
How to record a conversation with an interlocutor in Skype? How to record a conversation in Skype Hidden Skype recording program

Some users may sooner or later need to record a Skype conversation. How to do it?

It’s worth mentioning right away that this cannot be done using the program itself, but you can use third-party software. By the way, there are plenty to choose from. Let's focus on the simplest ones in terms of interface.

Call Graph Program

This simple and free program only records audio files in .mp3 format. Recording starts with a call (incoming/outgoing) and stops when it ends.

Close Skype before installing Call Graph to avoid possible conflicts.

Installing the program is very simple, and the next time you start Skype, it will ask for the appropriate write permission. You will need to confirm the request, after which the next call will be recorded.

You can also test the recording of the conversation by calling the Sound Test Service.

You can manage the program using the Toolbar.

iFree Skype Recorder

And although this program has an English interface, it is easy to manage. The principle of installation is similar to Call Graph - first we launch the installer, and then the installed program. It will send Skype permission for authorization. You need to confirm access.

Calls in the program are also recorded automatically, and you can also manage it with such a window.

The buttons here are intuitive, so each user can figure it out without difficulty.

iFree Skype Recorder records conversation in .mp3 format. The program settings provide for setting the recording quality.

MP3 Skype Recorder

Probably the most user-friendly program because it has everything you need to record in the control window.

Installed in exactly the same way as the previous two programs.

The main window allows you to change various settings in a couple of clicks: recording quality, save location, launch options.

By pressing the red button you turn on the automatic recording of all calls.

Video Call Recorder for Skype

And this free program can also record video calls. It's also nice that the program has a Russian interface.

Skype must be closed before installation, otherwise the installation will fail.

During installation, you will also be prompted to install additional software. Be careful.

The main window of the program is very simple in terms of functionality, in fact, you don’t even need to understand it. But if there are any questions, then detailed instructions on the functionality of the main window are on the official website of the program.

Unlike other programs, this one works in manual mode, but you can also enable automatic recording. To do this, in the main program window, select Tools, parameter Options, tab video input. Check the box as shown in the screenshot.

Please note that the program can record not only a video call, but also an audio call.

CallGraph Skype Recorder is a free program that will allow you to automatically record Skype conversations if necessary. The interface of the program, although English, is very simple. It does not weigh much and is installed in just a couple of clicks.

Download CallGraph Skype Recorder You can follow the link provided at the end of the article, or from the official website, the address of which is underlined in the figure below.

Close Skype on your computer, then run the downloaded setup file. The installation wizard window will open, click "Next" in it.

The installer will suggest a folder where the program will be installed. If you want to choose a different path, click "Browse".

We are waiting for the installation process to complete. In the next window, you can check the box "Run Call Graph" and click "Finish".

Immediately after installation, the following window will appear. In it, you need to select a folder on the computer where the recorded files will be saved. Click OK.

The next window concerns the Firefox browser. Click OK.

CallGraph Skype Recorder window looks like this. Buttons "Record", "Pause" and "Stop" , "Open page in browser", "Folder with files". The inscription below "Waiting for Skype connection", means that the program is waiting for Skype to start.

Let's go to skype. At the top right, a message will appear that the CallGraph Skype Recorder program is asking for access, click "Give access".

The program works in automatic mode. As soon as you start a conversation, she immediately records it. In this case, a message appears in the notification area "Recording started". If you do not want the conversation to be recorded, click "Cancel Recording".

The program window during recording looks like this. You can press pause during a call, or press stop to stop recording. At the bottom, indicators show the status of the speakers and microphone.

After you complete the conversation with the subscriber, the message “Recording finished” will appear in the notification area.

To listen to recorded conversations, click the folder icon in the main program window.

If you want to open an additional menu of the CallGraph Skype Recorder program, right-click on its icon in the tray. By checking the box "Disable all notifications" you can disable all notifications that appear in the lower right corner.

Consider the program settings, for this click on the button "Configuration".

On the General tab, you can change the folder where the records will be stored. Uncheck the box "Automatically record Skype calls" You will disable automatic call recording.

On the “Recording” tab, you can mark with a marker in which format to record conversations. For the MP3 format, additional settings are also set.

