
Promotions in megaphone salons. Megaphone promotions discounts. Who participates in the quiz, please leave in the comments the questions sent by Megafon

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If you are thinking of changing your tariff plan or phone number, then you should pay attention to one of the main mobile operators in the country - MegaFon. In the company's online store you will find the latest models of smartphones, tablets, accessories and other useful technical innovations.

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    To take part in the Promotion, simply activate the "Happy SMS" service by sending any SMS to the short number 2016. The cost of the service is 12 rubles (including VAT) per day

  1. In response, you will receive a message confirming the connection of the service and the first question of the Promotion with answer options
  2. Choose the correct option and send its number via SMS to 2016

Before sending, think about whether you need it, is there a chance to win this money???

Quiz Prizes

Daily prize 15000 rubles

iPhone6S Monthly Prize

Rules for participation in the "Happy SMS" quiz

The "Happy SMS" quiz (hereinafter referred to as the Quiz) is held in the service area of ​​the communication network of the telecom operator MegaFon PJSC, including its Caucasian, Volga, Capital, Ural, Central, Siberian, Far Eastern, North-Western branches (hereinafter referred to as branches) operating under the MegaFon trademark, OGRN 1027809169585, located in the Russian Federation, using the short access number 2016 and 2216 (Quiz Number).

Duration of the Quiz: from November 20, 2015. (00:00:00 Moscow time) to October 31, 2016 (23:29:59 Moscow time).

In case of early termination of the Quiz, the Organizer of the Quiz publishes on the website ( a notice about the termination of the Quiz.

The rules for participation in the Quiz (hereinafter referred to as the Rules), in accordance with Article 435 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, are an offer (hereinafter referred to as the Offer) addressed to individuals (hereinafter referred to as the Subscribers) who have entered into an agreement on the provision of communication services with MegaFon PJSC (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement).

The terminology used in these Rules corresponds to the terminology used in the Agreement, unless otherwise expressly stated in these Rules.

  1. Organization of the Quiz:

1.1 The Quiz is organized by MegaFon PJSC (hereinafter referred to as the Organizer) with the support of Arbust LLC (hereinafter referred to as the Partner),

1.2. The quiz is not a lottery, stimulating lottery or other risk-based gambling, is of an advertising nature, is held in order to attract the attention of Subscribers to the additional communication services of the Organizer (Mobile Subscriptions).

1.3. Quiz prizes are not delivered to the territory of other states.

  1. Quiz Terms

2.1. Under the terms of the Quiz, the Participant is offered a question with two possible answers, from which he must choose one correct answer. For each correct answer, the Participant receives points. The winner of the Quiz is the Participant with the most points.

The determination of the Winner of the daily prize is carried out:

· According to the results of the current day, except for the last day of the calendar month, (a day is the time interval from 11:00:00 to 23:29:59 Moscow time),

Determination of the Winner of the month is carried out:

Based on the results of the current day of each last day of the calendar month (a day is the time interval from 11:00:00 to 23:29:59 Moscow time)

The determination of the Winner of the super prize, equal to 5,000,000 (five million) rubles, is carried out:

At the end of the current day, October 31, 2016 (a day is the time period from 11:00:00 to 23:29:59 Moscow time)

The procedure for calculating the points scored by the Participants is given in paragraphs 10-11 of these Rules.

  1. Quiz Participants

3.1. Quiz Participant - an individual who has reached the age of 18, is a Subscriber of the Organizer and has expressed a desire to participate in the Quiz by purchasing Mobile Content on a subscription basis as a result of sending an SMS message to the access number 2016 or by dialing the USSD command *586# The term "Mobile Content" is defined in in accordance with the Terms of Service "Mobile Subscriptions".

3.2. Employees and representatives of the Organizer, Partner and companies that provide technical assistance in conducting this Quiz, as well as family members of such employees and representatives of companies, are prohibited from participating in the Quiz.

