
How to switch to a megaphone with saving. Switching to a megaphone with your number. Service provision procedure

In search of profitable offers, life pushes subscribers from one operator to another. Previously, the transition was prohibited. But after the release of the law on the abolition of mobile slavery, this became possible. And many opt for Tele2. This is directly related to the quality and cost of communication. Moreover, now it has become feasible for all users to switch to Tele2 with their own number.

  1. Step-by-step instruction
  2. How to go to the site
  3. Underwater rocks
  4. Favorable Tele2 tariffs

People's complaints about the inability to switch to another operator with their previous number were heard by the government. As a result, this service was developed at the request of the country's legislation. Currently, subscribers can switch to the Megafon operator, as well as to other mobile operators with their old old phone number. At the beginning of its launch, the service was malfunctioning, the connection was unstable. However, today all the shortcomings have been eliminated, and the service operates without problems.

Keeping your number for the subscriber is very important, as it gives the following opportunities:

  1. Do not notify your loved ones and interlocutors that your phone number has changed.
  2. Do not lose contacts of business partners and customers.
  3. Set up a better cellular connection on your phone by switching to a different mobile operator.

When a kind of "mobile slavery" was in effect, the measurement of the number forced subscribers to call friends, relatives, and notify them of a change in phone number. For this, even special services were created. However, even such measures were not enough, as confusion began. Moreover, the created services assumed the need to leave the previous number in operation.

It was more difficult for users who were engaged in their business. At the same time, changing the phone number could lead to big trouble. A person working in a business cannot change his number. He will lose his partners, both current and future. Therefore, the function of switching to Megafon with leaving a phone number has become a lifesaver for subscribers.

Conditions for granting the transition

Before considering the procedure for switching to Megafon with your number, you need to find out about the conditions of this provided operation. In fact, these are mere formalities, and sometimes you should not pay attention to them. These include the following points:

If the phone is registered in your name, and you are in your home region, the SIM card is not blocked, and there are no debts, then you can start switching to the Megafon operator with the old number.

Attention: if the number was issued according to the old passport, and now you already have a different passport, you need to visit the communication salon of your current operator and update all the information.

The procedure for switching to Megafon

Let's analyze this procedure in more detail. First you need to choose the optimal tariff offer on Megafon. Experts advise using one of the proposals of the “Turn On” series. They include packages of minutes of calls, text messages and mobile internet for a fee. The operator has developed the best options for subscribers who talk little on the phone, as well as for active users. There are two ways to switch from another network to Megafon:

  1. Through a communication salon or service office. To do this, you need to find the nearest Megafon branch and come there with your passport. You will be given an application form to fill out. Then choose a tariff plan, pay the cost of the transition in the amount of 100 rubles per operation, as it was in the old conditions, it is no longer required, the transition to Megafon is free of charge. The application indicates the date of transition to Megafon. You can specify a quick transition method, or specify a specific date. Then you will be given a temporary version of the SIM card. On the date you set, your SIM card will be attached to the previous number, which will already refer to the Megafon operator.
  2. Place an order for free delivery of a SIM card. If you do not want to look for communication salons and walk around the city, you can switch to Megafon with the old number directly at work or in your apartment. An employee of the operator will come to you with a SIM card and relevant documents, explain how to fill out the application form. Money for the transition operation can be paid to this worker on hand. After a certain time, the SIM card from the temporary version will go into the category of permanent ones, and its number will be from the previous phone. To call a specialist, you must fill out an application via the Internet on the operator's website.

The transition to the Megafon company with the previous number is carried out quickly and easily, you will need to tinker with the documents a little and wait for time.

Features of the transition to Megafon

Important to know: filling out an application via the Internet with the possibility of delivering a SIM card to your home or work is available only for users of the Moscow region.

The transition to Megafon will take place 11 days after all documents are signed. During this time, passport information is checked, employees of mobile operators of both sides will perform the necessary procedures. You will receive notifications on your phone about all the actions performed with your number. Transition dates are specified independently. This period can be from 11 days to 6 months. Money on the balance of the phone from the old operator is not transferred to the new one.

The order of refusal of the transition

This can happen if the application has already been submitted, but it is decided not to change the operator yet. Consider the solution to this issue, and what to do in such cases.

  1. Fill out the application form for the refusal of number portability.
  2. Print and sign on the form.
  3. Photograph or scan this application, send it by e-mail no later than two days before the planned transition to Megafon.

If you do not trust the worldwide network for the safety of your personal information, contact the subscriber department of the Megafon operator at the same time before the proposed transition, and submit a similar application. The nearest salons can be found in the corresponding section of the operator's website.

Switching from Beeline to Megafon

The user can switch to the Megafon operator without changing the number from any Beeline network tariff. You should know that the MNP transition is made on days convenient for you, and specifically at the end of the month, when the packages on the tariff are used up. The operation ends at the time that you indicated in the application, and can last from 11 days to six months. Until the time the new SIM card is connected, the old Beeline SIM card will function.

The date is set by the Megafon subscriber so that the change of company is comfortable and convenient. For newly connected subscribers, favorable working conditions and other operator functions are offered. This option does not include the right to transfer the number to a third party, but this service may be provided later.

The transition from Beeline to Megafon is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Visit the service office or communication salon of the current operator, pay off your debts, top up your balance for a week, check your personal information with those indicated in the documents.
  2. Restore the lost SIM card from the old operator. This operation involves working SIM cards, to which you will receive messages about the end of the transition, since the temporary phone is not able to participate in the connection.
  3. Another step is to sign an agreement with the Megafon operator and select a new mobile communication tariff. Specify the dates of the transition in person or through the operator's website.
  4. You do not need to pay for porting the number, this procedure is free, pay a monthly fee according to the terms of the tariff.
  5. Wait for a new SIM card to arrive with a description of how to activate it after receiving a text notification.

You can control the transition from your Personal Account. The procedure ends after connecting a new Megafon SIM card with a permanent number. Then the number is transferred, and all issues are resolved between cellular networks in two months. If you have any questions, please contact the Help Desk.

Transition from Tele2

This procedure is carried out in accordance with the basic conditions of this service. Any Tele2 user has the right to switch to Megafon with his number.

