
Option "Unlimited Internet" from Megafon. MegaFon option - "Unlimited communication Megafon 10 rubles per day unlimited communication

Megaphone launched the option “ Unlimited Internet"Back at the end of August 2018, but only now it has acquired an extremely dignified look. The fact is that until October 15, 2018, the option worked exclusively in the home region, that is, the region where the SIM card was issued. When traveling in Russia, a basic mobile Internet package was consumed on a tariff plan. At the moment, the option is valid throughout Russia ...

Let's consider the parameters of the "Unlimited Internet" option using the example of Moscow and the region

  • Connection - 0 rubles
  • Subscription fee - from 0 to 1.7 rubles per day (depending on the region and tariff plan). For Moscow on the tariffs “Turn on! Look + "and" Turn on! Premium "option is provided free of charge. On tariffs “Turn on! Communicate "," Get involved! Look "and" Warm welcome M "- 1.7 rubles per day.

Description of the "Unlimited Internet" option for your region: link

Features of the "Unlimited Internet" option

  • On some tariff plans, for example, “Turn on! Look + "and" Turn on! Premium ”, the option is connected automatically - when switching to a tariff or a new connection.
  • The option is disabled when changing the tariff plan.
  • The option does not work in routers and modems.
  • Downloading from torrent tracker is limited.
  • The subscription fee is debited on a daily basis - 1.7 rubles per day. If it is meant for a tariff plan, of course.

How to connect the Megafon option "Unlimited Internet?"

You can connect the option in your Megafon account or. But in most cases, the option connects itself ...

How to disable the Megafon option "Unlimited Internet?"

If for some reason you suddenly decide to disable the option, then you can do it in one of the following ways:

  • Megafon's personal account
  • Application "Personal account"
  • Command * 105 * 1444 # 📞
  • SMS with the text "STOP" or "STOP" to 05001444

Personal opinion

The tariffs for which you can connect the "Unlimited Internet" option are not cheap in themselves, at least in Moscow and the region, but the very fact of the availability of unlimited Internet, which is valid when traveling in Russia, and with the possibility of distribution, is very pleasing.

Video version of the publication

Megafon constantly monitors the needs of subscribers and releases profitable options that meet these requests. If you communicate mainly on the internal network and within the home area, pay attention to the "Unlimited Communication" service from Megafon. With its help, costs are significantly reduced. Let's take a closer look.

How the option works

The service provides a discount for voice communication. Subscribers can make free calls to Megafon numbers in their home region and beyond. A commission fee is charged for connecting the offer, the cost of which is 30 rubles. Without a sufficient amount of funds, the activation of "Unlimited Communication" is blocked.

There is a fixed fee for using the service. It is debited every day at 9.5 rubles.

Restrictions and rules of use

Before activating the "Unlimited Communication" option from Megafon, carefully read the features of the provision and restrictions:

  1. The term of the service is not limited by the time frame. She continues to work on the condition that the daily payment is made on time.
  2. The home region is assumed as the territory of validity.
  3. Per-minute billing is in effect, calls less than three seconds are not counted.
  4. The option is available for connection on all tariff plans, except for contracts from the "All inclusive" or "Get included!" Line.
  5. The service can be activated if the "Favorite number" option is installed on the subscriber's phone.
  6. If the consumer makes the transition to the terms of a different tariff, the service does not turn off, but continues to work, but subject to full compatibility.
  7. The conversation that takes place at the docking of two days is spent from the old package of minutes. To avoid this, you must perform a reset at 23.59.
  8. If on the other end of the line the user uses the "Just for Communication" tariff plan, then the communication discount is not provided.

Unlimited communication at home

According to the rules of the option, after connecting, the consumer receives unlimited communication over the internal network. Outgoing calls to numbers of subscribers of other providers are calculated according to the established tariff plan. In addition, the consumer gets unlimited in Russia. If the subscriber has not paid the subscription fee on time, the operator stops servicing the option until the required amount is paid in full. Therefore, do not forget to keep track of the current state of your balance. To do this, use the code command * 100 #. After that, the requested information will be displayed on the screen.