3.3. Participants are prohibited from using when participating in the Quiz: 1. any equipment, except for a subscriber device, which is a mobile phone (hereinafter referred to as the "mobile phone") with the Organizer's SIM card;

2. any software, including those installed on a mobile phone, except for software developed by the Organizer or the Partner;

3. software tools developed by the Organizer or the Partner intended for participation in the Quiz, modified in any way, including by interfering with the program code;

4. any other ways and means of automating the process of participation in the Quiz, which are determined according to the data of the technical system used by the Organizer and the Partner to document the Quiz (logs), and the data of such a system are recognized as final and not subject to dispute by the Participant. (indirect confirmation that the Participant has automated the participation process may be the following signs: the Participant sends an answer to a question in less than 5 seconds; revealed patterns in the frequency of answers to questions, including sending answers by the Participant at regular intervals and other patterns)

3.4. Participants who do not meet the above requirements are not eligible to participate in the Quiz and the right to receive prizes.

  1. Quiz algorithm

4.1. In order to take part in the Quiz, the subscriber must purchase the content on a subscription basis by sending any SMS to the 2016 access number or by dialing the USSD command *586# (except "STOP"). Sending messages to access number 2016 is not charged. To participate in the Bonus phase, the subscriber must purchase a content unit by sending an SMS message to number 2216, the cost of each SMS message sent by the Quiz Participant to number 2216 is 60 (sixty) rubles, including VAT.

4.2 The purchase of content on a subscription basis, resulting in participation in the Quiz, is 12 rubles per day with VAT. Purchasing content units by sending SMS messages to number 2016 provides an opportunity to take part in the Bonus phase for participants of Quiz 2216. To refuse participation in the Quiz, send an SMS message with the text "STOP" to the short number 2016 or dial USSD *586*00 #.

4.3. In response to the first SMS sent to number 2016, the Participant receives an incoming message with a text containing: the name of the quiz, brief conditions, a link to detailed conditions.

4.4. Additionally, in response to the first SMS sent to number 2016, the Participant receives a message containing the first question of the Quiz and answer options. Answers to Quiz questions must be sent to number 2016. Sending messages with answers to the specified numbers is free.

4.5. Sending an answer to the Quiz question by the Participant is a confirmation of the Participant for further participation in the Quiz and a request of the Participant to receive the next question. In response to each SMS containing the answer to the Quiz question, the Participant receives 1 SMS containing:

1) Information on whether the given answer is correct or not, and indicating the number of points scored by the Participant and his place in the current rating of the day.

4.6. The fee for sending a message to short numbers 2016 for participation in the Quiz, for answering questions of the Quiz, for unsubscribing from the Quiz is not charged.

4.7. SMS messages with Quiz questions, as well as informational messages sent to Participants as part of the Quiz, are free of charge for Participants.

  1. The order of participation of the subscriber in the daily Quiz

5.1. Every day at 11:00 (UTC), participants receive the first question of the Quiz.

5.2. In response to each SMS message containing the answer to the Quiz question, the Participant receives 1 SMS message containing:

1) Information on whether the given answer is correct or not, and an indication of the number of points scored by the Participant.

2) The next question of the Quiz.

5.3. At 23:29:59 (UTC), the results of the Quiz of the day are summed up, the Participant with the most points is declared the Winner.

5.4. In the period from 23:30:00 to 23:59:59 (Moscow time), the Participant who scored the most points during the last day of the Quiz receives a free incoming SMS message from number 2016 with information that he became the winner of the Quiz at the end of the day .

5.5. To provide more detailed information about the procedure for issuing a prize and the required documents, the Winner must contact the Organizer in accordance with section 10 of these Rules.

  1. The procedure for determining the cost of the question and counting the points scored by the Participant

6.1. For each correct answer, the Participant receives 10 points.

6.2. For each incorrect answer, the Participant receives 0 points.

6.3. A Quiz participant can at any time find out the number of points scored and his place in the ranking of the day by sending a free SMS message with the text: TOP (or TOP) to the number 2016.

  1. Algorithms for accrual and calculation of bonus points

7.1. During the course of the Quiz, the Quiz Participant, at the discretion of the Organizer, may receive an offer to gain additional points by participating in the Bonus Phases and answering bonus questions, the value of which is more than 10 points.