On the "Advanced" tab in the "Discard records" field, you can set the time for calls to be discarded. In the "Filename" field, select the format for the name of the recorded files. When finished with the settings, click "Apply" and "OK".

As you can see, there is nothing complicated, so you will quickly figure out how you can record Skype conversations using the free CallGraph Skype Recorder program.

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How to secretly record a conversation on Skype?

Previously, this was almost impossible to do. In order to implement this, it was necessary to chemistry with a microphone spy, put it into autoload and hide the program icon from the tray. And all this chemistry was not always within the power of an ordinary user. But recently, a good program for hidden recording of Skype conversations (audio and video) has been released.

In addition to Skype's hidden recording, the program can work with your favorite programs for audio and video communication. The utility is called Skype Parental Control l. Developer Athek.

  • Conclusion

The program is not spyware and is designed to control children. Use of this program for other purposes may be prosecuted by the law of your country!

Hidden recording Skype conversation

How does Skype Parental Control work?

Skype Parental Control prompts the user to make a list of programs, after which, the program starts a hidden recording of audio and video communication, and upon completion, ends the recording. Recorded files can be stored on the local computer or sent to mail or FTP.

Features of Skype Parental Control:

  • Hidden entry on the user's computer (the program is invisible).
  • Hidden record Skype conversations of all interlocutors.
  • Transfer recorded files to the specified email address.
  • Password protection of program settings.
  • Etc.

To begin with, let's check the program for all sorts of hidden bookmarks, that is, for lice. For this I use a sniffer. We wrote about how to use this sniffer and how to check outgoing traffic in the article "". When testing the program and analyzing traffic, no abnormal, malicious activity was detected.

Download Skype Parental Control

The program is paid. You can download a demo version of Skype Parental Control for free from the developers' website at this link. For people who spare their time and protect their privacy, I advise you to buy the program, and not look for cracks, patches and other drugs, becoming infected with malware.

Install Skype Parental Control

After downloading the program, unzip it. It is advisable to rename and hide the folder with the program in a safe and hidden from other users place on the hard drive.

Now let's move on to the installation. Double-click to run the install.exe file. A window will appear where you need to check the boxes you need and change the key combination to call the program from hidden mode. The default is Ctrl + Alt + Shift + X . After changing the combination, it is recommended to write out the new key combination somewhere. Finally, click on the Install button.

Please note that if you forget the key combination, you will not be able to open the program window!

The following window should appear where you need to set a password to access the program. As well as the key combination, I recommend writing down the password you entered in a safe place.

Program menu in English. But everything is intuitive. Now I will tell you in detail where everything is located and how to use the Skype Parental Control program.

Setting up Skype Parental Control

The menu consists of several tabs.

  1. Monitor - monitoring
  2. Skype - Skype settings
  3. Any audio - audio recording settings
  4. Any video - video recording settings
  5. Advanced - advanced settings
  6. Register - program registration
  7. Start - button to enable and disable tracking

1 Monitor

In the "Monitor" tab, you can enable audio and video recording. In order to activate video or audio recording, it is necessary to tick the required box.

Skype Parental Control: Monitor tab

You can view the recorded materials using the "Monitor" tab. Just click on one of the four icons and select the recorded file. To go back, click on the Back button.

2 Skype

The second tab is called "Skype". Here the user can set up the recording of conversations in Skype. From the settings, you are prompted to set the recording time. Compress audio and video file. Folders to save files.

Skype Parental Control: Skype Tab


In the tab Any Audio you can add other programs that will start hidden recording when launched. To add a program, click the Add button and use Windows Explorer to select the executable.exe file.

Skype Parental Control: Any Audio Tab

In Audi Input, select the driver. Set the time interval after which the file will be saved. The maximum length of an audio recording. Folder to save the "irlf" file.

4. Any video

Everything is the same as in the “Any Audio” tab, only regarding the video.

Skype Parental Control: Any video tab


In this tab, the user is prompted to set up hidden sending of recorded conversations. Skype Parental Control allows you to send saved files via mail and FTP. Tick ​​the required option. Enter your mail (it is desirable to register a separate mailbox for this) and password. Click on the test button.

Skype Parental Control: Advanced Tab

Also, at the very bottom of this window, you can check the option to delete files after sending (a very useful option in some cases).