Unlimited communication outside the region

The service area is limited to the home area. The operator provides 100 minutes per day for calls on the internal network outside the home region. The package is renewed automatically at the beginning of every day, only if a standing order has been paid. If the consumer has not used up the fully set rate, the residues by default burn out.

If the entire set is consumed ahead of schedule, voice communication is charged according to the basic conditions, in accordance with the established tariff plan. To check the current state of the package, dial the combination USSD - * 558 #.

How to enable and disable an option

The user can perform unlimited installation and deactivation operations on any day of the calendar. To connect "Unlimited Communication" on Megafon, several methods have been implemented:

  1. Log in to your personal account. In the main menu, you will see the state of the personal account, the balances of the sets in the current month. To install the service, open the Communication and Communication tab, select the required option and confirm the launch.
  2. Install the official app from Megafon.
  3. Dial the SMS message to "0500982" with the text "1".
  4. Enter the code command * 105 * 0082 #.
  5. Ask your nearest provider office for help. To do this, you will need to provide your passport.
  6. Call the operator's hot support number 0500.

After successful activation, the phone will receive a notification from the provider with confirmation.

To deactivate an offer, you can choose one of the following methods:

  1. Go to your personal account. Find the service you want in the list and disable it.
  2. Open the My Megafon application and follow the same steps.
  3. Send SMS to the number "0500982" with the text "0".
  4. Enter the USSD sequence * 105 * 0082 #.
  5. Contact our sales and service specialists or technical support number 0500 for assistance.

Differences in option conditions by region

The article describes in detail the conditions for the provision and cost of the Megafon service for residents of the Leningrad Region and St. Petersburg. In different areas of the country, characteristics can vary significantly. Below we have created a table in which we have indicated the parameters of the service for different cities and regions:

If your region is absent in the table, then ask the local representatives of the provider or on the website of the Megafon company.

The key to MegaFon's success is favorable tariffs for users. For example, the “All Inclusive” series allows you to communicate a lot and inexpensively. However, “many” does not mean “unlimited”. In order not to keep track of the time and chat for your pleasure, you can connect a special service "Unlimited Communication" from MegaFon.

"Unlimited communication" - service description

Usually, although tariff plans provide favorable conditions for mobile network customers, their resources are often not enough. Therefore, to expand the functionality, various options for long conversations, unlimited SMS, Internet traffic come to the rescue. In addition, such services save a lot of money, since per-minute billing is always wasteful.

MegaFon's “Unlimited Chat” was developed as an add-on service for some old tariffs that provide a limited number of minutes for on-net calls. The option is designed for users:

  • “MegaFon - All inclusive L 2012”;
  • “MegaFon - All inclusive M 2012”;
  • “MegaFon - All inclusive S 2012” + as well as modification of the above “CITY” tariffs;
  • "MegaFon - All inclusive VIP 2012"

Tariffs from the list are archived. That is, it is impossible to connect them now, but many subscribers still use them. In order to provide the most comfortable conditions for communication, MegaFon created the “Unlimited Communication” option.

Note: “Unlimited communication” is not an independent tariff plan, but just an additional option.

Those who have activated this service are provided with absolute intranet anlim within the network - conversations around the clock! Also, for calls to all Russian MegaFon numbers, subscribers are given 100 minutes daily... The cost is affordable - 10 rubles per day. Activation price - 30 rubles.

Note: if you are interested in absolute unlimited throughout Russia, then you should pay attention to the tariffs of the "All inclusive" series. There is no special service providing unlimited calls throughout the country.

Some details of "Unlimited Communication":

  • billing period - from 00:00 to 23:59:59;
  • if you have not used minutes during the day, then they burn out;
  • if you called the subscriber around midnight, you need to drop the call and call back - this is how free minutes are activated;
  • the option expires if you leave the boundaries of your home network;
  • free minutes do not apply to forwarded calls and other types of calls - in this case, the tariffication provided by the tariff is carried out.