7.2. Bonus phases are held during the day of the Quiz (from 11:00:00 to 23:29:59 Moscow time). Participants of the Quiz are notified by SMS from 2216 about the beginning and validity of bonus phases, or receiving bonus questions. To participate in the Bonus phase, the participant Quizzes, who received an SMS message specified in this paragraph of the Rules, must purchase a content unit by sending an SMS message to 2216

7.3. The following Bonus phases apply in the Quiz:

1) Turbo: The algorithm for accruing points is as follows: for the first SMS sent to number 2216 with the correct answer to the question during the bonus phase "Turbo mode", the Quiz participant receives 50 points, for each subsequent SMS to number 2216 with the correct answer to the question Quiz participant gets 100 points.

2) Multiply your points: 2216 The algorithm for accruing points is as follows: For 2 SMS messages sent with correct answers to questions to number 2216 during the bonus phase, the Participant multiplies his points by 2 times, for 4 SMS messages sent with correct answers to questions to number 2216 during the bonus phase The participant of the Quiz multiplies his points by 4 times, for 6 SMS messages with correct answers to questions to number 2216 The participant of the Quiz multiplies his points by 6 times. If the Quiz Participant sends 7 or more SMS messages with correct answers to the questions during the bonus phase "Multiple your points", his bonus phases will be multiplied by 6 times..

3) "Golden Questions": 2216 The scoring algorithm is as follows: in case of sending an SMS message to number 2216 with a correct answer, the Quiz Participant receives 100 points, in case of an incorrect one - 0, for each next correct answer to the question, twice as many points are awarded. That is, if the participant answered the first question correctly but answered the second question incorrectly, the participant receives 100 points. 2216

7.4. Algorithms for accruing bonus points are the same for all Participants.

  1. How to process responses

Participants after sending a message with the answer to the Quiz question receive an informational message with the next question of the Quiz. If the Participant, after the end of the current day (the current day ends at 23:29:59 Moscow time), during which he received the last question, decides to continue participating in the Quiz and sends the correct answer to the last question received, then points will be awarded for the correct answer to the question on the day of sending the answer to the question. These points count toward the total score for the day on which the correct answer to the question was submitted, but do not count toward the total score for the day the question was received.

  1. Saving points

All points expire after summing up the results of the Quiz of the corresponding day and are not transferred to the next day.

  1. Definition of winners

10.1. Since November 20, 2015 to October 31, 2016 inclusive at the end of the current day, except for the last day of the calendar month, as of 23:29:59 (Moscow time) The Participant who scored the maximum number of points for the current day is recognized as the Winner of the day and receives a prize: 15,000 (Fifteen thousand) rubles.

§ The winner who wins 15,000 (Fifteen thousand) rubles receives the winnings by transferring the amount to a bank account in the Russian Federation. The account holder must be the Participant recognized as the Quiz Winner in accordance with the Rules.

The procedure for determining the Winner of the day includes each Participant who participated during the current day in the Quiz (sent at least one correct answer to the Quiz question to Quiz Number 2016 and/or number 2216).

10.2. During the period from November 20, 2015 to October 31, 2016 inclusive following the results of each last day of the calendar month specified in this paragraph of the period, as of 23:29:59 (UTC) The Participant with the maximum number of points for the current day is recognized as the Winner of the day and receives a prize: a smartphone (iPhone 6S 64GB model (winner's choice color)).

The prize is awarded to the Winner of the day in accordance with paragraph 12 of these Rules:

§ Within 45 working days following the calendar month in which the winning took place;

§ All winners who win an iPhone 6S 64GB prize will receive the prize via courier mail.

Each Participant who participated in the Quiz during the current day (sent at least one correct answer to the Quiz question to access number 2016 and/or number 2216) is included in the procedure for determining the Winner of the day.

10.3. October 31, 2016 according to the results of the day as of 23:29:59 (Moscow time), the Participant who scored the maximum number of points for the current day is recognized as the Winner of the day and receives a prize: 5,000,000 (five million) rubles.