  1. Check that the SIM card is valid, or restore it.
  2. Pay off all debts by number.
  3. Make a contractual relationship with the Megafon operator for the transition to MNP technology while maintaining the number in the client department, or fill out and send an application via the Internet.
  4. The transition period is set by the subscriber.
  5. If you have previously changed providers, warn the specialist of the communication salon about this.
  6. For the duration of the transition until a new SIM card is connected, the connection will be valid for you, and the new conditions will start working after the procedure is completed. In this case, the temporary number is not issued to the subscriber.
  7. Changing the operator to Megafon is not paid, it is free. For newly registered users, any tariff plans are available.
  8. Wait for the notification about the end of the transition, and activate a new SIM card.

After that, the new operator conditions apply. The date of the future switchover must be no earlier than 2 months later.

Switching from Iota to Megaphone

This operation is performed in a similar manner, but there are some features. First, check out the available rates. The most advantageous offers from Megafon are suitable for individuals who use mobile communications for non-commercial purposes.

  1. Switching to another operator is available an unlimited number of times only with a valid SIM card of the old operator.
  2. The transition does not allow you to transfer the number to another person.
  3. Number porting should be done after payment of all past debts.
  4. This service is formalized by an appropriate agreement with a visit to a communication salon, or by submitting an application on the operator's website.
  5. The date of porting the number is indicated in the application by the subscriber himself.
  6. There is no payment for switching the number, you only need to pay for the operation of the new tariff plan.
  7. The operation after completion is confirmed in the received message, so the temporary phone number is not issued to the subscriber.
  8. After receiving the message and connecting a new SIM card from the Megafon operator, it will be attached to your number.

User Reviews

It has become much more convenient for subscribers of cellular networks to switch to other mobile operators. There are no more problems. You can find a lot of positive reviews about this on the net. At present, the transition to Megafon with your number is free. Users express the opinion that this service is very convenient, and only benefits people. They can safely switch to any operator of their preference and choice. Of course, there are limitations, but they are quite fair and correct. There are practically no negative reviews. Therefore, we can definitely say that this service has a positive effect on users, everyone is satisfied with it, with rare exceptions.

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Conditions and restrictions for the transition

Since 2013, the company has been accepting porting requests. Clients of all major providers: MTS, Beeline, Megafon can switch to Tele2. To do this, visit any subscriber branch and write an application. Find out the location of available points in your city by calling the single support number 88005550611, or read the information on the official website. Please read about the following rules and restrictions before applying:

  1. The main requirement is that the number be registered in your name. If this is not the case, then visit the previous operator and re-register for yourself. Otherwise, the application will be denied.
  2. There is no debt on communication services on the user's balance. Pay off all existing debts.
  3. It is necessary that the number was issued in the region in which you are switching.
  4. Data from the old contract is transferred to the new document, so check your personal information. Problems may arise when changing the surname and name. Make any necessary changes at the previous provider's office.
  5. If the SIM card is blocked, such an operation is not possible. First, follow the steps to remove the ban.
  6. Cancel all paid subscriptions and options on Tele2.
  7. If transitions were made before, then at least 60 days must pass from the last one.

Corporate clients need to clarify with their manager the possibility of performing these actions.

Attention! To clarify the conditions, call the unified service support phone number.

Step-by-step instruction

If you have taken into account all the rules, you can begin to take action. There are two methods to switch to Tele2 with your number:

  • visit the sales department;
  • make a request on the official website on the Internet.

When visiting the salon, you must have an identity document (passport) with you. The algorithm is the following:

Attention! Transfer conditions are oriented only to federal numbers.

Instructions for subscribers of corporate tariff plans are identical, except for a set of documents. A member of the organization needs to perform all actions through a personal communication manager. You can do it yourself by presenting a power of attorney. The head of the firm will need to provide information that proves his rank and position, and passports of employees. An individual entrepreneur must attach an IP certificate to the request.

How much does such an operation cost? A one-time payment of 100 rubles is charged for the transfer. And then the price of services will be calculated in accordance with the established contract.

How to go to the site

  1. Enter the specified address in the search bar of the browser and go to the official website of the provider.
  2. Click on the "Number Porting Application" button.
  3. A list of regions will open. Select the city where the SIM was registered.
  4. Next comes the form to fill out. Enter your personal information, mailbox and phone number.
  5. Locate any salon in your city on the map. It will issue a SIM card.
  6. Enter the date you are ready to visit the office.
  7. At the end of the term, come to complete the registration and sign the contract. Don't forget to take your passport!

In some areas, a SIM delivery system has been established at home. Specify the cost by calling the support phone or on the website. In the Moscow region, the fee will be 200 rubles. Thus, you will carry out the transfer online, keeping the old number.

Underwater rocks

Before changing a mobile operator without changing the number, you need to know a number of hidden disadvantages and problems:

  1. The process can take a long time. After all, the check affects the archives of another provider.
  2. During the verification, it is important to maintain a positive balance on the mobile account. Otherwise, the application may be cancelled.
  3. Interruptions in communication are possible when using a temporary SIM card.

Favorable Tele2 tariffs

After making the transfer to Tele2 while maintaining the number, you will need to decide on the choice of a tariff plan. Below are the most popular contracts:

Here are the most profitable and popular contracts. Is it worth it to switch? This is everyone's personal choice.

Any subscriber can switch with his number to Tele2 service, you just need to leave an application and take into account all the requirements.

Ways to transfer funds to Tele2 from Megafon

For the convenience of users, the operator has provided several options for transferring funds to the accounts of other subscribers. From a computer, you can use the operator's website. If you do not have access to the Internet, use an SMS message or a service request. Let us consider in detail how to transfer money from your account from Megafon to Tele2.

Using the USSD command

The service team allows you to quickly and easily make a money transfer. To use it, you need to be in the coverage area of ​​the operator's network and enter a special combination in the dialing field. To transfer money, dial *133*transfer amount*number# and then press the call button.

For example, you want to transfer 300 rudders to a Tele2 subscriber. Then you should enter "*133*300*89XXXXXXXXX#" (without brackets, and instead of the characters "X" you must substitute the numbers of the number to which you want to transfer funds). After that, you will receive an SMS message, which will describe further instructions for confirming the transfer. This is an additional security measure that applies to transfers of funds to subscribers of other operators.