The "Unlimited Communication" service is very useful and beneficial for users who communicate a lot within the network and make calls to different regions of the Russian Federation. Of the minuses: it is not available for newer operator tariffs.


There are several ways to connect yourself to "Unlimited Communication" on MegaFon. First: activate the command * 105 * 0082 #. Second: call 0500982 (toll free). Third: send SMS with any text to the same number - 0500982. Fourth: connection through the "Personal Account" or a special mobile application.

Disable "Unlimited communication" on MegaFon

The operation of disabling options is also carried out in different ways. You can do it in the “Personal Account”; using the code * 105 * 0082 * 0 #; by contacting the help desk at 0500. Disconnection is also made at the operator's service centers.

The MegaFon Unlimited tariff plan from MegaFon allows subscribers to get unlimited access to the Internet in their home region and practically anywhere in Russia, with the exception of some regions. The tariff will be of interest primarily to active Internet users in 3G / 4G format on smartphones and tablets.

Description of the tariff "MegaFon Unlimited"

The tariff provides a monthly subscription fee, the amount of which varies depending on the region. For example, subscribers from Moscow and the region will pay 20 rubles per day, and from the Krasnodar Territory - only 11 rubles for the same period. On the official website of MegaFon, you can get information about the amount of subscription fees for a particular region.
  • Subscription fee - 20 rubles per day

When you first connect to MegaFon Unlimited or switch from another tariff, the amount for the first 7 days of service is debited from the subscriber's account. At the same time, the subscriber gets access to Internet traffic in the amount of 7/30 of the monthly volume. Starting from the 8th day of using the tariff and on the following days, the subscription fee is charged daily.

The minimum advance payment upon connection is 160 rubles, the connection itself is free.

The package of services within the MegaFon Unlimited tariff plan includes:

  1. 250 minutes of calls to MegaFon numbers and other operators in the home region. You can use the package of free minutes both in the region where the tariff is connected, and outside it on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  2. 200 SMS to numbers of all operators in the home region, including MegaFon. Free SMS can be sent in your region and while traveling in Russia.
  3. Unlimited mobile internet.
  4. Unlimited on-net calls.

Service package not included

If the limits of the tariff package have expired

If the package of free calls and SMS is exhausted, the subscriber will pay 1.6 rubles per minute for calls to mobile and landline numbers in the home region and 2.9 rubles for calls to landline and mobile numbers in other regions of Russia. Calls to MegaFon numbers remain free if the subscriber speaks for no more than 1440 minutes per day. It is difficult to exceed this figure, since 1440 minutes are equal to 24 hours.

Features of the tariff plan "MegaFon Unlimited"

The benefits of unlimited internet traffic can be enjoyed in various regions of Russia. The exception is several republics, cities and regions:

  • the cities of Sevastopol and Norilsk;
  • the republics of Sakha (Yakutia) and Crimea;
  • Magadan and Sakhalin regions;
  • Kamchatka Krai;
  • Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.
The cost of 1 MB of traffic in these constituent entities of the Russian Federation is 9.9 rubles.

The SIM-card with the current MegaFon Unlimited tariff is used only on tablets and smartphones. It is not provided for installing a SIM card on a router or modem and distributing free Internet via Wi-Fi via Bluetooth and USB. In addition, the operator has set speed limits when using file-sharing networks (torrents).

How to activate the MegaFon.Unlimited tariff?

To activate the MegaFon Unlimited tariff, you can use the following methods:

  1. Contact any of the MegaFon salons.
  2. Go to the "Personal Account" on the official website, select the "Tariffs" tab and follow the instructions.
  3. Call the MegaFon hotline number and follow the operator's instructions.
A prerequisite for connecting the tariff is the availability of a sufficient amount of funds on the subscriber's account. Currently, the tariff plan is in the archive, so it cannot be activated.