The prize is awarded to the Winner of the day in accordance with paragraph 12 of these Rules:

§ Within 45 working days following the calendar month in which the winning took place;

§ The winner who wins 5,000,000 (five million) rubles receives the winnings by transferring the amount to a bank account in the Russian Federation. The account holder must be the Participant recognized as the Quiz Winner in accordance with the Rules.

The procedure for determining the Winner of the day includes each Participant who participated during the current day in the Quiz (sent at least one correct answer to the Quiz question to access number 2016 and/or 2216).

10.4. If two or more Participants have scored the same number of points, the Participant who scored the first points is recognized as the winner.

10.5. During the Quiz period, the Participant can be recognized as the Quiz Winner a limited number of times. The frequency of winnings is set in section 11 of these rules.

  1. Informing the Participant that he became the Winner.

11.1. On the winning day, from 23:30:00 to 23:59:59, the Subscriber recognized as the Winner is sent an SMS message with a notification that he has become the Winner with a request to contact the Organizer's representatives at the number: 0100 from 9:00 to 22:00 (Moscow time) from Monday to Friday inclusive and by number 0100 from 9:00 to 22:00 (Moscow time) on Saturday and Sunday, as well as on weekends and holidays, in order to receive information on how to claim a prize and provide data necessary to claim a prize, namely:

§ photocopies of the passport page containing general information about the individual (full name, gender, date and place of birth, date of issue of the passport, authority that issued the passport, series and number of the document)

§ a photocopy of the passport page containing information about registration at the place of residence/stay or a photocopy of a document confirming registration at the place of stay on the territory of the Russian Federation;

§ consent to the processing of data about the Quiz Winner;

§ if the Quiz Participant wins a cash prize, such Participant (Winner) must provide information about the bank account in the Russian Federation for the payment of the cash prize, the owner of which is the Participant. Information about the Participant's account must be certified by the branch of the bank where the Participant has a current account.

11.2. In addition, representatives of the Organizer within 3 (three) days contact the Participant recognized as the Winner by phone, from which the Participant sent SMS messages as part of participation in the Quiz. The winning Participant will receive at least 5 (five) calls within 3 (three) days following the day the Quiz Participant is recognized as the Winner.

11.3 The winner must provide the required documents (clause 11.1 of these Rules) within 15 calendar days from the moment he was informed about the win. If the Participant, recognized as the Winner, does not contact the Organizer within the specified period of time and / or does not provide the data necessary to receive the prize, he loses the right to receive the prize. In this case, a notification SMS-message is sent to this Participant stating that he has lost the right to receive the Quiz prize.

11.4. The Quiz Organizer has the right to refuse to issue a prize to the Quiz Winner in the following cases:

— if the representative of the Organizer cannot contact the Quiz winner within the period specified in clause 11.2 of these Rules due to the unavailability of the Quiz winner by mobile phone (the mobile phone of the Quiz winner is disabled or is outside the coverage area of ​​the Organizer's communication network);

— if the Quiz Winner fails to provide the Partner (or his representative) with the information and documents specified in clause 11.1 of these Rules or provides false information and/or forged documents (if the Partner or the Quiz Organizer has suspicions about the authenticity of the submitted documents and/or the winner refused to personally present the necessary documents. The organizer reserves the right to apply to the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation)

— if the winner who won the cash prize in accordance with clause 10.1. of these Rules, has already been recognized as the Winner of the Quiz in accordance with clause 10.1. of these Rules in the current calendar month.

— if the winner who won the smartphone in accordance with clause 10.2. of these Rules, has already been previously recognized as the Winner of the Quiz in accordance with clause 10.2. of these Rules;

— if the winner of the Quiz does not meet the criteria for determining the Participant of the Quiz, specified in Chapter 3 of these Rules;
— if the winner of the Quiz has an outstanding debt to the Organizer. When summarizing the results, the current balance of the participant is taken into account without taking into account any services and discounts that allow using communication services at the expense of the Communications Operator MegaFon PJSC;
- in these cases, the prize goes to the next Participant in the rating.