Users can also take advantage of sending SMS messages. With it, you can send funds from your account to the number of any subscriber in Russia. To send a message, follow the instructions below:

  1. Find in the list of contacts the subscriber to whom you want to transfer funds (or enter his number).
  2. Select the option to send a message to the subscriber.
  3. In the text of the message, write #amount (where instead of the word "amount" substitute the digital value in rubles).
  4. Send this SMS to the subscriber's number. Confirm the operation.

For example, you want to send 700 rubles to your friend. Write to his number SMS with the text #700, and then click send. Additionally, after a space after the amount, you can write a short message.

The service also allows you to send a request to replenish your account. To do this, after the amount you need to add a question mark to the message - “# 700?”. This service works both on modern smartphones and on fairly old push-button phones.

On the Megafon website

The interface of the company's website allows you to implement a wide range of operations (including the transfer of funds). If you are interested in how to transfer money from Megafon to Tele2 using the site, read this instruction:

In the "Payment history" section, this operation will be saved, and if necessary, you can repeat the transfer or print a receipt.

How to set a ban on transfers

If the phone is stolen, the attackers can transfer all the funds from the account before you block the SIM card. To avoid such problems, a special service of a ban on transfers allows. To activate it, you can use:

  • USSD combination *105*220#;
  • SMS-message with the number 2 to the short number 3311.

After activation, you will not be able to make mobile transfers. You can deactivate the ban in the same way:

  • dial the combination *105*220*0#, then click on the call;
  • send an SMS to 3311 (as a text, enter only the number 1).

Now you know all the ways how to transfer money from Megafon to the numbers of other subscribers. Before making a transaction, make sure that you have enough funds in your account.

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  • ulSwitching from MTS to Beeline while maintaining the number via the Internet - instructions

    Everyone would like to use the most profitable connection, but the constant struggle of cellular companies leads to the emergence of new tariffs that are distinguished by low rates and package sizes. Therefore, in order not to overpay for telephone calls, you need to know how to switch from MTS to Beeline while keeping the number via the Internet for free.

    Performing a few simple steps allows subscribers to connect to the best tariff plans without changing numbers. This helps to keep in touch and constantly stay in touch with friends, relatives and loved ones, without worrying that they will not be able to get through.

    Is it possible to switch from MTS to Beeline while keeping the number?

    Those wishing to change the mobile operator should not even doubt whether it is possible to switch to another company by taking the usual number. With the entry into force of a law passed in 2013 requiring mobile operators not to interfere with customers, connecting telephone services to a third-party organization with your own number has become a simple and fairly quick affair.

    To switch to the services of the selected company, it is enough to declare your own desire.

    No organization will be able to prevent a person who decides to leave the usual number and save friends from having to re-enter the updated combination and get used to it.

    How to transfer a number from MTS to Beeline while keeping the number via the Internet?

    It is almost impossible to switch from one mobile operator to another while keeping the number via the Internet. To go, you need a SIM card, which can only be obtained at offices. In general, the translation process is as follows:

    1. you should start by going to the office and applying for a change of operator while keeping the phone (you will need a passport);
    2. then you will have to choose the ideal tariff plan and pay for the services received (100 rubles for the old phone and the cost of activating the tariff);
    3. after which it remains to receive a SIM card and coordinate with the company's employees the exact time of the transfer;
    4. the last point is the transition itself, which occurs within 8 days after the application is written.

    For those who do not want to go to the communication salon, you can order the delivery of a SIM card by courier. The order form is on the official website of Beeline.


    There are several conditions, without which it is impossible to make the transition from MTS to Beeline while maintaining the number. Mobile operators will be able to refuse customers to transfer the phone:

    • the presence of subscriber's debts to cellular companies or their appearance during the transition;
    • the use by the client of a federal number (landlines remain in the use of telephone organizations);
    • change of operator in a region other than where the number was purchased;
    • too frequent transitions (more often than once every six months).

    Problems may also arise in cases where the passport data is changed by the owner of the SIM card. If the user has changed the first name, last name or series and number of the document, the application may be denied approval. In this case, it will be difficult to switch to another company while keeping the number.

    How to switch to a new carrier with an old phone?

    Those who are thinking about how to transfer a familiar number to a new mobile operator should go to the sales office and write a corresponding application. Do not count on the fact that this operation is free. The service will require a small fee of 100 rubles. Additionally, you will need to pay extra for the cost of connecting to the selected tariff. After that, it remains to wait about a week and check the work of the SIM card. Perhaps the first hours there will be small problems with communication, which will quickly disappear.

    How to enter your personal account megaphone - step by step guide

    All companies providing telecommunications services to the population have their own official resources. This is no surprise to anyone these days. On the Megafon website, you can not only get first-hand information about new tariff plans, additional services, Internet options, but also use your Personal Account.

    This service, like online banking, allows you to control your own account in real time. You can access the site from both personal computers and mobile gadgets.

    Registration in your Personal Account is available to you only if you have a registered Megafon SIM card. If you use the numbers of other operators, you will also have to register on their official resources. However, registration in the Personal Account of any mobile service provider is not very different. By logging in to one self-service system, you will register in the same way on another site.

    To enter the Megafon Personal Account, follow a few simple steps:

    If you entered into a corporate agreement with Megafon, enter your Personal Account by following these steps:

    or visit the nearest office of the company. Individuals can get a password not only with the help of the above USSD request. To receive an authorization password, dial the number

    Following the prompts of the automatic informing subscribers service, you will choose your own password. You can also type an SMS message, where the text consists of two zeros

    And send to number

    Wait for a response and enter the password in the form.