How to disable the MegaFon.Unlimited tariff?

The tariff is deactivated automatically when the tariff plan is changed. MegaFon Unlimited is most suitable for fans of virtual communication. If the subscriber only goes online from time to time, but plans to make more calls, he should consider other offers from the MegaFon tariff line.

Mobile operator Megafon has created for its subscribers a wide variety of different tariff plans, which imply inexpensive communication, both outside the Russian Federation and throughout its territory. Also, the megaphone company offers its customers inexpensive communication within the home region.

However, all the tariffs that Megafon offers do not quite meet the needs of users. Therefore, the mobile operator Megafon has created a special convenient service that complements various tariff plans, called “Unlimited Communication”. So what is this service, and how to connect it to your number?

Description of the option Unlimited communication Megafon

Options and services that allow subscribers to communicate profitably on the territory of their home region are available practically from all companies engaged in the provision of communication services. Due to the fact that subscribers like to conduct long conversations on the phone, sometimes for 2-3 hours, these options are popular, as they significantly reduce communication costs.

It should be noted that the "Unlimited Communication" service from the mobile operator Megafon is an addition to some archived package tariff plans. At such tariffs, there is no unlimited communication in the home region, and after the free minutes included in the tariff package are exhausted, the subscriber has to spend his numerous funds on communicating with another cellular user, or use the connection of additional options that reduce communication costs.

Strange as it may seem, but such tariff plans are used by most of all Megafon subscribers. Therefore, the Megafon company, taking care of its customers and trying to reduce their communication costs, created the "Unlimited Communication" option.

It is also worth saying that Megafon does not have a tariff that provides users with unlimited communication in the home region.

What is included in the option Unlimited communication Megafon

So what will the subscriber get if he connects the "Unlimited communication" option to his phone? And he will receive daily unlimited communication throughout the home region, which lasts 24 hours a day. However, this is not all that is included in the "Unlimited Communication" option from Megafon. In addition to the option, you get 100 free minutes per day, which you can spend on calls to Megafon subscribers throughout the Russian Federation.

The cost of a mandatory daily subscription fee, when using this option, will be 10 rubles per day. It is also worth noting that the connection of this option is paid and amounts to 30 rubles. As a result, in the first month of using the service, you will have to pay 330 rubles. In the following months, a fee will be charged from your phone number in the amount of 300 rubles.

If you wanted to activate the "Unlimited communication" option for conversations with other regions of the country, then you should know that Megafon does not have such services.

When using the "Unlimited communication" option, its owner should take into account several subtleties of its provision:

  • Unlimited minutes for communication with subscribers in the home region start at 00:00 and end at 23:59:59. At the same time, those minutes that you did not spend during the day are not added to the next day.
  • In the event that you had a conversation with the subscriber closer to the time of updating the minutes, then at 23:59 you should interrupt the conversation and resume it at 00:01.
  • In the event that you leave the coverage area of ​​your home network, the "Unlimited communication" option will be terminated and will become unavailable to you.
  • It should also be noted that this option does not work on those calls that have been diverted or calls in the "Fax" format.

How to connect the option Unlimited communication Megafon

If you are interested in this option, then you can connect it in several ways:

  • In the first case, in order to activate the service, you will need to enter the code on your smartphone keyboard - * 105 * 0082 #, later, when the code is dialed, press the “Call” button.
  • The second way to activate the service is to use the services of your Personal Account, which is located on the official page of the Megafon website.
  • The third way to activate the service is to use a special service number - 0500982.
  • Another way to activate the service is to dial a message with any text on your phone and send it to the number 0500982.

How to disable the Unlimited communication MegaFon option

If you no longer need the "Unlimited Communication" option from Megafon, then the best way to disable it is to use the services of your Personal Account, which is located on the official Megafon website. Or turn it off by typing the code - * 105 * 0082 * 0 # on the keyboard of your cellular device, then press "Call" and the service will terminate.

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