  1. The procedure for issuing prizes

12.1. All Winners who win 15,000 (Fifteen thousand) rubles receive their winnings by transferring the cash prize to a bank account in the Russian Federation. The account holder must be the Participant recognized as the Quiz Winner in accordance with the Rules. The transfer of the cash prize is carried out within 45 working days following the calendar month in which the prize took place, provided that the Winner provides all the documents in accordance with clause 11 of the Quiz Rules.

12.1.1. Cash prizes are not issued in cash.

12.2. Participants who have become iPhone 6S 64GB Smartphone Prize Winners receive their prizes by courier post within 45 working days following the calendar month in which the prize took place. Sending the prize is subject to the provision by the Winner of all documents in accordance with clause 15 of the Quiz Rules.

12.2.1. Cash prizes are not paid out.

12.3. Participants who become the Winners of the prize of 5,000,000 (five million) rubles receive the prize by transferring the cash prize to a bank account in the Russian Federation. The account holder must be the Participant recognized as the Quiz Winner in accordance with the Rules. The transfer of the cash prize is carried out within 45 working days following the calendar month in which the prize took place, provided that the Winner provides all the documents in accordance with clause 11 of the Quiz Rules.

12.3.1. Cash prizes are not issued in cash.

12.4. The Partner provides information about the Winner and the amount of the prize to the authorities of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees. The winners of the Quiz are liable to pay taxes and fees stipulated by the current legislation of the Russian Federation in connection with the receipt of income in the form of prizes for participating in the Quiz in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. In this regard, the Partner (or his representative), in accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, acting as the tax agent of the Winner, calculates and withholds from the amount of the prize payable to the Winner the amount of personal income tax (PIT) at the rate established by the current legislation - 35 % (clause 2, article 224 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). The tax amount is transferred by the Partner (or his representative) to the appropriate budget on behalf of the Winner.

12.5. Prizes unclaimed during the period specified in clause 11.3 of these Rules are not stored, issued and used by the Quiz Organizer at its own discretion.

13. Additional terms:

13.1. The Quiz participant who makes the first request to the service number 2016 confirms his full and unconditional consent (acceptance of the Offer) with the Rules of the Quiz, guarantees that he has reached 18 years of age, is a citizen of the Russian Federation and a Subscriber under the contract for the provision of communication services concluded with the Organizer, and is subject to under other criteria of the Participant described in Chapter 2 of these Rules.
The sending by the Participant of the Quiz of the first request to the service number 2016 entails a change and / or addition to the contract for the provision of communication services concluded by the Organizer with the Participant.

13.2. These Rules come into force from the moment they are published on the Organizer's website until they are changed or terminated by the Organizer. Quiz participants are notified of changes or termination of these Rules by posting on the Organizer's website 10 (Ten) days before such changes come into force. These Rules are considered modified or canceled from the moment specified in the relevant notice.

13.3. Change and / or termination of these Rules in the manner provided for in paragraph 13.2. of these Rules, means, respectively, a change and / or termination of the terms of the additional agreement to the contract for the provision of communication services between the Organizer and the Participant of the Quiz, which arose as a result of the acceptance by the Participant of the Offer in accordance with clause 7.1. of these Rules.

13.4. By participating in the Quiz, Participants agree to:

— to receive advertising in the form of SMS/USSD messages related to the Quiz, to the additional communication services of the Organizer (Mobile Subscriptions), and also agree that the Organizer and the Partner, as well as the persons involved by them for the purpose of conducting the Quiz, will exchange between each other with information, including processing information related to the participation of the Participant in the Quiz (including information regarding the personal data of the Participants and the content of the sent requests of the Participants);

- in case of receiving a prize, their names, images, including photographs, interviews, as well as information provided by the Participant to the Organizer or Partner, can be used by the Organizer to inform third parties about the Quiz without additional consent of the Participants and without paying any or rewards.