    Features of the personal account Megafon

    After authorization, a number of convenient and useful functions are available to you. You will be able to manage services, options, subscriptions and mailing lists, make various kinds of financial transactions, and that's not all. We will list only the main functions of the Personal Account. So, in the self-service service, the following options are available to you:

    1. Full control of a personal account: replenishment, transfers, cashing out.
    2. Connecting and disconnecting a wide variety of services and Internet options.
    3. Change tariff plans in a few clicks.
    4. Latest news and advantageous offers from the operator.
    5. Connection of special services with zero and negative balances, including the option "Trusted (promised) payment".
    6. Transfer of funds to any numbers of Megafon or other operators.
    7. Detailed information about all expenses in a convenient format and in manual or automatic mode.
    8. Blocking and removing the ban on the use of a SIM card.
    9. Participation in programs, receiving bonuses and discounts.
    10. Communication with a consultant.

    As you can see, the Personal Account is equipped with all the necessary functions that allow you to independently manage your phone number. After a simple registration and authorization, you can use all the features of the service from Megafon.

    Service Guide

    The company provides its customers with the opportunity to use the "Service Guide". This is an Internet service that allows you to manage all the functions of your tariff plan without the help of operators. For example, in this way you can activate the purchased SIM card. For this you need:

    • go to the official website of Megafon;
    • go through the identification process by entering a login and password (the login will be the phone number, the password will be the puk code);
    • follow the provided step by step instructions.

    Tablet activation

    If you purchase a new SIM card not for a mobile phone, but for a tablet, its activation can be carried out in one of the following ways:

    • replenishment of the account (this way you activate the number automatically);
    • connecting the tablet to any computer, then registering in the I-tunes application and activating by following the instructions provided (this method is only suitable for Apple tablets);
    • activation of a SIM card using the Internet through the "Service Guide".

    In all of the above methods, the process of activating a new SIM card takes 24 hours. In rare cases, the waiting time reaches three days. All methods are quite convenient and fast, just choose the one that suits you best.

    Read also:

    Ways to unlock a SIM card Megafon

    Today we would like to pay attention to the online service from Megafon, which is called Personal Account. This is a unique system, thanks to which the operator's subscribers have the opportunity to carry out almost any operation with their number, from cost control to activation / deactivation of additional services.

    Registration in your MegaFon account

    To gain access to the use of all the advantages of the online system from Megafon, subscribers must complete the registration procedure in it. However, one should not be afraid of this task, because it is extremely simple and the vast majority of modern users of personal computers and the Internet will surely cope with it.

    By the way, unlike many other mobile operators, Megafon does not require registration directly through the official website To gain access to the system, subscribers just need to dial the appropriate code on their mobile phone, in which a SIM card is installed, which requires access to the service interface. The code to be entered looks like this: *105*00#.

    In a response notification, you will be provided with information that is necessary for authorization in the system.

    Login to your MegaFon account

    When registration in the online system is completed, you can start logging into it. This procedure is also simple and, by and large, all you need to do is get to the corresponding page of the site and enter authorization data. There are several ways to get to the authorization page in the system:

    1. Follow the direct link
    2. Go to the official website of the operator and click on the "Personal Account" button, which is located in the upper right part of the web page.
    3. Visit the operator's official resource at the link above and click on the tile that corresponds to the "Login to your personal account" button.

    After you find yourself on the corresponding page of the operator's website, you will need to enter your phone number in the appropriate field. It is specified in any format. Below you enter the password received in the message, thanks to which the system identifies you.

    For quite a long time, many subscribers of mobile operators in our country have been waiting for innovations that are associated with the transition to a new operator while maintaining the number. However, in order to carry out this operation, the subscriber is required to perform a number of actions, after which he will be able to switch to Megafon and save his number. There is nothing complicated about this, just follow the instructions and you will not have any problems.

    Everything according to the law

    Not only mobile operators take care of their subscribers, but the state is also trying in every possible way to improve the service to the population. That is why several years ago a decree began to operate that allows subscribers of various mobile operators to change providers and switch to a new service while maintaining the number. Given this decision, Megafon invites everyone to use the services of the best mobile operator in Russia and switch to its service as quickly and simply as possible.

    What is required to change mobile operator?

    In order to quickly, correctly and successfully switch to Megafon service while keeping the number, the subscriber must follow the instructions:

    • first of all, the subscriber must pay for this service, which is only one hundred rubles;
    • after that, you need to choose a suitable tariff for your number, as well as a subdivision of the operator of the region where the number was previously located;
    • an agreement must be signed in the name of the subscriber with the operator from which he leaves;
    • there should be no debt on the number, and it should not be blocked;
    • a future Megafon subscriber will need to visit the operator's salon with his own passport in order to sign a new contract;
    • you will need to replace the old SIM card while keeping your old number.

    In some cases, there may be a certain restriction on communication (incoming for six hours and outgoing for half an hour). The requirements are quite simple and quite understandable, especially if for some reason you are not satisfied with the previous operator, its tariff plans do not suit you, or the low level of service quality repels you. In this case, Megafon is always ready to offer you much more. It is enough to switch to a new service by filling out a form on the operator's website.

    Features of the transition to a new operator

    So, if you decide to switch to Megafon, then you must definitely fulfill a number of certain requirements. Only in this case you can be sure that your numbers will be saved. Here, too, there is nothing difficult - the main thing is to remember everything and perform it in accordance with the requirements of the operator.

    As already mentioned, preservation is a paid service and the money must be transferred before the end of the day when the application was submitted. If for some reason the transfer is not feasible or you yourself refused to transfer, then in this case the money will not be returned to the subscriber.

    Also, the owner of the number must definitely find out which region he is tied to. If you change certain passport data when applying to Megafon, you need to change the data from the current operator.

    With the preservation of numbers, all bonuses and discounts accumulated from another operator are not taken into account when checking the account. All funds that were on the account of the previous operator are not taken into account and are not transferred.

    The numbers themselves should not be city, but federal. Also, they shouldn't have been migrated before. But, if it was, then more than two months should have passed since the last transition. The new contract is concluded in the salon office and only by passport.

    Main reasons for failure and problem solving

    If you previously applied for a transfer to Megafon and were refused, then you need to solve the problem with the number itself.

