sale. In addition, the products in the pictures may not correspond to those in stock.

The pencil case is designed not only for collecting and storing Trollastics, but also for organizing a party.

Card "Trolls"

Another game sold as part of the campaign is the Trolls card game. What is it and how to play it?

  1. A set of cards, each depicting one of the heroes with his detailed description.
  2. It is necessary to distribute the cards among the participants.
  3. Then they have to get into the role of the character.

This game, which is described on the site, can be bought in Pyaterochka for 99 rubles.

"Trolls on the loose"

The participant must authorize on the promotion page using a profile on the social network. Then you need to take a non-standard photo of your collection of figurines and post it on your profile in one of the social networks with the hashtag #trollinavole.

Video: Trollastics from Pyaterochka.

"Troll Developer"

The "troll developer" was another prank of the advertising campaign, which also required registration on through the profile of any of the social networks.


The prize fund of the action is available on the Internet resource of the advertising program. Anyone can see it. The information is contained in paragraph 6 of the set of rules.

Among the prizes of the "Troll Developer" campaign there is a pencil case for erasers. The second prize is a branded mug.

Prizes for the winners of "Trolls in the wild":

  • weekly: certificate for 1 thousand rubles. to the Children's World;
  • second place: a student's briefcase with a thematic image;
  • 1st place: Apple iPad tablet.

The law of the Russian Federation determines that prizes having a value of less than 4 thousand rubles are not subject to income tax. In the list of gifts (clause 6 of the promotion rules), only the price of the main prize exceeds this threshold.

Video: The entire collection of Trolls from Pyaterochka.

The winners of the competition have the right to refuse the winnings, then the organizers can dispose of them at their own discretion.

If the prize is not liked, it cannot be exchanged or receive monetary compensation instead. This rule is fully consistent with the provisions of the current legislation.

Despite the fact that the promotion period is from 22.08 to 24.10, you can play with magical heroes after it ends. There are many computer games for this.

For example, you can color the Troll to your liking, play Tic Tac Toe, or make a friend for him. Also from the site you can download funny pictures and photo wallpapers for your phone and tablet.

For every 555 rubles spent at Pyaterochka, you can get one eraser made in the form of a character from the Trolls cartoon. The final week of the “Collect a collection of trolls” campaign in the Pyaterochka chain of stores has already frowned. You can buy bright heroes until October 10 inclusive.

Note that not everyone knows what the characters look like and how many there are in total. It is known that there are fifteen erasers in total.

It is worth saying that it is far from a fact that the gift package will contain the hero who is not yet in the collection.

Note that you can find out which eraser is inside. To do this, look at the six-digit code printed on the back of the package. If we discard two numbers from the beginning and from the end, then the remaining two in the middle will indicate the hero in this package.

Among the characters that can be collected are: Poppy and Tsvetan, Tiny and Brook, Diamond and Grandmother Bloom, Pink King and Tiny Poppy, Dancer and Cooper, Guru and DJ Sounds, as well as Big Man, Poplar and Mister Cloud.

What is the name of the trolls?

According to the catalog, all the figures have a name, we will consider them all in order with a photo and a short description.

1. Mister Cloud

Cool cloud character. He loves handshakes and is not averse to always giving five.

2. Dancer

The heroine of the dance floor, loves to dance, turning on the whole crowd of spectators, no one will stand aside just to stand.

3. Rosette

A positive hero, an optimist, this gives her strength and inspiration, is one of the leaders of the trolls.

4. Little rose

Gifted with a positive, encouraging and attracting - everyone wants to be with him.

6. Grandma bloomer

Nanny of kids, thanks to upbringing, each acquires its own color.

7. Big man

By the name it is immediately clear that he is the largest of his brothers, he has a big kind heart. With him, his friend is always a worm named Druzhok.

The most self-confident, the king of parties. His lack of clothes only attracts the others as his body is covered in sequins.

A real hermit philosopher, when he accepts his true self, he allows his flowers to be sown.

A wise teacher of the troll village, he knows many proverbs that always give positive and harmony to life.

The smallest, but loves hard rock, has a powerful voice and carries gravity.

12. Poplar

A lover of climbing tall trees and riding his board can only stop when he needs to hug someone.

13. Pink king

The leader, under whom peace and tranquility reign in the village. A little strange, but this can be attributed to old age, in which there are symptoms of sclerosis.

14. DJ Sounds

A cool modern figure, performs beats and lights on a live DJ machine made of crickets and various sound insects.

An unusual four-legged dancer, coolly lights up in the dance, his movements are mesmerizing, he plays the harmonica, he can't gather his thoughts for a long time.

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