13.5. If the Subscriber has not sent to the Organizer within 10 (Ten) business days from the date of change and / or termination of the terms of the additional agreement to the Agreement (resulting from the Subscriber's acceptance of the Offer in accordance with clause 7.1. of these Rules) a refusal to accept changes to the Agreement, such changes considered accepted by the Subscriber. If, after the changes come into force, the Subscriber continues to participate in the Quiz, the changes are considered accepted by the Subscriber.

13.6. By participating in the Quiz, the Subscriber expresses his voluntary consent to the Organizer and the Partner, as well as third parties involved by the Partner for the purpose of conducting the Quiz, to collect, store, transfer to third parties, process and use the personal data of such a Participant to make contacts with the Participant within the framework of Quizzes, including on telecommunication networks, including the SMS messaging channel and e-mail. The performance of such actions by the Organizer, the Partner and the persons involved by them will not require them to obtain any additional permissions from the Participant and special notifications of the Participant about the implementation of the listed actions. Such consent of the Participant is valid during the period of the Quiz and 30 (thirty) calendar days after its completion by the decision of the Organizer or after the Participant unsubscribes from the Quiz. The Quiz participant has the right to withdraw his consent by unsubscribing from participation in the Quiz in the prescribed manner or by indicating this in the notification provided for in clause 6.6 of these Rules.

The Quiz Participant gives the consent of Megafon PJSC to verify the data communicated to the Quiz Organizer with the data held by Megafon PJSC in order to confirm the compliance of the person participating in the Quiz with the party under the contract for the provision of communication services and confirmation of the absence of arrears in payment for communication services under the contract on the provision of communication services.

The Organizer/Partner is not liable for failure to fulfill its obligations related to the Quiz, if such failure occurred due to the destruction of the Participant's personal data as a result of their withdrawal by the Participant.


information taken from the site

Who participates in the quiz, please leave in the comments the questions that Megafon sent !!!

It so happened that any smartphone gets obsolete status a year after its entry into the market, especially when it comes to flagship mobile devices. Keeping up with the race to produce smartphones is quite difficult, especially in Russia, since only a few are ready to spend large sums of money on buying new mobile devices from scratch every year. Today, December 20, the MegaFon store launched a temporary promotion that allows you to exchange an old smartphone for a new one for free.

In particular, the Russian cellular operator MegaFon in its branded communication stores, of which there are several thousand in Russia, began to change old smartphones for new ones for free, and on quite favorable terms. You can hand over the phone to the store and get a cash reward for it as part of a program called trade-in, which is valid throughout the Russian territory from today.

You can receive cash rewards for all Apple smartphones not older than iPhone 4S, as well as top mobile devices from Samsung released after 2014 (2015 and newer). The MegaFon operator promises that all handed over smartphones will be valued at a decent amount of money, which is only slightly lower than that in the secondary market, when the buyer sells the old phone on his own.

So, for example, MegaFon estimates the outdated iPhone 5s in the version with 64 GB of permanent memory at 8,900 rubles, while for the Samsung Galaxy S6 in a configuration with 32 GB of storage - at 10,200 rubles. At the same time, specialists (employees) of retail outlets, of course, look at the performance of a mobile device. If something does not work, then you can get less money for the phone, or they will refuse to accept it at all if the handed over device does not turn on.

Thus, with the help of a new promotion from MegaFon, all residents of Russia have the opportunity to exchange their old smartphone for a new one without any difficulties. For example, some iPhone 7 will be valued at more than 25,000 rubles, and all the money received from its exchange can be immediately spent in full on the purchase of any other mobile device. If the new phone costs less than the amount received, then the exchange will be free for the Russian, that is, he will receive a new phone at the expense of the old one. In other cases, you will need to pay the difference in price between the old and new smartphones.

Obviously, a new temporary promotion from one of the largest Russian retailers, which is MegaFon, allows you to change an old phone for a new one on quite interesting terms. So, for example, if stores accept iPhone 4s and give at least 5-6 thousand rubles for it, then this is already quite profitable, since it is difficult to sell it for that kind of money even on trading floors for the sale of used equipment.