    • A common problem in retained number portability denials is a debt owed to the previous operator. In this case, you need to pay off the debt as soon as possible and apply again to Megafon.
    • Also, the subscriber will be refused if the number is registered in another region - it is necessary to apply only in the region where the previous registration took place.
    • In some cases, the number may have been blocked by the previous operator and therefore it will need to be unblocked, after which you can apply again.
    • Migration with preservation is not possible if the application has discrepancies with the data that was provided to the previous operator. This applies to passport data, full name, number and so on. It is necessary to double-check everything and correct inaccuracies. This can be done at a specialized customer service office. Then submit the application to the operator again with corrected data.
    • The transfer is unacceptable if a similar procedure has already been carried out within the next two months. We must wait until the specified period has passed and apply again to Megafon. Only after that it will be possible to successfully switch with saving the number.

    Online application

    You can also use the online application to apply. To do this, you need to go to the "Tariffs and numbers" on the operator's official website, select the "Go to Megafon" section and fill out a special form for free delivery of a SIM card and related documents.

    After that, an employee of the company will bring all the necessary documents to the specified place, and the subscriber must have a passport with him. The manager will help with the choice of tariff, accept payment for the service and issue you a new SIM card with the preservation of your previous number. The transition itself takes place within a period of eight days to six months at the discretion of the operator's client. After the procedure, the subscriber is required to receive a corresponding notification.

    Each mobile operator is actively fighting for new customers, offering subscribers more and more favorable and attractive conditions. Only many people are hesitant to move to a new company because they do not want to lose their old number. But now it’s not difficult to figure out how to switch from Beeline to Megafon while keeping the number. To do this, it is enough to know the features of changing the service company and comply with several important conditions, without which you can run into an insulting refusal. If you do not "reinvent the wheel" and follow an already proven scheme, changing the operator and conditions for using communications will be extremely simple and almost imperceptible.

    To understand the features and procedure for changing communications, you need to go a little deeper into history and find out when subscribers had the opportunity to change the operator while maintaining their familiar phone.

    For a long time, no operator agreed to give away their phones. But with the adoption of the law against “mobile slavery” in 2013, the situation changed dramatically. Now, if the client complies with all the conditions and rules for using the connection, the transition will be simple and painless. To make the transition, you will need;

    1. visit the Megafon office;
    2. write an application for connecting the tariff with saving contacts;
    3. agree on the terms and time of the transfer;
    4. wait for the allotted time;
    5. change sim cards.

    At the request of customers, this operation can be carried out via the Internet. To do this, you must leave a corresponding application on the official website of Megafon and wait for the courier with a SIM card to visit. He will also bring a service agreement necessary to transfer the subscriber to the tariff plan he needs. The rest of the points completely coincide with the connection at the service office.

    Requirements for subscribers

    Moving from one company to another requires meeting several critical requirements, without which the phone will be denied. In order to avoid problems, and the operation itself does not take much time, you should pay attention to:

    • the presence of unpaid debts to Beeline;
    • the correctness of the passport data in the contract;
    • number of visits in the last six months.

    The main condition for the transfer of the combination used is the absence of debts. It is worth considering not only the SIM card that you want to change, but also the rest of the Beeline SIM cards registered in the username. If debts are found, it is worth paying them immediately.

    Passport details are just as important. Each clause of the contract must match the existing numbers and other information in the passport. If there are errors in the contract or the passport has changed after its conclusion, you will have to update the document at the Beeline office.

    Cost and time

    The next issue that should be sorted out when deciding to switch from Beeline to Megafon while keeping the number is the time and cost of the transition.

    Those who wish to change a boring, unprofitable connection will have to pay 100 rubles for transferring the phone. The money is paid upon application. Additionally, you will need to deposit the amount necessary to connect and activate the selected tariff.

    The time for transferring contact data may vary, but does not exceed 8 days. This is the period specified in the law mentioned above. In the first 5-6 hours after the shift, communication problems are possible. You will have to come to terms with them. But, if difficulties persist for a long time, you will have to call the contact center.

    Separately, it is worth pointing out the difficulties with payment that await users in the first 2-3 days after the completion of the operation. In order not to run into trouble, it is worth making payments only at offices.

    Possible problems

    Despite the strict requirements of the law, even in 2020, it may be difficult to transfer the usual combination. Usually subscribers get rejected when;

    1. there are differences in the passport and the contract;
    2. there are outstanding debts;
    3. the user is trying to change the operator not in the region where the old SIM card was purchased;
    4. customers are trying to port a landline number (only federal numbers are allowed);
    5. the transition will be the second for the subscriber in six months (let's say only 1).

    Separately, it should be noted that one should not worry about the future transition when reading reviews describing possible troubles and failures. In order not to encounter difficulties and complete the operation as soon as possible, it is important to remember the requirements described above and adhere to the specified order.

    Additionally, it should be indicated that it is enough for users to submit an application, the rest of the actions are performed by the mobile operator. In case of refusal to transfer, the applicant will receive a corresponding SMS message. In this case, you will need to call the support service, find out the reasons and repeat the whole process.

    Whichever carrier you use, you may want to change carriers. The reasons may be different - you are not satisfied with the quality of communication, there is no suitable tariff plan, you consider the prices of the current operator to be too high - whatever. If earlier the transition to another operator meant the need to change the number, now the situation has changed.

    Since the beginning of 2014, legislation has come into force in Russia (the text of the law is here:, which obliges all operators to allow the “withdrawal” of the number from under their “jurisdiction”. In addition, the procedure itself, called Mobile Number Porting (MNP), was developed and began to operate. The TsNIIS structure (Central Research Institute of Communications) became a participant in the procedure, maintaining new registries of portable numbers - it became the operator of the database of such numbers.

    In this article, we will talk about how to switch to Megafon with your number. Read about how to switch by saving the number in special reviews on our website.

    Important! The question is often asked - can the whole number be ported or only its combination, not including the three digits of the prefix? The entire number is transferred, both the prefix and the rest of the digital series.

    In order to transfer your number to Megafon in a short time and without unnecessary problems, you need to be prepared for the fact that there are certain requirements for "Transfer":

    • The ported number must be registered to you or you must have a Power of Attorney to perform such actions from the owner of the number.
    • There must be no debts to the current operator on the number.
    • There must also be no debts to the current operator for all numbers registered in your name.
    • You can apply for the transfer procedure only in the same service area where the SIM card intended for transfer was purchased.
    • The number intended for porting has not participated in the MNP procedure for more than 2 months.
    • The number intended for porting is not blocked by the current operator for any of the reasons.
    • It is necessary that your passport data provided to the new operator fully comply with those provided to the previous one when concluding a service contract.