Registration and program activation

That's all. For the rest, I think you'll figure it out for yourself. I remind you that you can choose and download a keylogger that is suitable for you, which will covertly record all keystrokes, in the appropriate section of our website or using the site search for the word "Keylogger".

Skype Parental Control evaluation

Our assessment

Skype Parental Control - A good program for hidden recording of conversations in Skype. Able to do what no other program has done before. The only thing the program lacks is a keylogger.

user rating: 4.37 (9 votes)

Skype is a popular program for making voice and video calls, which is actively used to communicate with relatives and friends, to conduct work conversations when there is no possibility to meet in person due to the long distance, and many other tasks. Particularly important Skype conversations may need to be recorded, and we'll look at how this can be done below.
Unfortunately, by default, Skype does not provide the function of recording conversations, so in any case, in order to complete the task, we will need to turn to the help of special software. Fortunately, there is a fairly wide selection of programs for recording conversations, the most notable of which will be discussed below.

Recording with MP3 Skype Recorder

A completely free program for recording voice calls made in Skype. From the name of the program it already becomes clear that the resulting recording will be recorded in MP3 format.

The advantage of the program is the fact that it allows you to record conversations in automatic mode, that is, the program will independently record each conversation in a separate file, but, if necessary, manual mode can also be activated, when you control the start and end of the recording yourself.

Record conversations with iFree Skype Recorder

Another free program for recording conversations carried out in the Skype program.

To use the program, you will need to download it from the official website using the link below and install it on your computer. As in the first case, in order for the program to be able to record conversations, it must be granted access in the Skype program.

The program is able to record conversations both automatically and manually, when you turn on the recording yourself. By default, the automatic mode is activated in the program, since it is considered the most convenient (but, if necessary, you can change the mode through the program settings).

By default, the recorded files are saved in the program folder, but, if necessary, the final location for MP3 recordings can be changed.

From the point of view of convenience and functionality, the author of the article prefers this particular program, since in this respect it is thought out much better than the previous version.

Screen Recording with oCam Screen Recorder

And finally, let's move on to the third program from our review, which is not quite designed for recording conversations, running in the Skype program. The fact is that the oCam Screen Recorder tool we are considering is software for recording video from a computer screen, so it will be an excellent solution if you need to record not only a Skype conversation, but also a video chat picture.

Actually, not all options for recording conversations from the Skype program were considered in the article, but the most convenient and effective ones. If you have a tool in mind that is not inferior to the programs listed in the article, but even superior, tell us about it in the comments.

On Skype". An important call from the boss, instructions from the wife to “buy this and that”, a meeting at work - there can be many reasons for recording. However, the program itself does not have the ability to save all calls made in real time. It is a pity that the manufacturer has not done this yet, but individual enthusiasts and development companies have tried for him, offering their solutions.

Useful Recording Programs

For example, among the common programs for recording via Skype, one can single out “Call Graph”. Reliable workhorse style tool. Nothing superfluous in the settings, only everything you need. This is a small addition to Skype, which automatically every time after the first beeps of the call of the interlocutor and ends after the end of the call. Perhaps one of the inconveniences of the program is that it only records audio. However, for everyday communication, this is quite enough to find the necessary information or remember any facts. To save files, the mp3 format is used, which is very convenient and does not take up much space. It's nice that this program is absolutely free.

Oddly enough, with great demand, there is still no option to record a conversation in the program itself.

If audio alone is not enough for you, take a look at a product like “Free Video Call Recorder for Skype”. The application perfectly saves both video and audio information. Has rich functionality. Maybe a regular video or picture-in-picture. You can optionally set the software to record audio only or video only. It has a clear interface, is not demanding on hardware, you can pause the recording at any time, and then continue from the right moment.

Another useful program for recording any conversations is “iFree Skype Recorder”. Its distinguishing feature is the ability to record entire conference calls. The program is free and available to anyone.

The Ethics of Recording Skype Conversations

But before installing any of the above programs, it is worth considering the ethics of the very fact of recording. Some people will not want to be recorded, offended by you, or in any other way express their dislike of what is happening.

If you record a person on Skype and do not inform the interlocutor, there can be unpleasant consequences.

Therefore, before making such a recording, it is necessary to make sure that the person (or people) being recorded has nothing against it. That such a record is justified by necessity, and this is not just pampering or satisfying curiosity.

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