In branded outlets of the largest mobile operators, several promotions are often held at once, by participating in which any resident of the country has the opportunity to receive a significant discount on a smartphone or count on a gift in the form of an additional accessory. Several such promotions are held in MegaFon stores at once. For those who plan to buy a new smartphone in the near future and hope to do it as profitably as possible, we have put together all the promotions that operate on the territory of MegaFon branded stores. Perhaps one of them will appeal to you more than the others and will be the most suitable option for you.

Trade-in - trade in your old smartphone and get a new one

In some MegaFon branded stores, there is a so-called Trade-in program - a client can hand over his old smartphone, and in return get a good discount on a new one. The money for the returned device can be spent not only on a new smartphone, but in general on any product or service you like, for example, insurance.

To use the Trade-in program, a potential client needs to come to one of the specified MegaFon outlets and submit their smartphone for evaluation. After that, the salon staff will name the total amount that can be spent on the purchase of a new device, gadget or other. This amount becomes a kind of discount and cannot be issued on hand.

There are a few more conditions to be aware of. Trade-in only accepts Samsung and Apple smartphones, with additional discounts for the latter. The cost of a new product should not be less than the amount for the old device. And one client can rent no more than 2 old smartphones at a time.

The list of sales and service offices where the Trade-in system operates can be found on the official website of Megafon. The program began on January 15, 2017 and will run until March 31, 2018.

Gadget as a gift

The mobile operator MegaFon cooperates with one of the largest smartphone manufacturers, Samsung. And most recently, Samsung released the new flagship smartphones Galaxy S9 and Galaxy S9 Plus. In this regard, anyone who pre-orders one of these smartphones in the MegaFon online store and makes a full prepayment will receive an EP-PG950 wireless fast charger as a gift. Those who plan to purchase the Galaxy S9 or Galaxy S9 Plus in installments can also participate in the promotion.

The campaign began on February 25 and will last until March 15. However, the total number of gifts is limited, so the advantageous offer may expire earlier.

Smartphone as a gift

The essence of this promotion is simple - you buy an LG V30+ smartphone in one of MegaFon's branded stores and get another smartphone of the same brand - LG X Power - as a gift.

The promotion will last until December 31, 2018, the number of gift smartphones is limited, so the offer may cease to be relevant much earlier.

Smartphone discount for 3 accessories

When buying three products in the Megafon branded salon, the cost of each will be reduced to 150 rubles. A list of these products can be found at:

If, after purchasing three accessories at a discount, you are going to buy one of these smartphones, then it will cost an additional 150 rubles cheaper. List of eligible smartphones:

Accessory as a gift

Another action, the participants of which, when buying a Senseit smartphone, are entitled to a corresponding accessory as a gift. So all new owners of the Senseit T100 smartphone will receive a free original case-book. Those who opt for Senseit T250 models will receive an original cover as a gift. Those who like the Senseit T300 will get a free 6000 mAh Z10 external battery. Well, those who bought the Senseit R500 are waiting for the original glass for this smartphone as a gift.

A popular retail chain, in order to attract the attention of consumers, often holds promotions and makes special offers. During the sales period in Megafon, discounts can reach 70%. This allows you to purchase initially expensive goods for little money.

The marketing service of the company carefully thinks over and plans Megafon's shares. As a result, special offers cover almost the entire range, and various promotional events are held with enviable regularity.

Megafon discounts are not just a sale of leftovers or substandard goods, but a real opportunity to make a purchase at the best price.

Megafon promotions this week

You can find out the prices for goods in Megafon directly at retail outlets of the network or on the official website of the company. Under this information, a separate heading is allocated, which in parallel is an online store. Megafon discounts for remote purchases through the online catalog are exactly the same as in ordinary stores. But the buyer gets the opportunity to save time.

On the main page of the official website, there is usually a link to Megafon promotions, which allows you to stay up to date with current events.

The promotions currently apply to the following products:

Empty trash Checkout

Megafon discounts today

Discount Megafon is a great way to buy high-quality goods on the most favorable terms. The main thing is to keep track of the events held by the trading network. But Megafon shares are far from the only way to save money. There is a special bonus program. Its members can qualify for good Megafon discounts.

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