    What should I do if it is necessary to port the number, but one of the above points is not completed? The state of the number (account and balance), the compliance of personal data must be brought in line with the requirements of the Transfer Procedure. Otherwise, you will simply be denied an MNP.

    Have you changed your passport? Visit your operator and make changes to the “Service Agreement”, renegotiate the agreement with current personal data before starting the number transfer procedure.

    Attention! At this time, only federal numbers are subject to portability. The "landline number" that you use for mobile communications cannot be transferred.

    How to use the service?

    How to switch to Megafon with your number? There are two ways to start the process of transferring a number to another operator:

    1. By personally contacting the salon or office of the Megafon operator.
    2. Fill out an application on the official website of the company at the link

    In some cities, the entire transfer process can be done remotely, and a new SIM card will be delivered to you by a courier at the specified address. But, in most cases, a personal visit to the salon cannot be avoided.

    Personal visit to the operator

    When contacting the salon or operator's office, you must have a passport with you (and a power of attorney if the ported number does not belong to you). Fill out the application form for transferring the number offered to you, select the Megafon tariff plan and indicate the desired transition period - no sooner than 8 days and no later than 6 months from the date of application. Get a new SIM card and wait for SMS instructions from your future operator.

    Application on the site

    If you decide to complete the entire operation or most of it online, then follow the link and fill out the form provided to you. Confirm the data you entered and check the box for consent to receive informational messages.

    The operator will contact you and help you through and complete the MNP procedure.

    What is the price?

    What is the cost of changing the operator while keeping the number? The cost of the MNP service is legally fixed - 100 rubles or at the discretion of the operator. Unlike MTS and Beeline, the company MegaFon provides the service for free and independently makes a payment according to the system of accounting for portable numbers for ZNIIS for a new subscriber.

    Important! Funds remaining on the balance of the old operator will not be transferred to your new operator! This must be done on your own.

    About how to withdraw money from a Beeline account, or read in special reviews on our website.

    Whose number is now?

    How now to find out which operator the number belongs to? The official website of ZNIIS, the operator of databases of portable numbers, is located at the link: Here you can check for free whether any number belongs to a particular operator.

    Is it possible to find out which operator the number belongs to in another way? All major operators can respond to a request for number ownership. Send a request to your operator with a combination of USSD and the information will be provided to you in an informational message.

    For this purpose, operators have defined the following combinations of query commands:

    • For MegaFon subscribers - *629*ХХХХХХХХХ#
    • For Beeline subscribers - *444*ХХХХХХХХХ#
    • For Tele2 subscribers - *190*8ХХХХХХХХХ#

    Here "ХХХХХХХХХ" is the number you are interested in, in nine-digit format. The request can be made free of charge.

    Another option is to clarify the belonging of the number to the operator and region on the pages of the official websites of providers intended for the transition.

    • On the Beeline website at
    • On the Tele2 website at the link http://mnp.teleru/whois.html.
    • On the MegaFon website at
    • And on the MTS website at
    • SIM card, number, tariff

        To find out the name and conditions of the current tariff, go to your Personal Account and select the "Tariff" section or dial a free command * 105 * 3 #

        You can change the tariff

        • on the site: select a new tariff, click on the button "Switch to tariff" on the page;
        • in the MegaFon application or Personal Account.

        You can switch to any tariff, except for the archive one. The cost of the transition is indicated on the page of the selected tariff.

        When changing the tariff, the packages of minutes, SMS and Internet connected within the current tariff will “burn out” and will not be valid at the new tariff. The written-off subscription fee is not recalculated.

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      • How to unblock a number?
        • If you run out of money on your account and the number is blocked, replenish your balance. The number is activated after the debt is repaid.
        • If you have not used the number for more than 90 days, it may be blocked. To restore the number, contact the MegaFon salon with your passport. If the number has not been transferred to another subscriber during this time, you will receive a new SIM card with the same number.
          Find out if it is possible to restore the number by sending a free SMS from a valid MegaFon SIM to. In the message, indicate the number you want to restore, the full name of the owner.
        • If the number is blocked after losing the SIM card, you can get a new SIM card with the same number for free by contacting the MegaFon salon with your passport.
        • If you have set a blocking, the number will be unblocked automatically on the day you choose to end the blocking.

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      • How to get a new SIM card while keeping your phone number?

        Apply with your passport to any MegaFon salon in the Home region, on the territory of which the contract was concluded. You can get a new SIM card for free and continue using your number. The tariff and all terms of service remain the same, it is not necessary to conclude a new contract for the provision of communication services.

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      • How to keep your number?

        The number remains yours as long as the balance is positive. If you do not use the number and do not activate the blocking service, then at least once every 90 days you need to use communication services: outgoing calls, incoming calls, sending SMS, sending and receiving MMS, access to the Internet. If you do not use communication services for more than 90 calendar days in a row on tariffs for calls and for more than 180 calendar days in a row on tariffs for the Internet, the subscription fee for keeping the number starts to be charged daily.

        In case of non-use of communication services for any of the subscriber numbers combined on one personal account for more than 90 (ninety) calendar days in a row, the contract for the provision of communication services regarding this subscriber number is considered terminated at the initiative of the subscriber.

        The amount of the subscription fee for keeping the number, the conditions for its debiting and the period at the end of which the contract for the provision of communication services will be terminated and the number can be transferred to another subscriber, is indicated in the description of your tariff. You can find it in the section Tariffs or Archive of tariffs.

        If you do not use communication services for more than 90 days with a zero or negative balance of your Personal Account, the contract is considered terminated on your initiative. If the number has not been transferred to another person, it can be restored by filling out an application in the MegaFon salon.

        If you plan to not use mobile communications for a long time (more than 90 days), block your number.

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        • Use the service Telephone codes of mobile operators. Enter the mobile number you are interested in in the search bar and click the "Check" button. Under the search bar, the names of the carrier and the region will be displayed.
        • Dial a team * 629 # . Then enter in any format the mobile number you want to check. Information about the operator and the region will be displayed on the screen.

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      • How to renew the contract or change the number?

        You can choose a number when concluding a contract for the provision of communication services or replace your current phone number.

        Pick up a beautiful, easy-to-remember number in an online store or in a MegaFon salon.

        The cost of the room depends on the class of the room: simple, bronze, silver, gold, platinum, and the type of numbering: federal or city. More details about the cost of the room in the description of the Number Selection service.

        The service operates in two modes:

        • one-way: the caller will hear the message "The subscriber's device is turned off or is out of network coverage";
        • two-way mode: the caller will receive an SMS with your new number.

        In any mode, you will receive an SMS with the number of the person who called your previous number.

        The service does not work if the balance on the old number is negative or zero, and also if the old SIM card is blocked.

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      • What do I need to determine the numbers of the callers?

        To do this, you have the Caller ID service, it allows you to determine the numbers of those who call you. The service does not require connection and there is no subscription fee.

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      • Why didn't I get a number?

        The number may not be determined if the caller has activated the AntiAON service. Also, the numbers of clients of other operators or MegaFon clients of other branches may not be determined.

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    • Services, options

        Use any convenient way:

        • Go to the section Balances on service packages in your Personal Account.
        • Open the Service package balances section in the MegaFon application.
        • Customize the widget.

        Widget - an element of the MegaFon application Personal account. It is not necessary to enter the application - the remaining minutes, SMS, megabytes, balance of the Personal account will be displayed on the screen of your smartphone.

        For the widget to work, install the MegaFon application on your smartphone / tablet Personal account. For Android OS, the application must be installed in the smartphone's memory, not in the SD memory. Go to your smartphone settings and activate the widget.

        The appearance of the widget and the number of residues that will simultaneously be displayed on the smartphone screen differ depending on the OS.

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    • Mobile Internet

      • What to do if the mobile Internet does not work or the speed has decreased?
        1. Check your balance and replenish it if necessary. To check the balance, type the command * 100 # or go to your Personal Account. The Internet works only with a positive balance. If you recently topped up your account, wait a few minutes for the Internet to work again.
        2. Check the rest of the internet package. Open the MegaFon application or go to your Personal Account and in the "Services" section, select Service package balances. If the included volume of the Internet is over, connect one of the options to extend the Internet.
        3. Check if your Mobile Internet service is connected by typing the command * 105 * 4 * 4 #
        4. Make sure you have Data Transfer enabled. You can check this in the settings of your smartphone or tablet in the "Data connection", "Data connection" or "Mobile network" section (the name may differ in different devices).
        5. Reboot the device (switch off and on).
        6. Turn off Wi-Fi on your smartphone / tablet (when using a router from MegaFon, Wi-Fi must remain on).
        7. Move the SIM card to another device. If mobile Internet does not work in another device either, contact the nearest MegaFon salon with an identity document to replace the SIM card. When replacing the SIM card, the phone number will not change, the service is provided free of charge.
          To find out the address of the nearest salon, open the MegaFon application.
        8. When using the Internet via a modem/router: Reinstall the MegaFon Internet application, try connecting the modem/router to a different USB port on your computer, update your modem/router software. You can download the latest versions of the software for free from the MegaFon online store. Find your modem or router in the directory and go to the "Files" tab.

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      • What is 4G+, how to start using it and how does the transition from 2G/3G network to 4G+ happen?

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      • How to top up an account?

        Choose any convenient way:

        1. Top up your account with a bank card or electronic wallet in the Payment section.
        2. On the main page of your Personal Account, you can replenish your account, as well as the account of another Megafon subscriber, with a bank card.
        3. Set up Autopayment yourself in your Personal Account on the website or contact a specialist in the MegaFon salon for help. With this service, the balance will be replenished automatically from your bank card.
        4. If it is not possible to pay right now, use the Promised payment service.
        5. Another MegaFon subscriber can transfer money to you from his account using the Mobile transfer service. To send a request to another subscriber, use the free Pay for me service.
        6. If you are a client of Sberbank and your bank card is linked to a phone number, enter the required amount in an SMS and send it to the number or use the Sberbank-Online application.

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      • How to stay in touch with a negative or zero balance?

          You have already activated the Zero Problems service, with which you can receive SMS, calls in your Home region and call toll-free numbers and 8-800 550-05-00 in Russia.

          The service is connected free of charge, there is no subscription fee.

          The service is available only in the Home region within 30 days from the moment of blocking. Roaming does not work.

          To call with an insufficient balance, use the service Call at the expense of a friend, and your interlocutor will pay for the call. Dial " 000 ” and subscriber number, starting with “ 8 " or " 7 ", for example: 000792ХXXXXXXX.

          The service is valid only for calls to MegaFon numbers.

          To credit a conditional amount to your account at any convenient time and continue using mobile services, activate the Promised payment by typing the command * 106 # . The service is paid.

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          The detailed report has all the information about calls, SMS, MMS and Internet access with date, time, duration and cost for a certain period. You can also find information about roaming costs.

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        • For what period can I get the details?

          You can order one-time detailing for one or several days, periodic - for a calendar month or receive a summary of all accruals and payments on a monthly basis.

          Your details are stored for 36 calendar months (even after termination of the contract).

          If you have activated the "Periodic invoice detailing" service, then a detailed report is sent to your e-mail once a month (approximately on the 10th day of each month). You can receive a report the next month after connecting the service.

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        • You can get it in several ways:

          • free of charge in the Personal Account or the MegaFon application;
          • free of charge by e-mail;
          • by mail, the cost of the service is 100 ₽ per month;
          • in the nearest salon, in this case the cost will be 50 ₽ for each day of ordered detailing.

          In the Personal Account, you can order details for the last 6 calendar months. Information for an earlier date can be ordered at the nearest salon.

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        • Why can not all information be indicated in the detail?

          The subscription fee is charged in accordance with the Subscription Terms.

          To find out which subscriptions are connected, go to your Personal Account, select the "Services and Options" section, the "My" subsection, which will display a list of subscriptions connected to your subscription number

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        • How to unsubscribe?

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        • Can I listen to the recording of my telephone conversation?

          MegaFon does not record calls from subscribers.

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        • How to set up call forwarding?

          You can set or cancel call forwarding in the phone menu or in your Personal Account. See the terms and cost of setting up call forwarding on the service page.

          If the set call forwarding does not work, check if there are any restrictions on your number and if the number is correct.

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        • To find out who called you while the phone was turned off, out of network coverage or while you could not answer, activate the Who called+ service. You will receive a missed call SMS on behalf of the person who tried to call you. The SMS will indicate the number and time of calls.

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        • Why does not catch the network?
          1. Unstable network signal.
            You are outside the city, in areas with dense buildings - in the zone of uncertain signal reception. If a communication problem occurs regularly, please send us a message using the Write to us form or contact the Support Service through the Personal Account. In the message, specify the address where the communication problems occur and describe the problem in detail. On an Android device, using the My Network application, you can automatically send information about the quality of communication and coverage problems to MegaFon.
          2. There is not enough money in your account.
            Top up your account in any convenient way.
          3. Wrong network connection.
            Go to your phone settings and select the MegaFon network manually. Reboot your phone. If the device allows you to select the network standard (4G / 3G / 2G), try switching to another standard.
          4. Phone or SIM card is defective.
            Insert the SIM card into another device and check if it will connect to the network. If the SIM card in the other phone also does not register with the network, replace the SIM card .
          5. You are outside your Home Region or within the coverage area of ​​an operator that MegaFon does not work with.
            Go to your device settings and try to manually select a different network.

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        • How to make a video call?

          Just select the type of outgoing call "Video call" in the phone menu. The service is available by default, it does not need to be enabled or disabled.

          "Video call" allows you and your interlocutor to talk and see each other during a conversation, provided that:

          • both interlocutors are in the 3G coverage area;
          • phones of both interlocutors support 3G, video call function and have a front camera.

          When you make a video call, your interlocutor receives a request. If he allows the video call, you will see each other. If he forbids, he will be able to see you, but you cannot see him.

          Incoming and outgoing video calls in all directions are charged as regular calls according to the terms of your tariff.

          For features of the Video Call function, see the instructions for your smartphone.

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        • How to use the conference call service?

          Your phone must support conference calling, call waiting, and call hold. To use the service, follow the instructions in the instructions for your phone.

          At the same time, 6 people can participate in one conversation, including the organizer. The service is available in the Home region and in roaming.

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        • How much does a conference call cost?

          The conference organizer pays for all established connections according to the terms of his tariff. Conference participant - only one call according to the terms of his tariff. Putting a call on hold is paid as part of the Call Hold service.

          The service is available to MegaFon subscribers on all tariffs, it is provided both in the Home region and in roaming.

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          • You have automatically activated the service I got a call from S . You will receive a notification in the form of a missed call from the person who tried to reach you, indicating the time and number of calls. The service is free.
          • Activate the Who called+ service. You will receive SMS about a missed call or voice messages on the answering machine. When “Who called+” is connected, the “I got a call from S” service will automatically turn off.

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      • Emergency help

        • How to call the emergency service?

          Single emergency call number:

          1 - Fire Department;

          2 - police;

          3 - emergency;

          4 — emergency service of the gas network.

          Emergency phone numbers:

          Emergency - ;

          Calls to emergency numbers are free. You can call if there is no money on the account, and even from a phone without a SIM card.

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        • What should I do if my phone is lost or stolen?

            Block the number.

            Free blocking period - 7 days. Then the monthly fee starts to be written off. All communication services on the number before the blocking is activated are paid by you. If your phone is stolen or lost, please let us know as soon as possible. This is necessary so that a thief or a person who finds your phone cannot use the money in your account.

            Get a new SIM card with your old number.

            Try to find a phone.

            Contact the police and write a statement about the theft. Your phone may be found.

            If you've lost your iPhone or iPad, use the Find My iPhone feature.

            If you have lost your Android phone, use the find device function.

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        • How to protect yourself from scammers?

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        • How are emergency communications services provided?
      • Roaming

        • How to use communication services while traveling in Russia and around the world?

          When traveling around our country, no additional actions are required to use communication services. The only condition is that you must have a positive balance.

          When you leave for other countries, as well as for the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, where there is no MegaFon network, you need to make sure that you have activated the Roaming service. It is needed so that you can use communication services in the networks of other operators.

          • 8 800 550-05-00 +7 922 111-05-00 from anywhere in the world;
          • Personal account or MegaFon application;
          • contact the MegaFon salon with a passport.

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        • The cost of communication services while traveling in Russia may differ from the cost in the Home region. You can find detailed conditions in your Personal Account, in the description of your tariff or with the help of a free team * 139 #

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          There is no MegaFon network in the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, so make sure that you have activated the Roaming service before your trip. It is needed so that you can use communication services in the networks of other operators.

          How to find out if roaming is enabled on your number:

          • call the Support Service at 8 800 550 0500 in Russia or +7 922 111-05-00 from anywhere in the world;
          • write to the support chat in your Personal Account or the MegaFon application;
          • contact the MegaFon salon with a passport.

          You can find out the cost of services on the page or in the description of your tariff.

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        • How to connect and disconnect services in roaming and spend less at the same time?

          The easiest and most convenient way is the MegaFon mobile application or Personal Account. You will be able to check the balance, enable or disable services and options, order itemization of expenses and ask a support question in the chat.

          In roaming, you do not need to change the mobile Internet settings.


          Some phones may restrict data roaming. Go to settings and check if mobile internet is enabled while roaming.

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        • Why is my mobile internet not working while roaming?
          • Not enough money in the account. Check the balance and replenish it if necessary.
          • The phone cannot find the network.
            Try restarting your phone and select the network manually. Go to the settings, find the item "Network selection / Operator", select "Manual" or deselect "Automatic". Select a network from the proposed list. When the phone connects to the network, Internet access will appear.
          • Data roaming is disabled in the phone settings.
            Go to settings and check if mobile internet is enabled while roaming.

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        • How to call the Support Service while roaming?
        • How to correctly dial a phone number when I call from roaming?

          To call all numbers, including local numbers, dial the number in the international format:
          + .
          For example, for MegaFon numbers, the international format looks like this:

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